The Garden of Eden: Paradise Lost and Lessons Learned

Episode 421

May 13, 2024


You’re listening to The Bible Guys, a podcast where a couple of friends talk about the Bible in fun and practical ways.

Hey, well, welcome to The Bible Guys. I’m Chris and this is Jeff.


Here we are. Yes, we are here for week two, starting week two of our brand new series. In the Old Testament. And we haven’t really named this series. I know, we’ve got to think of something. It’s sort of the major events of the Old Testament in chronological order that point to Jesus.

Yeah. How about just like Old Testament highlights?


Okay. We’ll keep working on it.

Yeah. Well, I mean, like Highlight sounds like, I don’t know, pretty cash.

Yeah. How about Chris and Jeff’s trek to the Old Testament?

Chris and Jeff’s excellent adventure to the Old Testament. There you go. That’s right. That’s great. All right. Well, today we are playing a new game. Actually, it’s not a new game. Yeah. It’s just a specific, geared game.

That’s right. So it’s two suits in a hat. Yes.

But it says, Jeff, you have been traveling a lot these days. So basically, Desiree wants you to come up with information to see if I know about your travels. Okay, so we’re sort of moshing it to a two truths and a lie. And I have to guess the lie. Okay, about your travels.

Okay. Two truths and a lie about travels. Yes.

Okay. He travels a lot, by the way.

Yes. And I like to do fun stuff. Usually what happens is we’ll work five or six 10-hour days, and then on either the sixth or seventh day, we’ll take a whole break for the whole day and just go do something fun. Yeah. Well, you gotta have a fun day. Yeah, yeah. And I think it’s almost a crime to be in Africa and not go see a giraffe or something, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure. So that’s part of it. So there’s almost always… It’s funny because I don’t post a lot of pictures of the people we’re with, because in a lot of places we’re working with people where maybe the thing is not legal to do, right? Planning churches or sharing the gospel, or it might cause… It might compromise their safety. I don’t wanna get my friends hurt. So a lot of times I don’t post any pictures of that work. So then I post a picture of Big Ben or of the Eiffel Tower, and people go, wow, how was your vacation? And it was like seven days of grueling difficulty and one day of running around. And so I quit posting a lot of photos because of that, because everyone always thinks it’s a vacation. But okay, let’s do some. Two truths and a lie. First statement. Okay. I once stepped on a cobra. Okay. Um, I explored ancient temples in the, in, uh, Southeast Asia. Okay. And, um, uh, man, I’m having a hard time. Um, I once, uh, shark dived in a cage, a cage diving, uh, on a reef in the Red Sea.

Okay, so first of all, that was really good for being on the spot. So good job. So I actually think that Desiree is going to be pleased with the results of this. Oh, yeah. Because I actually think I know the answer right away. Good, good. I think I’ve heard the story about you stepping on a cobra. Oh, okay. That is true, correct? Yes. And I’ve actually just heard you talk about this recently in the hallway or something like this, where you explored ancient temples in Asia. So therefore, I would say the lie has to be shark diving.

That’s correct. I’ve never shark dived yet. Okay. I’m gonna. Are you ready? Oh, yeah. It’s on my list. Do you know that it’s on my list too? Is it? Well, we got to do it.

Yeah. Well, you should bring me along with you on one of your adventures. Okay. And then our fun day won’t be so fun. I’ll be terrified, but I’d like to do it.

Okay. So for real, I have a friend who, um, used to work at a resort town on the Red Sea coast of Egypt. Hurghada is the name of the place and they do cage diving with sharks out there. Yeah. So I’d love to do that. Yeah, I would love to. Yeah. Okay.

Well, we got to get an invite. It’d be better if it wasn’t a great white, but it’d be better if it was.

Yeah, right. Exactly. When you got a shark as big as a bus coming at you, it’s almost scary.

When you have a tiger shark or something like that.

They kill more people.

Oh, Tiger Sharks too? Yeah. Oh, well then I hope it’s a great way.

