Teaching Openly at the Temple – Episode #293

Published: November 8, 2023


You’re listening to The Bible Guys, a podcast where a couple of friends talk about the Bible in fun and practical ways.

So Jeff name the movie good morning, good morning. We talked the whole night through. Good morning. I know the song. Do you?

I don’t remember.

Do you remember singing in the rain?

Singing in the rain?

There you go.

Yes, that’s what I was going to say.

And it’s probably a lot of morning. It’s probably morning for a lot of our listeners. Yes. Although some I’m sure are listening in the evening or nighttime.

We’ve got people who listen at night.

Do you like old movies?



Yeah, yeah, I like old movies. Okay.

Name another old movie you’ve seen. Like Singin in the rain.

Like singing in the rain? No, like like an old movie.

In terms of years.

I watched Casablanca earlier this spring.

Oh, okay. All right, well, that counts. Okay. Good job.

I also watched The Maltese Falcon, so I watched two Humphrey Bogart movies.

All right, there you go. Good. Is that okay? You’ve passed the test. Shoo.

Man, I was afraid I was going to get booted out of The Bible Guys, and it was just going to be The Bible Guy. Man.

Well, hey, today we want to read our news from the best news source alive.

Only the finest.

Yeah. And and we like to make sure that our listeners are hearing the best articles that we can come across.

So these are incredibly important. You know, we only deal with really important information as well. Right. It’s not just shallow nothingness stuff. Yes. Talking about, you know, politics or something like that.

This this news story is riveting.

Well, for me personally, it’s very significant. Yes. So I have a, a predisposition for, for this news in particular. Okay. So here it is. Right. It’s only two. Here’s the headline. Only two cars in line at McDonald’s. This won’t take long says the dumbest man alive.

It is the best title ever. It’s the best title ever.

Okay, Babylon Bee is where this important information comes from. San Bernardino, California the world’s dumbest man, Jeremy Dandar, pulled up to a McDonald’s outside a lunch hours notice, only two cars in the drive through, and made the mistake of assuming the experience wouldn’t take long. Only two cars in line at McDonald’s, the man said to himself. For some reason, this won’t take long. Yee ha! Here we go. Big Macs. Per witnesses at the scene, the total idiot approached the speaker immediately but was told to wait before placing his order.

The total idiot. That’s so good.

Um, hello. Welcome to McDonald’s. Please wait a moment, said a voice from the speaker we have here. That’s the way it sounds, too. Yeah, okay, Dandar said, not sure if he heard them right. After waiting ten minutes, he said hello. Is anyone there? Only be told, sir. I said, please wait a moment. Yeah. Later, when he finally ordered two Big Macs, a Happy Meal and a vanilla ice cream cone, he was informed the ice cream machine was down and ill omen. They’re always.

Down. Yeah. Always. Always.

20 minutes later, he moved one car length forward. It was at this point he considered backing out of his horrible plan, but became trapped by the world’s second dumbest man. Who must have thought the short line wouldn’t take so long. It’s so funny. By the time he reached the front window, Jeremy Danders had grown wiser with age. His child, who’d been playing with toys in the back seat, had now grown into a self entitled teenager who no longer had need of a Happy Meal toy. At publishing time, Jeremy Danders had been asked to pull around the corner and wait for his food to be brought out to him, because the fast food establishment had not yet started preparing his order. It’s so.

Good. It’s so good.

He was in line so long as little kid grew up to be a teenager.

It’s so funny.

So I, I really like. Sausage, biscuits and sausage. Mcmuffins with egg. Yeah.


Yes. So?

So so you.

That’s my problem.

You have a relationship with this article because you relate completely.

Yes, yes. And it’s true. Every bit of that is true.

So so it’s a fact. So here’s the question. The question is the McDonald’s in which you choose to go to near your house.

Yeah I go to all the McDonald’s. I’m I don’t discriminate.

Yeah. Yeah.

