When Is It All Going Down? (Revelation) – Episode #196

Published: June 26, 2023


So, Jeff, I’m just wondering, did you know that I was going to do that out?


Well, in the world. Well, it’s hard to predict what’s coming. It is? Well, we’re about to jump into the book of Revelation.

We’re diving into the deep end today. So he’s Chris, and I’m Jeff, and we’re the Bible guys.

Hey, so, uh, first of all, you didn’t know I was gonna slap you.

I did not. Did that hurt a little? Surprised me.

I slapped you pretty hard.

I know, actually, actually, I you know, I reacted pretty strongly, but it’s because I’m such an amazing actor. Yes.

Well, good job

And a wimp. Yeah. Okay, so. So, listen, our segment today is, uh, you having to guess whether or not what I’m about to read is a Bible verse or a quote.

Oh, these are hard. The last one, I only got three out of five.

Yeah, well, I mean, and here’s the thing. It’s not even like a, like, you know, everybody, you know, remember, like, sometimes we would

say it’s all from Justin Bieber, right? Right, right. These are just, just famous quotes.

So it’s either a quote or a Bible verse. Yep. Here we go.

You ready? Yes I have sorry, I have been reduced to skin and bones, and I have escaped death by the skin of my teeth

I’m going to say a Bible verse.

Yes. Because that. Because who would quote that right.

That’s right, that’s right.

And where do you think it’s found?

Uh, David King David in the book of Psalms.

Yeah, it could be, but it wasn’t. It was job. Oh.

Oh, yeah.

That’s reduced the skin and bones. Yeah. Okay. So, uh, how about this one? God helps those who

help themselves. That’s a quote.

That’s not in the Bible, of course.

Uh, and by the way, I didn’t know who said this. I’ve heard that quote. Did you know that Benjamin Franklin said that? Yeah. Okay. So how about this one? Spread love wherever you go.

That’s a quote.

Who do you think said it?

The Beatles

That’s awesome. And you know what? It totally is believable. Yeah, but it was Mother Theresa. Oh, okay.

In this case, yeah. Mother Theresa, the Beatles.

Well, not like that, but like, I bet you a thousand people have quoted that just in our lifetime. Yeah, sure.


Uh, how about this one. Don’t judge each day by the harvest that you reap, but by the seeds that you plant.

Oh it sounds like a Bible verse. Mhm. But I’m gonna say it’s a quote.

You are four for four.

Oh wow. Yeah.

So that was by Robert Louis Stevenson.

Oh wow. So so and then here’s the last one one of my favorite writers is it. Yeah. Yeah.

Here’s the last one. Let me gulp down some of that red stuff.

Oh no I’m gonna say it’s a quote.

Apparently it’s from Genesis chapter 25 verse 30.

In what translation?

I know I’m looking it up, bro. Okay. You gotta look because this is crazy.


Let me go down some of that, some of that red stuff. That’s a quote.

It sounds like it sounds like a rapper talking about Kool-Aid

I mean, I have never. Yeah. All right, hang on, hang on. Okay. Keep the crowd entertained. Oh, my goodness, I’m almost there.

Yeah, yeah. Genesis is in the front 30.

Thanks, buddy. Uh uh. Okay, so it says Esau. Oh, it’s Esau sells his birthright. Oh, he’s talking about the stew. Apparently


All right. And so then verse number 30 in this translation reads, uh, Esau said, I’m starved. Give me some of that red stew. Okay. And this is how Esau got his other name, Edom, which means red.

Red. Right.

Okay. So let me gulp down some of that red stuff that had to have been the message.

The message or something. Yeah.

That’s so funny. Oh, man, that is so funny.

So she snuck one in, but it was through a paraphrase. That’s right. So is a paraphrase an actual Bible verse or is it a quote?

Hmm. That’s a really good.

Huh? Ah.

Oh, you may get a point.

I’m gonna get at least half a point. Paraphrases are not scripture

You’re assuming that it’s a paraphrase.

The message is a paraphrase. That’s what she got it from.

If right. We don’t know. We don’t know if it was.

Well, we need to find out because that’s I want my point. Yeah okay.

That’s so funny.

