Nicodemus at Night – Episode #222

Published: August 1, 2023


So I’m going to I’m going to do a phrase for you, like a phrase that my whole family knows, okay. And uh, and you won’t know what it is, all right. But, uh, I used to shout all the time my junior and senior year of high school. Nikki. Nikki. Nikki. Nikki. Nikki. Nikki. Nikki. Nikki. You know what that is? No. I had a dog named Nicodemus. Wow. Yes.

You came up with that name?

Uh, my my wife, who I wasn’t even dating at the time. Yeah, uh, we broke up, okay. And she had bought me a puppy. Mm. Uh, you know, she she still loved me. She was trying to get me back. Oh. And eventually she did, but I. But I had a puppy named her. Nikki named him Nicodemus. Yeah. And I used to call him Nikki. And I would call him that way, and he would come running.

Wow. I did not know that about you. Yeah, that you named your pets Nicodemus. Yeah. That’s wild.

And we’re talking about Nicodemus today.

Awesome. Well, hey, I’m Kyle, and this is Chris, and we’re the Bible guys.

So, Kyle, today our show sheet tells us that our segment is a dad joke competition.

That’s right. And we’re both dads, so we should be pretty good at this. Yeah. No doubt. In fact, yesterday when I was at, uh, I was, uh, a few days ago, I was with, at a youth thing and they said that I have that they’re like a couple people laughed at something. I said, they’re like, wow, you’re such a dad. And I think that’s when you realize that, like, you have become when people are starting to recognize your dad isms or your dad jokes. Yeah, I’m sure you probably had that where you feel like you’re like, cool with it. And then you realize you’re not at all.

You’re at the age where you’re starting to realize perhaps a little bit of irrelevance.


Oh, 100%. And I’m at the age where I’m desperately trying to be slightly relevant. That’s true. So that’s really funny. Yeah. All right. I’ll read the first one. And we’ve not read these at all. Right. Nope. So I don’t even know what I’m reading until I read it. Here goes. You’re a veterinarian won’t tell you this, but if your dog is running a fever, go to the store and buy some mustard. It’s the best thing for a hot dog.

Okay, I kind of like. It was just a long build up.

That’s a groaner, dude. All right, go ahead.

All right, here we go. Uh, why was the pediatrician always losing his temper? Why was it pediatrician always losing?

I have no idea.

He had little patience.

Oh, that’s pretty funny.

That’s pretty good.

I like it, I like it.

He had little patience. Yep.

All right. Uh, I told my therapist I can’t get the grease soundtrack out of my head. Okay? He said, tell me more. You know that, right?

Tell me more. Yeah, yeah.

I was told earlier I shouldn’t sing, so I’m going to keep that away from the mic here.

I didn’t say that.

Somebody in the microphone said it.

Yes yes yes.

All right, here we go. Next one. If you don’t know what to talk about on a first date, try mentioning global warming. It’s a huge icebreaker. That’s actually kind of funny.

If you don’t know what to talk about on a first date.

Try mentioning global warming. It’s a huge iceberg that is a dad joke.

So my daughter absolutely loves dad jokes. He loves them. Which one? I mean the Tory okay. And she will laugh until she cries. And so yesterday when I came home, she was actually reading me dad jokes on the internet, okay? And they were just horrible, right? And she was legitimately she couldn’t speak because she was laughing so hard. Okay.

Hopefully she likes these ones.

Yeah. Okay. Number three for me. Uh, did you hear about the watchmaker who is half Spanish and half Irish?


His name is Juan o’clock.

That’s the joke. That’s horrible.

Okay. He’s Spanish and Irish.

It’s supposed to be 1:00. Yeah. 1:00.

Yeah, I get it but. So it’s Spanish and Irish. So that’s the one. And then the o’clock. Okay.

That’s horrible. Wow. Okay. That’s terrible.

That’s it. Could be the worst dad joke we’ve ever done.

That’s bad. That’s all right.

We’ll just move on. Three tons of hair was stolen from a wig factory.

Okay. Kyle
That’s the setup. Three tons of hair was stolen from a wig factory. Police are combing the area.