So the question is are they usually fast. Is there a McDonald’s that’s faster than the others. Yeah.

Yeah yeah. The one by my house is okay. Yeah. Yeah. Well that’s good. So yeah they’re really they’re pretty quick. Okay. Good. You can always tell when there’s a new person right. Yeah. Yeah.

That’s really.

Funny. Yeah. That’s terrible. Um, so I prefer the breakfast. That’s that’s what I like. I like the eggs, I like the. So I worked at McDonald’s when I was 15. Did you ever work at McDonald’s?

I never did, I almost worked at Taco Bell. Almost. But then I didn’t. And you didn’t.

Yeah, yeah.

So but I never oh, I did work at Burger King. Oh. Did you. Yeah. For like two months. Yeah.

Well, if you can’t get hired at McDonald’s, Burger King works fine.

Yeah. I got hired when I was 15, and they weren’t legally required to pay me minimum wage. Right? Right.

I got hired at 15 to.

At the time, minimum wage was. Take a guess, 335 an hour, 335 an hour. Because I stayed there for so long. Right? Yeah. Uh huh. Okay. So because of that.

That’s why I got hired in that too.

Did you? Yeah. Yeah. So because of that, they hired me at 285 an hour. So. So all of our kids listening who make 18 bucks an hour, right? Right. Can you even imagine working like, you know, a full hour and only getting $2.85?

Yeah. So I can remember doing the math when I got hired in, so I got hired in. I was 15, I had had a paper route for several years, and I saved up all my money and bought a moped. And so then I was like, well, now I can go farther.

I thought you bought an Air Jordans? I did.

I bought a bunch of stuff, man. So I bought I bought a moped. What I did is I saved 50% of everything I made. And so it took a few years, but I had a really big paper out. So I made a lot of money and. So then I saved 50% and I spent 50%. That was just indulged. Whatever. And so I bought this moped and then realized, hey, I can work a lot further away from home with this. So my mom and dad allowed me to get a job at McDonald’s. And at that time I was homeschooled. And so that gave me an opportunity to work mornings. And so I would get on my on my moped in the winter because my dad said, yeah, you can get a job. I’m just not going to take you in the winter. You got to figure out how to get there. And so I’d be sitting there with my hands inside my thing, riding no handed. I fixed my gas so that it would just go, and I’d go no handed all the way. Like, it’s like nine miles from my house, going to McDonald’s every morning at like 5:00 in the morning to help open the open the.

Restaurant, you know, no hand is not safe.

Oh, really? So but I was just so cold, you know? So I’m just in my coat and I literally the whole dumb and Dumber thing, you know, my nose is frozen and all that kind of stuff. Yeah. Yeah, it was great, I loved it. I really enjoyed working there. I also won a statewide competition, a Golden Spatula, for being the best. Crew member in the in the.

You still have the golden spatula?

Somewhere? Probably. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Wow.

Good for you, Jeffrey.

I know, I’m so proud. Good for you. So that’s it anyways, McDonald’s. All these people are like, why are you talking about McDonald’s? Right. Is this it? This is awful.

Well, hey, we’re going to launch into Jesus Teaches openly at the temple. Oh, okay. Found only in the book of John.