So dude, we are jumping off into the deep end on this one. And um, so we’re getting into really the end times, not just the book of revelation. We’re not going to go, uh, for our long time listeners, we usually go chapter by chapter, verse by verse. But in the book of revelation, we’re not going to do that. Instead, we’re going to go, uh, big idea by big idea, event by event, person by person, uh, as much as possible through the end time stuff. So, uh, a couple of things. One, um, the Bible guys do not claim to be, uh, theologians and professors, right? Uh, we try to be theologically accurate as much as possible, but if you’re looking for a seminary level class or Bible study on the book of revelation. Uh, well, this isn’t it, right? In our lifetime listeners already know that. But if you’re a new person listening, this is what I mean.

Hopefully it’s in. You know, this would be something that I would choose to listen to our version of this topic or this book because, uh, we’re going to approach it more sort of topically. Right? And we’re not going to get caught up in the details of saying, now this we believe that this happens after this and this represents this. And yeah, that’s you know, we’re not going to because because here’s the quite frankly, there’s so many opinions about revelation. In fact, I would go, let me go on a limb and say this lightheartedly, uh, nobody comments more than revelation people. Right. And then not only will they comment, but they’ll only comment forever and they’ll be angry. Uh, most most of the time they’ll be angry. Uh, and this is and by the way, we’re not trying to by by me making those kind of comments. I’m not trying to stereotype everybody in the world, but I am saying that’s my life experience, right? So I can’t you can’t deny that, right? Right. So in my life experience since that’s the case and all of that, but there’s so many opinions about it. Oh yeah. So, so we could we can get really lost in you know, what do you think this means or this means or when is this or what’s the difference between this view and this view. And, and so I think instead of doing that and by the way that there’s probably 2000 of those.

Oh yeah. Well how many Christians are there. There’s about that many. Yeah. There’s about that many opinions about these things. And here’s why. Prophecy in the Bible. Yeah. Looking forward. We just talked about this with our staff looking forward at prophecy. It’s like looking at a foggy mirror. You can kind of see the outlines and get the gist, but it’s not clear. And then on the other side, after a thing happens and you look back, you go, oh, that’s what it meant. And the proof of that is how many times in the book of Matthew does Matthew say? And the disciples didn’t understand that the Bible had prophesied this, right? Right. So the disciples understood it afterwards, but not before. And it happens over and over and over again through the Gospels, where the disciples and and the people who were following Jesus did not understand clearly all of the prophecies until they had been fulfilled. Right. And so some of the things that we’re going to talk about are pretty clear and pretty evident. He’s really, really clear on this. He spells it out XYZ, right? Right. But there’s other things that dude he talks about a dragon with, you know, seven heads and ten crowns coming out of the way. Is that a real dragon with seven? Right. Or is that a metaphor for something or is that an allegory for something? Right. So, um, and this is the problem with the book of Revelation. There’s very clear factual things that are said. There are also allegorical things, and there are metaphorical things all put together. And sometimes and the Bible doesn’t transition between them, doesn’t say, okay, and now we’re talking metaphorically. Metaphorically. Right. Right, right. And so, so this is, this is, uh, some of the difficulty of it. So, hey, uh, we’re going to navigate through it in a way that, uh, it makes sense to us. And if you agree that’s fine. If you disagree, that’s fine too. But we got a couple of warning labels. One, don’t lose the delight in the details. Yeah, right. Sometimes, man, people go in and dive down super deep and stay down way too long and then come up mostly dead. Uh, if you if you lose the light in the details, um, uh, you’re missing the point right?

So, yeah, because overall revelation is given to us to communicate some very big and important and essential ideas. Yeah.

Exciting things.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Jesus is in control of history. Yeah. This is who he is. Uh. He wins. Yeah. God wins.

Yeah. We read the back of the book. We can tell you that at the beginning.

Yeah. And, you know, he’s he’s coming. Uh, there’s hope for those who believe. Yeah. Uh, these are the things that revelation points to. Yeah. And so that’s what you’re really saying. You’re saying don’t dive down too deep to to lose the overall message of revelation. Right.