That’s actually decent. Yeah. It’s okay. Well, driving to work, robbers jumped into my car and stole everything.


They were pirates of the Caribbean.

Speaker C
Oh, that’s pretty funny. The Caribbean.

Pirates of the Caribbean. That’s hilarious.

Now see Tory will love that.

Yeah, yeah. Oh, my God, remember that one?

You got to tell you got to. You got to throw it her way and just act like he was just like it just rolled off your tongue. Okay, uh, here we go. My wife dated a clown before she started going out with me. I had some pretty big shoes to fill. Oh.

Womp womp.

That’s cheesy.

All right, how about this one? What do you call a herd of sheep tumbling down a hill? I don’t know, a landslide.

That’s horrible. Oh, yeah.

We’re really reaching on these.

Wow. Wow. Okay. Lambslide.

You know, honestly, the further the reach, the more of a dad joke it is. Okay. Do you have one more left, or is.

That it for you? Chris
No, no. I’m done. Okay.

I got my final one. Okay. I tried to come up with a carpentry pun. Okay, let me start over. I tried to come up with a carpentry pun. That would work. I think I nailed it, but nobody saw it.

Saw it.

Yeah. Mhm.

I think I nailed it but nobody saw it.

Got it. So it’s got the nail and the saw.

But nobody saw it.

Yeah I think, I think this was a uh a batch you know, you know sometimes you make cookies and it’s a bad batch. Yeah. And you throw them away. Yeah. And then there may be one edible cookie. Yeah. And you try it and you’re like, that’s okay. Yeah. You know, honestly the rest.

But if you don’t know what to talk about on a first date, try mentioning global warming. It’s a huge icebreaker.

Yes. That was the best one. That’ll do. And then I liked my, um, the Caribbean. Yeah.

The Caribbean.

Yeah. That was good. Yeah. That’s good. All right, all right.

So should we get into the Bible today with.

The Bible guys? Why not?

I mean, we’re right at the time. That’s right.

No, we’re doing great Chris
In the first five minutes. We’re doing.

Great. No, I just was like, wow, that was wild dad jokes. All right, so we’re going to continue on with where we left off yesterday right after the temple, uh, clearing that Jesus did in John chapter three. Um, we’re going to be talking about, uh, as he mentioned earlier, Nikki. Nikki. Nikki. Nikki. Nikki. Nikki. Nikki. Okay. Uh, so here we go. John three. There was a man named Nicodemus, a Jewish religious leader who was a Pharisee. After dark one evening, he came to speak with Jesus. Rabbi, he said, we all know that God has sent you to teach us. Your miraculous signs are evidence that God is with you. Jesus replied, I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the kingdom of God. What do you mean? Exclaimed Nicodemus, how can an old man go back into his mother’s womb and be born again? Jesus replied, I assure you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and the spirit. Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life. So don’t be surprised when I say, you must be born again. The wind blows wherever it wants, just as you can hear the wind, but can’t tell where it comes from or where it is going. So you can’t explain how people are born of the spirit. How are these things possible? Nicodemus asked. Jesus replied, you are a respected Jewish Jewish teacher and you don’t understand these things. I assure you, we tell you what we know and have seen, and yet you won’t believe our testimony. But if you don’t believe me when I tell you about earthly things, how can you possibly believe if I tell you about heavenly things? Kyle
No one has ever gone to heaven and returned, but the Son of Man has come down from heaven. And as Moses lifted up the bronze snake on a pole in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him will have eternal life. For this is how God loved the world. He gave his one and only son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent His Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. There’s no judgment against anyone who believes in him, but anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God’s one and only son. And the judgment is based on this fact. God’s light came into the world, but people love the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it, for they fear their sins will be exposed. For those who do what is right, come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants. Yeah, yeah. So good little section there. Obviously it includes, you know, the most famous verse of all time, John 316.

Yeah. And if you’ve seen any football game whatsoever.

Oh yeah.

You’ve seen that people for decades. Hold up John 316. Yeah. And, uh, Tim Tebow has a whole big story about John 316. Yeah, there was.