Only in the book of John, brought to you by the Apostle John. Here we go. John, chapter seven, verse ten says, but after his brothers left for the festival, remember they were going down to the Feast of Tabernacles. Jesus also went, though secretly staying out of public view. What? Remember we talked about that? Yeah. The Jewish leaders tried to find him at the festival and kept asking if anyone’s seen him. There was a lot of grumbling about him along among the crowds. Some argued he’s a good man, but others said he’s nothing but a fraud who deceives the people. But no one had the courage to speak favorably about him in public, for they were afraid of getting in trouble with the Jewish leaders. Then, midway through the festival, Jesus went up to the temple and began to teach. Well, that’s not staying out of view. The people were surprised when they heard him. How does he know so much when he hasn’t been trained? They asked. So Jesus told them, my message is not my own. It comes from God who sent me. Anyone who wants to do the will of God will know whether my teaching is from God or is merely my own. Those who speak for themselves want glory only for themselves. But a person who seeks to honor the one who sent him speaks truth, not lies. Moses gave you the law, but none of you obeys it. In fact, you’re trying to kill me, the crowd replied. You’re demon possessed. Who’s trying to kill you? Jesus replied, I did one miracle on the Sabbath and you were amazed. But you work on the Sabbath to when you obey Moses law of circumcision. Actually, this tradition of circumcision began with the patriarchs long before the law of Moses. Jeff
For if the correct time for circumcising your son falls on the Sabbath, you go ahead and do it so as not to break the law of Moses. So why should you be angry with me for healing a man on the Sabbath? Look beneath the surface so you can judge correctly. Some of the people who lived in Jerusalem started to ask each other, isn’t this the man they’re trying to kill? But here he is speaking in public and they say nothing to him. Could our leaders possibly believe that he is the Messiah? But how could he be? For we know where this man comes from. When the Messiah comes, he will simply appear. No one will know where he comes from. While Jesus was teaching in the temple, he called out, yes, you know me and you know where I come from, but I’m not here on my own. The one who sent me is true. And you don’t know him, but I know him because I come from him. And he sent me to you. Then the leaders tried to arrest him, but no one laid a hand on him because his time had not yet come. Many among the crowds at the temple believed in him. After all, they said, would you expect the Messiah to do more miraculous signs than this man has done? So there you go. Jesus snuck down to the festival anyways.

Yes. What? Yep. And wow, I’m enthralled here. I’m sort of reading after you get done reading here, because it is pretty amazing how, like, you see the dynamics that’s, you know, that’s taking place here. Jesus is saying someone’s trying to kill me. And then they’re saying, well, you’re a madman, you’re possessed, no one’s trying to kill you. And then after he said that, it said, then after that, people started saying, isn’t this the man that they’re trying to kill? So Jesus sort of set in motion, right? This, this widespread thought of people are trying to kill him because he knew the hearts of the Pharisees. He knew that they were trying to kill him. Right, right. So he sort of made public there.

He lets everybody else know.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Which which is I’m not sure I’ve really noticed that Jesus sort of spread the intent of the Pharisees about that himself. I mean, so plainly it says it. Right. Yeah. So that’s really cool.

So they had I love this note. So you got to get yourself a good study Bible. I just I can’t say enough about it. I love this life application study Bible. You know, we’ve used a couple of others here on, on the podcast that that we really like, but this one is so good. In verse 13, it says the Jewish religious leaders had a great deal of power over the common people. Apparently these leaders couldn’t do much to Jesus at this time, but they threatened anyone who might publicly support him. One of the reprisal reprisals for believing in Jesus was excommunication from the synagogue that happened in John 922. To a Jew, this was a severe punishment. So you have some people going, I think he’s a good guy, but they won’t say it out loud, right? They they won’t say it in public. Right. They’re afraid of being ostracized. They’re afraid of getting what? Is it canceled. Right. That’s what they’re afraid of. They’re afraid of being canceled because they’re going to speak up about Jesus. You know, I wonder how many of those people that were afraid to speak up for Jesus eventually became Christians after after his resurrection, you know, became followers of Jesus. And I just wonder, man, what are your regrets going to be when you step into eternity and you had a chance to speak up for Jesus and didn’t? Right. I think you’re going to wish, oh man. So there were some people who knew he was a good man. He’s a good man. And then there’s others. They’re like, no, he’s a fraud, right? And they kind of had this mentality. The Pharisees and then all the ones that were believing the Pharisees, you better pull the the party line, do not commit heresy against us. Jeff
We’ve all decided he’s not a good man. We’ve all decided he’s demon possessed. We’ve all decided that he’s not the Messiah, that he’s a fraud. And anybody who speaks up. Against that, we’re going to excommunicate you. And so a lot of people didn’t because they were afraid of getting canceled. And so cancel culture is not new, right?