They’re just not as big. Yeah. Wow. Okay. Well, hey, that sounds, that was, there you go, Chris. There it is. I’m so proud of you. Oh, that just means I tell too many stories. Well, no, no, no. That’s what I was trying to think of.

What haven’t I told? It means I’m with you a lot. That’s all that means.

Yeah. Yeah. Right.

Because not everybody hears all your stories. That’s right. But those closest to you hear most of them. Like Bonnie, for instance. She knows every story you have.

Yeah, that’s right. Well, most of them. I don’t tell her the ones where I almost died until. Until later. How did Jeff die? For the most part, she just asked me now when I leave, because I’m gone a lot. She’ll ask me, hey, so our insurance is paid, right? That’s what she wants to know. It used to be, goodbye, babe. I love you. Can’t wait till you come home. And now it’s like, our insurance is paid, right?

So what she’s saying is she can grieve effectively.

So she can grieve effectively. That’s so funny.

That’s so good. Okay. So that is it. And now we are, we are a week. This starts our second week in the series and we have managed to rummage through Genesis one and two and half of chapter three. That’s correct. And then now we’re in Genesis three, cause this is actually pretty important. It’s the, it’s the fall. This is the event of events of humanity.

So if our listeners were with us on Friday last week, or at the end of the last week’s thing, Adam and Eve ate the fruit. Here they are, they’re in this giant garden, it looks like maybe 1500 miles square. There’s one tree, it literally says in the middle of the garden, And for some dumb reason, they’re hanging out by that tree.

And by the way, which indicates that we don’t know how long they existed in the garden. Like we have no idea. Because to travel that far and find the tree could have been years, right?

So, but it is interesting where, you know, humans are kind of like a moth drawn to a bright light. We just can’t hardly help it, right? So they go, they just go right to it. Wet paint, do not touch. Apparently don’t touch it. Hey, be careful, that’s hot. Ow! That’s what we do. So they wind up eating the fruit, which ultimately represents they rebelled against God. They chose to do their own thing. They were deceived to do it, and they start blaming each other. They blame the serpent. Adam blames God. The woman you gave me gave this to me. It’s not my fault, which is all a part of the normal human condition.

It’s sort of a two-for-one in that sentence. He’s blaming the woman and God.

Yeah, yeah. He’s very smart. I mean, he’s slick on that one. So then God pronounces judgment here. And so that’s where we’re at now, after they’re done accusing each other in the serpent. So then Genesis chapter three, verse 14, it says, then the Lord God said to the serpent, because you have done this, you are cursed more than all animals, domestic and wild. You will crawl on your belly, groveling in the dust as long as you live. And I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel. And then he said to the woman, I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and in pain you’ll give birth. And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you. And to the man he said, since you listened to your wife and ate from the tree, whose fruit I commanded you not to eat, the ground is cursed because of you. All your life you will struggle to scratch out a living from it. It’ll grow thorns and thistles for you, though you will eat of its grains. By the sweat of your brow will you have food to eat until you return to the ground from which you were made. For you were made from dust, and to dust you’ll return. Then the man, Adam, named his wife Eve because she would be the mother of all who live. And the Lord God made clothing from animal skins for Adam and his wife. Then the Lord God said, Look, the human beings have become like us, knowing both good and evil. What if they reach out, take the fruit of the tree of life, and eat it? then they will live forever. And so the Lord God banished them from the Garden of Eden, and he sent Adam out to cultivate the ground from which he had been made. After sending them out, the Lord God stationed a mighty cherubim to the east of the Garden of Eden, and he placed a flaming sword that flashed back and forth to guard the way to the Tree of Life.” There you go. There’s a lot in there. I know.

Yeah. So, uh, you know, so Adam and Eve eat the fruit here. This is God’s judgment. And there’s so much in there because, uh, first of all, he gives a curse to the serpent because you’ve done this. He said to the serpent, uh, you are cursed more than all animals, domestic and wild to crawl on your belly, uh, groveling in the dust as long as you live. Now, when I was younger, I tried to picture a serpent with legs. I tried to picture it looked like a lizard. Yeah, like maybe sort of like a snake lizard, right? A dragon. Yeah, something like this. And then he says, well, now you’re going to be cursed, you know, the actual serpent itself. And so, do you think that’s a literal curse like that? Yeah, sure. Yeah, I’ve always thought that.