And if you find somebody who is, who steps up and goes, I know for sure that this is what this means or that means or I there is no within Christianity, there is no single cohesive, uh, understanding of these prophetic things. Right? So there’s a certain amount of vagary. So watch out for polarization or quite honestly, in teaching about the end times, people who want to fight about it. Uh, I would just say stay away from them. You know, I’ve had friends I’ve had in the faith group that I kind of grew up in, uh, Man Alive. If you believed in a pre-post or mid-trib, uh, belief system, you may or may not be allowed to be my friend or preach at my church. You know, that’s how many of our preachers, our pastors acted, just just based on nuances. And so I would say watch out for polarization. God is vague on purpose because he’s, uh, he’s got a better plan. And it’ll be clear to us. And in the meantime, if we pretend like we’re experts or professionals on this, I think that we’re, uh, really running some real risk. So that’s our warning label for today. We’ve got a lot to read about. Yeah, sure. Um, so we’re going to read from three big passages today. We’re going to cover a lot of Bible verses. And sometimes when it comes to these things, it’s better just to read what the Bible says than for you and me to try to commentate on it. All right. So let’s just read the words of God and let the words of God speak to you. So the first big question we have, and this is the number one question I get asked about it is, so when’s it all going to happen? Right Uh, so, uh, that’s not an original question. Christians have been asking it from the very first week of Christianity. Right, right. So, uh, here’s what happens in, uh, just as Jesus is getting ready to ascend back to heaven says so when the apostles. This is in acts chapter one, verse six. So when the apostles were with Jesus, they kept asking him, Lord, has the time come for you to free Israel and restore your kingdom? And he replied, The Father alone has the authority to set those dates and times, and they’re not for you to know, but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you’ll be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, to the ends of the earth. And after this he was taken up into a cloud while they were watching, and they could no longer see him. And as they strained to see him rising into heaven, two white robed men suddenly stood among them. Men of Galilee, they said, why are you standing here staring into heaven? Jesus has been taken from you into heaven, but someday he will return from heaven in the same way you saw him go. Yeah

So what’s interesting is, is that other verses also say that, uh, that, that the, the day and the hour. So not just the day. Right. But the hour. Okay. Well, we’ll, we’ll not be able to be known. And then it even goes as far as to say only the father knows. Not even Jesus knows. Right, right, right. So so the so the answer to the question when is it all going down? Okay. So this is, this is I just got done talking with somebody about this before this podcast. Yeah. Um, when you drive from Detroit into Ohio, he made a comment. I, I’ve not seen this, but he made a comment and said, uh, there’s usually like a billboard, a certain billboard that’s like that says something. And I’m sort of poking hold your breath. Yeah, you’re getting ready to go into Ohio and it’s going to be gross, right?

No. Is that is that.

No no no no, actually it’s when the roads get better as soon as you cross over the Rhine. Okay. Yeah. But, uh, when you, when you go into Ohio, there’s a billboard. That’s, that’s basically an, um, poking fun, but it says like, oh, God’s coming next Tuesday. Right. So it has the prediction of when. Oh. And so and then when that day passes and God doesn’t come, it recalculates they change the sign, they change the sign. And then it has like a new date, right, a new prediction. And so it’s like, you know, they’re trying to do the blind squirrel on the nut thing, right, right, right. So, uh, what’s but what’s really interesting is like, every time I will pass something like that, uh, in my, you know, my wife’s in the car or whatever. My kids are in the car, and I’ll see that, and it’ll literally have a prediction. We’ll say, like, God is coming and it’ll give the date. And I’ll say, hey, uh, kids, the only thing we know for certain is that God’s not going to come on that date, right? Right, right, right. Like, that’s that’s actually the only thing we know is that no man will know the day or the hour. So if you think that, you know, uh, that the only thing I know is it’s

not going to happen.