Yeah. You know, it’s interesting how the the people aren’t even allowed to express their belief in Jesus. Right? Right. So they’re believing he’s a good man and they’re afraid to say so. And there’s a little sermon in there. A little mini sermon, isn’t there? How how people are sometimes afraid to speak very plainly about God. And that happens even today at the workplace or or, you know, in a public school system. You know, it’s interesting how. Sometimes as pastors, people may recognize us because we’ve been in the area for such a long time, right? And we were just in a public school system recently just having a meeting or something. Right. This is just this is like this week, right?

One of the prominent schools in the area.

Yeah. And then and then all of a sudden, because you and I were there, somebody walks by and says, hey, don’t I know you? You know, you were my pastor, right? Or my pastor and, and and I’m thinking to myself, and here’s my first thought immediately, here’s what I thought. I thought. This is probably one of the first, and only times that somebody in a public school system would probably feel comfortable talking openly about, like, I’m a Christian, I go to church, you know, and I do these things and I think, you know, and I think that there’s, you know, there’s a lot that goes into that statement. But but I think that sometimes I think that people feel pressured, that they can’t talk about God. And so anyway, that’s that’s what I think. I think there’s many sermons in all sorts of passages. Right.

But I would say this. So some argued he’s a good man. Yeah. The next verse or the next sentence says, but no one had the courage to speak favorably about him in public, for they’re afraid of getting in trouble with the Jewish leaders. Now, what were their names?

The names of the people.

That weren’t willing to speak about him.

Their unknown names.

But the ones who changed the world were Peter, James, John, Andrew, Paul, these guys who did speak up. Now there’s consequences, right? They struggled. They suffered, but they changed the world. In 2000 years later, we’re still talking about them. They left a legacy, right? They made a difference. They literally transformed the world to the point that there’s 2.6 billion people who named the name of Jesus as as their savior on the planet today. And it’s because some people did speak up, regardless of the consequences. We don’t know the names of the people who didn’t because they’re of no consequence. They never did anything. They were fond of Jesus, but they didn’t actually speak up. Right. They were fans. Hey, Jesus, you heal my baby. That’d be great, right? But they weren’t willing to really step into it. And it’s the people. It’s the people who are willing to swim upstream. It’s the people who are willing to take a risk. It’s the people who aren’t afraid of getting canceled. It’s the people who are so grateful for what Jesus did for them that they can’t help but speak up. They’re the ones who changed the world. That doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. It just means that it’s going to matter. And hey, I would rather I would rather do something hard that matters than just do the easy thing and die and be completely and totally forgotten.

Right? Here’s another little mini sermon that’s hidden in here. It’s a little theological fun debate where Jesus points the glory to his father, right? Yeah. And he says, he says, hey, anybody who speaks for themselves want glory for themselves, but a person who seeks honor for the one who sent him speaks truth and not lies. What he’s really saying is, he’s saying, hey, listen, I’m you’re amazed that I’m not trained, and yet I speak so well, and I’m telling you that it’s not me who’s the one that’s amazing. It’s the message of my father who gave this to me, right? Right. So he’s giving all glory back to the father, right? And so here’s the mini sermon that I believe that’s in there. Is that did you know that theologically, theologically, when we pray, we’re supposed to pray to God the Father through Jesus name? That’s right. So so it’s interesting because, you know, we have that whole Trinity thing, right? So the Trinity thing is that is that it’s a word, by the way, that’s invented. A lot of our listeners may not know that the word Trinity is not in the Bible. Right. It’s a word that theologians came up with to explain and sort of meld together all the truths that surround the fact that we believe. There’s evidence in the Bible that says we have one God, three persons in the person of the father, of the son, and the Holy Spirit who intrinsically work together relationally in ways that we cannot understand, who have different roles. At times it seems different personalities, of course. And and yet all three are recognized as God.