A lot of snakes actually have places on their body where it looks like maybe that used to be shoulders, right? In their bone structure and stuff like that. Not all of them, but some do. Wow.

Yeah, and so that’s pretty wild because obviously we weren’t there at the very beginning when God created all the animals, so we wouldn’t know. And so that seems to be a literal, physical sort of curse. And then hostility, we will cause hostility between you and the woman. between your offspring and her offspring. And so this is a verse that I’ve always heard at marriage conferences, where I went to a marriage conference one time, my wife and I, for a two-day conference, and they talked about how the difficulty of marriage takes work because originally marriage was created imperfection. And the institution of marriage was created as a perfect sinless man, a perfect sinless woman together. And then all of a sudden now it’s literally saying in so many words, your relationship will cause work or it will require work, not cause. And so I’ve always thought that. I’ve always thought, gee whiz, marriage is hard, but I think it was designed to be just the bliss part.

Oh yeah, absolutely. They’re running around the garden naked. They got a job to do. They got fruit. It’s just, it’s, you know, eat, drink, and be merry kind of thing. Work hard, have fun, right? All that kind of stuff. Fill the planet. That was your job. And then, you know, sin gets involved, and then all of a sudden we’re blaming each other. And oftentimes, you know, when marriages start to come apart, both spouses blame the other. It’s at the core of the curse. We just struggle with each other on that, and it takes a tremendous amount of work to manage. But it’s the same thing. Food wasn’t supposed to be hard either. Right? Work wasn’t supposed to be a burden either. Having children wasn’t supposed to be a difficult thing either. Right? So everything that is good and is worthy, we have to work really, really, really, really hard at. You know, we have to cultivate it, quite honestly. This idea, their job was to cultivate the garden. It just wasn’t supposed to be hard. And now everything is hard that’s worth doing. If you don’t do any work, if you don’t cultivate your finances, what happens? Your finances fall apart. If you don’t cultivate your garden, what happens? Your garden doesn’t grow. It gets overrun with weeds. If you don’t cultivate your children, what happens? They run wild. If you don’t cultivate your marriage, what happens? It falls apart. Everything worth having you have to work really, really, really hard at. And I think that all hints to, we stay frustrated with it. Hey, you and I are sitting here in the studio. People are listening on Monday, right? They’re listening on a Monday. They’re getting ready to go to work and you’re like, ugh. Right? You go, oh, come on. Now, work is what provides all the good stuff in your life. Most of it. Right? So the good things, I think it all reminds us, the good things that come out of the struggle reminds us we all want to go back to the garden. That’s what we want. We want paradise. That’s why when you go on vacation, you start looking, I wonder how much houses cost here. You go in Zillow, you start thinking, man, if I could just live here on vacation. But you know, the people who live there go on vacation somewhere else.

That’s right, they do.

I gotta get out of this place.

My buddy who lives in Florida, he lives in one of the nicest places in Florida, Treasure Island, on the beach. Oh yeah, yeah. Literally on the beach. And he bought a house in the woods in North Carolina, like this log cabin with a generator and all this stuff. And I’m like, that’s where you go on vacation?

I gotta get off this beach. I got to go. I got to take a break, man. Right. Right. That’s so funny. Isn’t it funny? Yes. Because we’re all chasing the garden. Yes. We lost it. And that’s what we just read. We lost the garden. We’re chasing it. Every good thing. We still know it should be a little better, but we have to work hard to get those good things.

So speaking of hating work, to all the old people who are listening out there, let me ask you a trivia question. Which famous cartoon was famous for saying, I hate Mondays?

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, uh, it was like, it was like a illustration, like Sunday morning comic strip. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, he was a cat. Oh my gosh. He was a cat. I know. I know. I can’t remember. It wasn’t Heathcliff. It was Garfield. It was Garfield. There you go.