Not gonna happen that day, that day. So Jesus literally says the father alone has authority. But basically what Jesus says is it’s not for you to know. He literally is saying, this is the polite way. This is the Bible way of saying Jesus going, it’s none of your business, right? Right. Only the father knows. And so it’s none of your business. Instead, you’re going to be filled the Holy Spirit and go tell everybody about me that that. So he, he he pivoted them off of the curiosity of when does all this end and moved them back to their mission. And so we have to be careful. I think, um, this is the first time that you find after the resurrection, Jesus talking about this issue, and he pulls away from it. He says, none of your business. The father knows and he’s in control. You go about your business, and your business is tell everybody everywhere. And and he says, hey, the power of the Holy Spirit is there. So they’re standing there with their mouths wide open, looking up into heaven, and two angels have to go man into Galilee. Didn’t you hear him? What are you standing here for? Get about your business. Right. And so it wasn’t like someday. Go tell somebody. It’s get going right now. And so let’s not get distracted by these things from the mission God has, and that is to tell everybody. But for me, I have to tell you, knowing that there is an end game and that God is working towards it, kind of lights a fire under me to want to tell everybody. I want to go tell everybody that Jesus is coming soon. You need to respond now, right? Don’t I don’t want to wait till tomorrow because I don’t know if he’s going to come. So yeah, there’s that. So I would say this and, uh, we don’t have to overtalk it too much, but I love, uh, revelation chapter seven. If you’re saying so, when is it going to happen? I can tell you this. It’s not going to happen until every people group, every tribe, every language has somebody around the throne of heaven. I’ll just read the passage. We don’t have to talk about it too much. But revelation seven says, after this I saw a vast crowd. Oh, I’m sorry. So there will be people from every tribe and language around the throne. After this, I saw a vast crowd too great to count from every nation and tribe and people and language standing in front of the throne and before the lamb. And they were clothed in white robes and held palm branches in their hands and they were shouting with a great roar. Salvation comes from our God who sits on the throne, and from the lamb. And all the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living beings, and they fell before the throne with their faces to the ground, and worshiped God. And they sang, Amen, blessing and glory, and wisdom and thanksgiving, and honor and power and strength belong to our God forever and ever. Amen. And then one of the 24 elders asked me, who are these who are clothed in white? Where’d they come from? And I said, sir, you’re the one who knows. And then he said to me, these are the ones who died in the Great Tribulation. They’ve washed their robes in the blood of the lamb and made them white. And that is why they stand in front of God’s throne and serve him day and night in his temple. And he who sits on the throne will give them shelter. They will never again be hungry or thirsty, and they will never be scorched by the heat of the sun. For the lamb on the throne will be their shepherd. He will lead them to springs of life giving water, and God will wipe every tear from their eyes. So there’s a lot in there. But one of the things he says is that there’s going to be people from every nation, every tribe, every language standing in front of the throne. This is why when the disciples go to Jesus and say, hey, when’s it all going to end? She goes, none of your business. Father knows. Go tell everybody. And until we’ve told everybody, until every nation, every tribe, every language, every people group has somebody standing around the throne. Jesus isn’t coming back, right? So we’ve got to be about our father’s business.

And there are scriptures that talk about that’s that’s the main reason why he tarries. It’s the main reason why he doesn’t come back now. So if you’re wondering, why doesn’t Jesus come? He’s waiting for us to fulfill the Great Commission.

Yeah, I think next week we talk about that. Second, Peter says God’s not willing that any should perish but that all would come to repentance. Yeah. So he’s not he’s not being lazy in this. He’s being patient in this. Right.

Yeah. That’s great. And, uh, and I love, of course, you know, like there are certain parts of revelation that you hear at, for instance, like funerals. And the last part of that in verse number 17, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Uh, it’s just wonderful. And then the imagery of, uh, it’s all about the lamb, right? Yeah. So it’s it’s capital L lamb Jesus is referring to as the lamb. Uh, you know, when he came on the scene, it was the first thing that John the Baptist said. Behold the lamb. Uh, the Old Testament pointed toward it. And all the way in the future, in the Book of Revelation it’s just, you know, it just calls Jesus the Lamb. Yeah. And it’s all about him.

So this is the one that’s sitting on the throne, right? And, uh, but let’s jump, uh, to revelation chapter one, the very beginning. This is the very beginning. And then I guess we gotta wrap up. We’re gonna run out of time. Hey, dude we’re never getting this done in two weeks. You know that, right? There’s there’s so much, so much information.

You know what? We’re gonna go until we cover it.