They are one.

They are one God.

And yet, well, they are one. Yes, right. And they are three individuals that are one as one. God, yes, right. And so the oneness is not that the three of them make up a god, right? Right. But the three are one and they make up God. And that’s the that’s the complexity of it. Because we’ve seen in Roman Empire, they had a triumvirate where there were three guys that were were Caesar, right. They were the Three Emperors. Right, right, right. But that’s not what we’re talking about here. They were all all three. The father, son, Holy Spirit are one, right? And they’re one God. Right. And that’s the that’s the thing that kind of blows your mind on the concept of a trinity. It’s hard to wrap your head around. Yeah. Anyways, so.

Anyway, all that to say, I remember somebody in our group a long time ago, like 2006 or 7, somebody in our group of leaders prayed and they said, Jesus, we pray to you, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And and it’s like, well, you know, because of the Trinity and I’m not going to I’m not I’m probably not going to pull anybody aside and say, now theologically, you know, that’s incorrect, right? Because you know, you’re praying to Jesus. Jesus is God. We get it. Right. But but somebody came up to me afterwards and said, hey, can I just show you something? And it wasn’t me who prayed that. But they said, everywhere in the Scripture it says that our relationship in the Old Testament was broken with God the Father. In the New Testament. It tells us that Jesus came to reconcile our relationship with God the Father. Right? We pray to God the Father and we pray to him, and he’s able to hear us through the sacrifice of His Son. We pray through Jesus name. So technically, that’s a sermon altogether.

And in the power of the Holy.

Spirit, in the power of the Holy Spirit. That’s right. And so and so theologically, I’m not going to condemn anybody to pray to Jesus, but just know that we’re supposed to pray to our our father, which is how Jesus modeled for us his prayer. Right? Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your name through Jesus name. So there it is.

Yeah. So supposed to pray is implies that there’s something you’re not supposed to do. And that is you’re not supposed to pray to Jesus. You’re not supposed to pray to the Holy Spirit, but since they’re one, it’s not inappropriate to pray and say, Holy Spirit, give me your power today or Holy Spirit, give me clarity today. That’s not inappropriate. No, not at all. Right. And so don’t ever feel bad as you’re praying. But yeah, the the the core of Jesus teaching how to pray is to the father. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah. That’s good.

So do you have any closing thoughts? Our time is almost coming to an end. Jesus is teaching openly. You know, he’s he’s giving glory to the father. We’ve covered a lot. Any any any last thoughts?

Yeah. So. I think it’s interesting that there is a tradition. It says that their tradition was that the that the Messiah would just suddenly appear. Although it’s interesting because the Bible doesn’t say that. Right. There’s nowhere in prophecy that says that. And so this is another one of those things that, you know, how many things do we believe just because somebody said it? And it’s become a tradition. And this is why, for you and for me, what we would say is the words on the page are more important than any tradition or any words that we say, right, right. And so let’s look at what God’s Word says. So they made this thing and they missed Jesus. They literally missed the Messiah because of a tradition. They didn’t miss the Messiah because of something, somewhere, a misunderstanding of the words of the Bible. Yeah, it was something outside of the words of the Bible.

Somewhere along the way, somebody had said that and somehow it caught on.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so this is why, you know, we would always commend any of our listeners spending time in God’s Word. The more you know God’s words, the less likely it is that you’re going to get pulled away or fooled by some tradition of men because you can always come back and go, where does it say that? In the Bible, right? Right. And then you’re either looking for an actual quote, or you’re looking for a true biblical principle that can be reaffirmed through other scriptures, you know, that is going to going to define itself. So they miss the Messiah based on a, on a tradition. Yeah.

That’s good, that’s good. All right. Well that’s probably a great place to end. And hopefully we’ll see you next time on The Bible Guys.