Ding, ding, ding, ding. Wow. Another crazy, silly thought. Cause I’m the silly thought guy, uh, was, uh, you know, you like being outdoors. So this, you may not think this way, I don’t like necessarily always being outdoors. So the thought of like Adam and Eve running through the garden naked and having no protection or shelter just in their daily walking. Sure. I actually thought to myself, I wonder if mosquitoes are part of the curse because mosquitoes seem like they’re cursing this world.

Yeah, that’s right. They are. They’re cursed. They got to be. Right.

So bloodsuckers. Right. So we’re Adam and Eve in the perfect garden going out. and like, you know, scratching and having mosquito bites?

I think not. I think not. I think that mosquitoes probably ate fruit or something.

Yes. Yeah. And after the curse, they’re like, we like humans. We like humans. That’s right.

Yeah, that’s the worst. That’s the worst part about being outside, to be honest with you. Yes.

Okay. So then, you know, bugs that crawl on you and anyway. So the man said, when I lived in Georgia, fire ants, anyway, let me just go, let me move on. He said, you will struggle to scratch a living from the ground. It’ll grow thorns and thistles. And by the sweat of your brow, you have food to eat and return to the ground. I actually think to myself, Every time I go out and weed a garden, every time I go out and see a weed, it’s connected to the curse. Every time you hear, one of our staff members just had a baby, right? And there was a lot of complications involved, a lot of struggle. Every time there’s a struggle, it’s a part of the curse. Every time you have a marriage, like a fight, and the marriage isn’t necessarily perfect, it’s connected to the curse. Every time that you wake up and there’s a new pain in your back, Right? And then you’re like, oh, it’s, it’s a part of the curse. Every time you go to a funeral, it’s a part of the curse. Everything that is bad. You catch a cold. Yes. Yeah. All those things. Yeah. It’s so crazy. Yeah. I think it’s crazy.

You know, when you, when you weed that flower bed though.


And you get your lawn mowed just right. And you step back and go, oh, that’s perfect. Right? Job well done. You feel so good because you were made to work. That’s right. You were made to work. There is so much satisfaction in work. You cannot get that satisfaction or that fulfillment from anything else in your life, nothing else. But when you do a job and you do it well and you complete it, even with all the struggle, the problem is we weren’t made to struggle through it, we were made to work through it. Right. Right? But the struggle is the curse. But when you get it done, for just a minute, you glimpse it and you go, oh, that’s perfect. We’re back in the garden for a second. And then the weeds grow back three days later. Right? And so this year, we didn’t spray our yard. And so we are the yard in the neighborhood with all of the dandelions. That’s good for the bees. Yeah. I know it is. It’s good for the bees. It’s not good for my neighbors who all have perfect lawns.

Yeah. Well, I’ll be honest. I’m the guy with the perfect lawn and I had it sprayed and everything else. And my wife was sad. And she said, she goes, Oh, I can’t believe that. I sure hope that these dandelions that are sprayed die because I want bees to come and get sick. And so I was like, okay. So I paid to have it sprayed. So instead of letting it just happen, I found myself with a mask on, on my hands and knees, literally scooping up and de-weeding my entire lawn because my wife was concerned for the bees.

Well, we didn’t do it this year.

Well, my neighbors. Seems like everybody either loves the bees or everybody doesn’t care about their lawn.

Well, the bees are important. I mean, we’re losing bees. Without bees, we don’t live. So there’s that. I’m not sure that that was my intent. I wasn’t thinking I’m being noble, saving the planet. It was just, we didn’t do it. And it’s funny now, because we’re running around, our beds just got a little overwhelmed. I’ve been out of town quite a bit the last couple of weeks. And so I walked up to my house the other day, and I’m just looking across going, oh my gosh. What happened in that fast? We had some rain, we had some sunshine, and all of a sudden these beautiful gardens suddenly just went wham, and it’s all just wild, overrun in a matter of days.

It’ll get away from you quick.