Yeah, we’ll get it all covered. We were hoping to do it in two weeks, but I just can’t imagine. It doesn’t matter. So here’s the beginning. The very beginning. Because I know some of our listeners are like, what? I need more information right now. So let’s just start the beginning of revelation verse eight. Jesus says, I am the Alpha and the Omega, which literally means the beginning and the end, says the Lord God, I’m the one who is, who always was and who is still to come, the Almighty one. And then John said, when I turn to see who is speaking to me, I saw seven golden lampstands, and standing in the middle of the lampstands was someone like the Son of Man. He was wearing a long robe with a gold sash across his chest. His head and his hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like flames of fire. His feet were like polished bronze, refined in a furnace, and his voice thundered like mighty ocean waves. He held seven stars in his right hand and a sharp, two edged sword came from his mouth, and his face was like the sun in all its brilliance. And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as if I were dead. But he laid his right hand on me and said, don’t be afraid. I’m the first and the last. I’m the living one. I died. But look, I’m alive forever and ever. And I hold the keys of death and the grave that is one of the best.

That’s one of the coolest passages.

I can’t hardly read it without getting teared up about it. Yeah. So man alive. What a vision of Jesus John has in this moment. And Jesus has to say, hey, listen, I’m going to tell you some crazy things, but don’t be afraid, right? Because I hold all the keys. Yeah. And that’s that’s the message. So I think a lot of people enter into or are curious about the book of revelation or curious about the end times, and it’s because they’re afraid of it. And so even though we’re going to study some really crazy things, Jesus goes, don’t be afraid. I’ve already won.

Yeah. And he and I love how, uh, John describes his vision of Jesus as, quite honestly, the most intimidating moment. Right. And he says, I fell down as if I were dead. Yeah. And so, you know, when when the book of Philippians talks about one day every knee will bow, every tongue will confess. Yeah, yeah. That God, you know that the Jesus Christ is Lord. It’s because how can you not after reading this. Yeah, right. And then he. Then he leans over, he laid his right hand on me. So if you fall on the ground as if you’re dead, it means you’re on the ground, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So he leans over and he puts his hand on him and says, don’t be afraid. Yeah. Oh it’s amazing. Yeah.

So, uh, there’s a lot of things next week we’ll talk about, uh, the description around the throne of God, which is like this intense times ten. It’s really amazing. But there are a couple things. He’s standing among the lampstands. Uh, we know in the next couple of chapters it highlights the fact that these lampstands are are pictures are representative of churches. Right? Seven of the major churches at that time. And, and we know the stars represent the angels that are supporting and encouraging those churches. Right. So, so as you read through the Bible will begin to unpack what those are. And you can understand this. We won’t spend a lot of time on that. But what I love about it is he’s standing among his church. He’s standing among the believers. And so he’s not a God that’s separate from us. This powerful one, two sharp, two edged sword. We know the Word of God is sharp, right? And Jesus is the Word of God. And so that’s what it’s talking about, is the Word of God is coming out of his mouth. He’s declaring his power. Everything is amazing, but he’s doing it in the context of the relationship he has with his church and right from the very, very beginning. So you don’t have to be afraid. Jesus didn’t tell you these things to be afraid to to make you afraid. Jesus told you these things to give you courage and confidence that he’s in control. Yeah.

And if you’re, um, listening to the podcast and you don’t know God and maybe you just tuned in somewhere and you’re just a person who is curious, just know that, uh, God is both forgiving and relational, but he is also everything that John describes here as well. So he is he is, uh, you know, the full the fullness of who he is is, is someone who is a warrior. He’s the creator, the first and the last. He is. Quite honestly, I don’t know. I want to say the word intimidating. Yeah, but but it’s okay if he’s on your side.

Well, so what you’re doing is you’re seeing Jesus in all his glory. The last time we saw Jesus, uh, you know, in, in the Bible, um, he was ascending to heaven. The time before that, he was a lamb being beaten and sacrificed. Right? And now here he is in all of his power and glory.

Technically, we saw him, uh, one other time in acts nine when he appeared to Paul.

Right, right, right. That’s that’s right. Yeah. But as far as the descriptors of him. Right. Uh, what you have is this lamb at the whipping post and being crucified, that’s what you saw. Then we see him as a man resurrected, right? The man, the God man resurrected, ascending to heaven. But now we see him in all of his glory as the King of the universe. That’s pretty cool.

Well, I think that is a great introductory podcast, and we want you guys to buckle up because we’re going to be diving into it. Get crazy. Yeah, we’ll see you tomorrow on The Bible Guys.