A crazy thing I remember reading this actually was like 2008 or whatever it was when he was on like the national championship. He had John 316 on his eye, black paint, and there’s some insane amount of Google searches of John 316 and like in like the next.

Year for 316 yards.

Oh, and then that. Yes, that.

Too. Then it was like it was like, you know, three minutes and 16 seconds.

Into overtime or whatever.

It was just it was everything was John 316 and it was like eight of them. It wasn’t just like 2 or 3.

Actually yeah. You’re describing something different. What I was mentioning was when he was in college, he had something where John 316, he went on his thing and he and then like it was millions of views, looked at what John, what is John 316 which is kind of cool. Yeah. And then you’re talking about the football in the NFL. Yeah. Right. That was a crazy story. How yeah.

It was a crazy story.

NFL victory. And turns out 316 was was yeah that’s true.

That’s wild. It was like eight things that happened in his comeback victory. Uh I remember watching it too. Me too. I remember thinking like he’s never gonna. There’s no way he’s gonna win.

And then the first play in overtime, he just bombs it. And and they and.

And the receiver made the great play. But still it was so epic. Yeah.

But anyway, the point is, is that John 316 is the most famous verse in all the Bible. And you know what stands out to me more than anything else in this entire passage is that if you have the most famous verse in all the Bible. Yeah. And it is today, 2000 years later, that verse is shared more than any other verse by a very wide margin. Right. It’s the one thing that we proclaim. We shout it from the rooftops. We put it on national TV. Tim Tebow talks about it and other people, you know, Billy Graham. I remember going to the 1996, uh, Promise Keepers. No, no, no, I’m sorry. It was not Promise Keepers. It was just a Billy Graham crusade. And it was at the Atlanta, uh, uh, the Georgia Dome. It doesn’t matter. But there was 60,000 people there. And and I thought, man, I’m going to wait for this awesome sermon. I’ve never seen Billy Graham live. And the entire message he gave just on John 316. And have you ever heard when he says, God the greatest giver? Oh, yeah. You know, uh, so loved the greatest motivation, you know, he’s like the world, the, you know, whatever. Yeah. And it was always like the greatest gift, the greatest giver, the greatest, uh, you know, reward all this kind of stuff. And he just preached John 316.

One verse that’s really.

Off of one verse. And then like 10,000 people went to the altar and I was like, I wonder if anybody’s going to move. And all of a sudden it was like one fifth of the stadium or whatever. That’s so cool. So anyway, uh, so, so think about the the grandiosity of this verse. And you would think when you, when you trace the origin back, that Jesus would have shouted this verse on the Mount of Beatitudes. Exactly. Or even.

The sermon on the Mount, for.

Sure. Sermon on the Mount. He could have he could have absolutely, uh, you know, proclaim this with a massive crowd. Right. But instead it’s one on one that’s cool in the dark.

Speaker C

That’s cool. That’s a new, new thought for me. That’s really.

Cool. So. So the most famous verse in all the Bible takes place personally, one on one. And you know what? That that’s a whole sermon because the gospel is for the world, which, by the way, is another Billy Graham clip. The gospel is for the world anyway. Uh, but but but yet.

Your Baptist preacher is coming out. I like it.

Well, I love Billy Graham. Yeah. Uh, but, uh, but actually, uh, the gospel is for everybody individually. It’s a personal invitation. So God didn’t come to start a religion for the masses. God came down to start a relationship with you.

Yeah. That’s so funny, because you just referenced something that I highlighted in the notes of the The Life Application Study Bible. Yeah. It says this about verse three. It says Jesus revealed to this devout Pharisee that the kingdom would come to the whole world. 316 not just the Jews, and that Nicodemus would be a part of it unless he was personally born again, or sorry, Nicodemus wouldn’t be a part of it unless he was personally born again. This was a revolutionary concept. The kingdom is personal, not national or ethnic, and its entrance requirement requirements are repentance and spiritual rebirth, which I think is so cool that it’s not like obviously the the, you know, Savior of the world came through the Jewish line, but at the same time it was for everybody, for God’s. So love the world. It wasn’t just for God so loved these people, right? And I think that’s so cool because it was very personal to this person. And obviously, like you said, how can an old man be born again? So obviously he was older. Um, yeah, that’s really cool.