It’s unbelievable, right? And that’s what happens. So it’s the same thing. We have to cultivate our marriages. It’ll get away from me quick. The fact that you did work last week or that you did work last month or last year, or that things were looking beautiful and perfect a little while ago, things get away from us quick. It’s the same thing with our children. It’s the same thing with our finances. It’s the same thing with everything that’s worth it to have in life. Every little glimpse of the garden, every little glimpse of perfection, we lose very fast if we don’t cultivate it. But it takes work. Yeah, and then God kicks him out of the garden. Yeah, which is crazy. He sets up Angels with a flaming sword going can’t come back here, right?

Right. Yeah, and and I I would not trespass No, no, I would I would avoid that place. Yes. Yes, and there’s another interesting tidbit It says then the Lord God said look the human beings have become like us plural, not me, right? Knowing both good and evil. Now that doesn’t mean that we have God-like powers, it just means that the aspect of God who knows both good and evil is now given to humans. So becoming more like God really is what that sentence breaks down to. And then it says more like us, which again, because there’s a plural there, it’s another nod to the Trinity, isn’t it? Right, right. Yeah, so Father, Son, Holy Spirit, one God, three persons, which is interesting.

Yeah. So you pointed out that word. There’s also another one I thought was interesting. Go back to the serpent real quick. I ran across this as I was just fiddling with this before you walked in. The word for serpent here is in Hebrew is nekesh. which can also be translated as shining one or enchanter. Isn’t that interesting? Because the Bible says that Satan is like an angel of light. Sure. So when you were asking earlier about him losing his legs and all that kind of stuff, this could have been a separate creature. that’s being translated as serpent, right? That’s interesting. So it can be translated as serpent or snake, but it also could be another meaning of it. This isn’t the traditional word for serpent. The other translation could be shining one or enchanter. So we do know that he was an enchanter. He taught them into doing things that they shouldn’t have done.

It makes a whole lot more sense than the creepiness of a snake being appealing, right?

But the Bible does use the snake theme throughout the rest of the Bible. By the time you get to Revelation, it calls him that old serpent, the devil, right? So there’s a lot of maybe symbolism in that, but I do believe, you know, you are talking about an actual creature, something that they were familiar with that received the curse. And so then here is the first promise of a Messiah. By the way, I’ll curse the hostility between you and a woman, between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head and you will strike his heel. Satan’s ability to cause damage in the moment, he’ll have temporary wins, but ultimately Jesus will crush. the serpent’s head, right? And that was the very first promise of a Messiah coming. And then the Bible says that God then made clothing for them from animal skins for Adam and Eve. And this was the first death. Death had never happened on the planet prior to this. And he made them from animal skins. This idea that their sins were covered, their shame, their guilt was covered by an innocent one was very symbolic of the fact that Jesus would come someday. This was very likely the first sacrifice, quite honestly. An innocent one was sacrificed to cover over the shame of the guilty. And you can only imagine how horrifying that would have been for them.

Yeah, wearing an animal skin.

Seeing something die. Right. right? Seeing the insides of a thing, right? But to see something die, and it’s dying because of you, right? So Romans says, wherefore is by one man sin in the world and death by sin. So death passed upon all men for all have sinned, right? And so this is the beginning of them understanding that it will be the innocent that will die for the guilty, but ultimately that innocent one will crush Satan.

Yeah, that’s amazing. Uh, you know, sometimes I have to, uh, laugh at my brain because, um, uh, did you ever see Tropic Thunder? No. I had the image of Ben Stiller wearing the panda, uh, thing, and he was crying while he did it because he didn’t mean to kill the panda, but then he had, he had to skin it to stay warm. Anyway, sorry about that. Okay. But for all the people who are Tropic Thunder fans out there, they will love that comment. And then, and by the way, this, this is a thing that is set into motion for the rest of the entire Old Testament until Jesus comes.

Right, right. This establishes the theme. That’s why I said a few days ago, Genesis 1 through 11 establishes all the rest of the Bible, right? All the rest of scripture, all the rest of human history is established in these first 11. These are all the foundational ideas.

Yeah, that’s incredible. Well, that looks like about our time. So hopefully we will see you next time on The Bible Guys.