Yeah. And by the way, um, so Nicodemus was a Pharisee, but it’s it’s, uh, we know for a fact that he was also a Pharisee of Pharisees. So he was on the religious Supreme Court elite, um, uh, task force. So the which is like the Supreme Court of, of, of today and it was called the Sanhedrin. So later on, we really only see Nicodemus twice after this conversation. Uh, one other time is when they were trying to kill Jesus and plot to kill Jesus. Nicodemus raised objections and they were ignored. And then later on, after Jesus was killed at the very end of the story, uh, Nicodemus goes with Joseph of Arimathea, and he’s the one that, uh, took requested that Jesus’s body be given over so that they could give him proper burial. So that’s the only time we see Nicodemus. Uh, but we do know that he’s a religious leader of the Sanhedrin. Now, by the way, this is the same Sanhedrin that put Jesus to death, the same Sanhedrin that the religious court that led by Caiaphas, the high priest. And so these were the ones who were you could argue and say mostly against him. Right. They’re the ones that didn’t want, you know, Jesus to come and interrupt, you know, claiming to be the Messiah. These are these are the ones who were most offended. These are the ones who manipulated the crowd to say, crucify him, crucify him. And yet, this is the reason why we see that Nicodemus comes at night, because he doesn’t want everybody else to know in the Sanhedrin that he believes Jesus. Yeah. And so he’s the secret follower. He’s the one that comes to Jesus by night and says, I know you’re from God. Chris
Your miracles say you’re from God. So tell me more. Uh, tell me more, and, uh, tell me more.

Yeah. And anyway, uh, anyway, personal joke. And then we, uh, we see that. Jesus gives him this explanation. Um, hey, let me read a footnote in in my, uh, life application study Bible about, uh, Jesus’s explanation. It says, um, being born of water in the spirit could refer to, number one, the contrast between a physical birth, which is water, and spiritual birth, which is the spirit, or two. It could be being regenerated by the spirit and signifying that rebirth, uh, by Christian baptism. The water may also represent the cleansing action of God’s Holy Spirit. As mentioned in Titus chapter three, verse five. Nicodemus undoubtedly would have been familiar with God’s promise. In Ezekiel 36, Jesus was explaining the importance of spiritual rebirth, saying that people don’t enter the kingdom by living a better life, but by being spiritually reborn. And so regardless of whatever Jesus was, meaning that the water represents. And by the way, all of those are great explanations, right? Yeah. Um, you know, he was definitely, you know, uh, signifying spiritual birth, which is hilarious, that Nicodemus is like, wait a minute. Kyle
Now do I have to go back into my, my mother’s womb. Chris
How do I climb back into my mother’s womb, because I’ve grown since then, right? Like that? And Jesus is like, no, no, no, no, no, how could you be a teacher?

But you can understand his line of thinking, right? Being born again, he’s just like taking it at face value. And those are the types of words even we as Christians use, like being born again and don’t realize that it may come off as a little confusing to some people.

Yeah, which is why I never use it. Yeah yeah yeah yeah. Born again. And by the way, I don’t mind insider language. I don’t mind it when talking to Christians. So on this podcast saying born again would be a fine thing to say. Yes. Uh, but if we’re doing a weekend service and there’s unbelievers in the room and they’re outsiders, uh, born again, uh, carries with it. Yeah. Uh, a lot of, uh, uh, you know, bad church experience even. It’s just there’s it’s just like society, uh, you know, there’s like, uh, hot words, right? Like, we don’t say secretary anymore. We say administrative assistant. I don’t know that. We don’t say waiters. What do we say? Servers? Servers? Uh, we don’t say flight attendants because it has become derogatory, right? Because. Because of the way we mistreated the word. Even though they’re flight attendants. Yeah. What do we call them?

I actually don’t even know Chris
Or excuse me. Uh, stewardesses. Okay. It used to be stewardesses. That was the derogatory one. Right. Interesting. So there there are words that that that are fine words. Yeah. And they become, uh, they feel derogatory. And then. And there’s nothing wrong with the word, but but but somehow it gets attached to it. Secretary, secretary. And it’s that it’s that whole like, uh, 1950s, you know, mistreating of secretaries kind of thing. Right. And so then, you know, society just realizes like, it feels like a derogatory word because of the way they were treated. So we’re now we’re going to call them administrative assistants, right? So we’re going to abandon that word. And I think religiously it’s, you know, the church is old and popular and, and, uh, you know, sometimes when people have bad church experiences, it’s, it’s connected to buzzwords and, and and born again. Is, uh, is just a as a.

Potential for sure to be like a barrier.

Yeah, yeah. Because people because that’s, that is attached to a group that is let’s just call it a little bit more aggressive.

Yeah. Right. Yeah. In their face Kyle
i do think though, the thing that is really cool take away from this now that you’re saying, you know, you’re kind of reminding about how he came to him at night. He’s kind of doing undercover. But I do think, you know, there’s a saying that says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, you know? Right. I do think it’s really cool that he’s coming there with, like, this child like faith and this child like curiosity. And, um, you know, I think it’s just a reminder for us that, you know, you’re never too old. You’re never too, you know, beyond your, you know, um, your prime, if you will, to actually just like, remember to go back to, to Jesus. Right, and actually pursue him. And I love the fact that Jesus actually talks to him and just kind of breaks down these, um, big things and breaks it down. And that Nicodemus actually has an open heart and open mind and that Jesus isn’t just dismiss him. I mean, he broke down. We saw in this I mean another I mean, look at all the red letters on this. There’s a lot where Jesus has to break down the light and the darkness and judgment and that sort of thing. And I think it’s cool that Jesus was willing to teach this old dog a new trick, and that he had the open mind to do it. So I wonder how often we have the open mind to continue to, like, learn. Yeah, the longer we been Christians, I think sometimes we start to feel like we kind of know it all. And here he is saying, you know, being a religious leader and who’s saying, man, I want to learn more. I want to understand what’s going on. Kyle
I think that’s that’s a really cool perspective on Nicodemus.

Yeah. And I think that sometimes, you know, Jeff Forrester does a really great job reminding me all the time that, uh, no, no denomination is correct. Right. Like, we all have things that we’re going to get wrong. And I think that every single one of us are going to get to heaven and go, oh, that’s what that means, right? Because, you know, if God wanted us to, you know, to understand it fully, he would have given us more words. Yeah. So, you know, I just read a moment ago, uh, the water could mean this, or it could mean baptism, or it could mean, uh, you know, the physical birth, or it could mean this, uh, but either way, the meaning was clear, right? We understood exactly what Jesus was meaning. Yeah. He was saying that there you know, it’s not a physical birth. It’s a spiritual birth. So either way, regardless of what the water represents, we’re going to get to heaven one day and finally find out which of those theories is true. Yeah. All of that to say, uh, I remember growing up, you know, and I bounced around from a Catholic church to a methodist church to the Assemblies of God church. I anchored myself in a Baptist world and then later on drifted toward a nondenominational environment because only for one reason, because a non-denominational says, hey, we just follow the Bible, right? So we’re not attached to this is the way we do our missionaries, and this is the way that we, you know, we we have to we have to, you know, sort of like, fit ourselves into this mold of beliefs. And these are the disagreements of this denomination. Uh, the non-denominational church says, hey, listen, we’re just going to do our very, very best to follow the Bible. Chris
And so we don’t we don’t adhere to any of those things. So, uh, you know, teaching an old dog new tricks is something that I actually have lived out because, you know, coming from my education, uh, I started to think like, this is the way that God works. And then my experience in life says, oh, I’ve been told this my whole life. It is ingrained in me. And then all of a sudden, something new comes along and I’m like, well, maybe I’m incorrect about that. Maybe my college was incorrect about the interpretation of those verses because God, you know, they’re not God, right? And I respect my college, I really do. Yeah. Even though I poke fun at it a lot, I really do. Uh uh, always I have always said the biblical knowledge coming out of my college experience was the good part of it. Right. And so, uh, but, you know, I’ve started to, you know, and so all that to say, I agree with you wholeheartedly. I think that all of us should be open to saying, like, we don’t know it all. Yeah. Yeah. Right.

Well, and I think that there’s an important delineation here. You’re, you’re when you’re like kind of breaking down some of the rituals and you’re not rejecting Jesus, you’re not rejecting God, you’re maybe just questioning and maybe even to some extent rejecting certain traditions and rules. Man made things. I think that’s a huge difference, because right now there’s this whole movement of people that are just like, you know, throwing out the baby with the bathwater. It’s just like they’re, you know, well, because I grew up in this with this certain religious tradition, that must mean that Jesus didn’t. And it’s like, no, no, no, that’s not the case. I think what you’re saying is you kind of get to the point where you realize, man, there’s some great things I learned growing up or certain traditions, but some things I had to really just process for myself and realize that I can, you know, get rid of that, but also still have a relationship with Jesus and still pursue him.

Yeah. Hey, and we can’t end the podcast without acknowledging this pretty big part in the middle of this conversation because he says in verse number 13, uh, well, actually, 14 and as Moses lifted up the bronze snake on a pole in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up so that everyone who believes in him will have eternal life. And by the way, that was the preface to the greatest verse. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten. Or, you know, there’s one and only son. Yeah. Well, in my notes it actually says when the Israelites were wandering in the. In us. God sent a plague of snakes to punish the people for their rebellious attitudes. Those doomed to die from the snake bites could be healed by obeying God’s command to look up at the elevated bronze snake, and by believing that God would heal them if they did. And so that’s found in numbers 21. That’s what Jesus is quoting. Uh, obviously Nicodemus would have known that. And so similarly, similarly, our salvation happens when we look up to Jesus believing that he saves us. God has provided a way for us to be healed by sin’s deadly bite. And so this weird story that happens in the Book of Numbers is that, you know, because of people, you know, the the children of Israel just couldn’t learn their lesson, right? They’re constantly doubting God, rebelling God, forgetting God, turning away from God, blaspheming God. And so God then sends snakes. And then when it says Moses held up the bronze snake in the wilderness, uh, most people believe, scholars believe that it was probably like a fashion, like a cross. So there would be like a pole. Chris
And then it says there was a snake on a pole. So it could be that that the pole obviously was up and down. And then it could be that the snake was sort of the cross of the pole. So instead of it being a cross, it was like a wavy cross. Right. And so that would have been a foreshadowing of, of Jesus. Right. So that whole picture of, uh, punishment for sin, uh, you know, death from venom because of sin, God’s judgment of sin. And then all we have to do and it literally says that we get bit by snakes in the Book of numbers, and all they have to do is see the cross. Right? They would see the pole with the wavy, uh, you know, crossbar, which is the snake held up on a pole and they would see it and they would live and it’s and it’s a beautiful foreshadowing. It is. Yeah. And the reason why we know it’s important that way is because Jesus quotes it. Yeah. And he says, just like the Book of Numbers, this is what’s going to happen. And then and then and then he then he delivers the greatest verse right after that. And I think that it’s worth noting that from the very beginning, uh, Jesus, you know, this moment was planned, right? Like, you know, from the very beginning when sin entered the equation, uh, God had a plan to send the Messiah, to send Jesus to wipe away our sin. And aren’t you and I thankful? Yes. That. That we don’t have to face snakes or deal with sacrifices or, you know, face the wrath of God’s punishment. All we have to do is look to God because it says whosoever believes in him will not perish, but have eternal life. Chris

That’s good. Yeah. That’s good, that’s great.

Well, thank you guys so much for joining us. That was a great way to end this. Yeah. And as we remember what it looks like to be born again. So thank you so much Chris. We’ll see you tomorrow. Yep.

On The Bible Guys.