Money & Worry – Episode #247

Published: September 5, 2023


So, Dave, let me ask you a question. Have you ever worried about money?

Dave Wilson
Are you asking that because, you know, my answer is no. I’ve never, never thought about money.

That is not true.

Dave Wilson
Uh, it’s kept me up at night. How about you?

Uh, it has as well. Yeah, well, today we’re talking about how Jesus taught on money, and he talked about worry. Here we go. And so it’s pretty applicable.

Dave Wilson
Oh, boy. It applies to me and you. Yes.

So anyway, he’s Dave and I’m Chris. And today we are the Bible guys. So we have our guest for the week, Dave Wilson, filling in for Jeff Forrester who’s out of town. He’s in Africa, by the way.

Dave Wilson
Is he really?


Dave Wilson
Doing what? Uh, is he hunting? Or is he doing the work of God?

He’s both. Actually, that’s not true. He’s only doing the work of God. He’s doing, uh, stuff for an organization called the Timothy Initiative. Yeah. Uh, church planting. Yeah, yeah.

Dave Wilson
That’s awesome.

That’s really cool. That’s good. So. Pretty nifty. Hey. So listen, today’s segment, we’re supposed to play taboo with each other.

Dave Wilson
Uh, this ought to be interesting.

Yeah, well, it’s really she sort of labeled it as guess the word, but it’s really like taboo. So I’m supposed to get you to guess a word? Okay, so let’s see if our listeners can say the word out loud and get it before you do.

Dave Wilson
I bet they do.

To see how good you are.

Dave Wilson
I am terrible at these games.

All right, now, I can’t. I’ve been given a list of words that I cannot say. Would it be cool if we put it on the screen? What I cannot say. And in fact, you know what, Desiree, can you do that post production so that so that people who are watching could actually see it. You know.

Dave Wilson
I want to see it. Yeah.

Well that’s right. Here we see the word I’m supposed to get. Here we go.

Dave Wilson
I hate these games. I’m going to fail.

Okay. Ready. So this is to. Say things, speak, uh, conversation, lowly whisper, and people can’t quite comprehend it. What? They can’t comprehend it. Whisper because it’s so low. Yes. Mumble. That’s it, that’s it. So I couldn’t say talk or difficult or understand or words. I guarantee you speak.

Dave Wilson
I guarantee they beat me.


Dave Wilson
Do you have a direct message in. Do you have them?

Uh, they can respond to us by email or on YouTube.

Dave Wilson
Well, they got to that. That helps the algorithm.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. So here we go. Ready for this? Uh, one for one and two minutes. So this one is, um, good gravy, good gravy. When Thanksgiving when you are in your car, the asphalt beneath you is called a pavement road. Uh, more more highway. What else? Cement. Uh, not, uh uh, freeway. It’s like. It’s like it’s like, uh, road. Uh, okay. So I live on, um, 45, 98 Mill pond subdivision. Something.

Dave Wilson

Street, Street. Yes. Of course. Yes. How about that?

Dave Wilson
People are like. Wilson. You are so dumb.

I just told everybody my address.

Dave Wilson
You just did.

I did you.

Dave Wilson
Better take a black pen and black that out.

Good thing it was a fake address.

Dave Wilson
It was.

It was.

Dave Wilson
You made that up.

I did.

Dave Wilson
Mill pond. Those are right street. I know that I know.

Yep. Here we go.

Dave Wilson
I’m not giving you my address because, you know, I live in this big shack.

Here we go. Third one. Ready? Uh, okay. Good gravy. This is.

Dave Wilson
Why you say good gravy. You get me thinking about food?

Um, okay. This is when you tell. You do it a little quicker. When it’s hard, it’s when you tell a secret. No, you you say something. That is. That is the truth. Yes. You speak the truth. Yes. And that’s called. There’s a value called what? Integrity. Another one. Another word. Um. Truth. Yeah. It’s the opposite of being a liar. Uh, honest. Yes. And the value is truth teller. Expand.

Dave Wilson
Honest. Honesty.


Dave Wilson


Dave Wilson
Honest didn’t count.

Dude, I couldn’t say truth. Lie. Integrity, honor or trustworthy. I think you said truth last. Good. Replay the tape. I think you said. You say truth. You did. I said say something. That is. Oh, I think you’re right. You did? Yeah. And by the way, on street, I couldn’t say road, Avenue, way. Drive across. So I’ll do one more. One more. You ready? All right. Here we go.

Dave Wilson
How did I have to answer all these?

I don’t know, here we go. It’s just we’re doing what we told. So, uh, this last one is, um, my daughter Tori just got a job as a. You’re who? What? My daughter Tori. Yeah. Just got a job as a

Dave Wilson
Secretary. Lawyer? School teacher?

Yes, teacher. That’s correct, that’s right, that’s correct. Yeah. Very good job. So that’s that’s actually the way to do it. The way to do it is to just do personal examples. All right. Because because otherwise I couldn’t say school learn grade student or I got one. You want to do one? I’ll just make this up see if you can guess the the word. All right. Go ahead.

Dave Wilson
2024 Super Bowl champs.

Lions. Yeah. There you go Browns.

Dave Wilson
Oh it’s Lions. Browns. Are you kidding me Desmond Watson. I don’t think so Deshaun Watson. Whatever they say.

It’s gonna be rough dude. Yeah we’ll see. He better do good. Not this year.

Dave Wilson
Lions I’m telling you they look pretty good. But everybody’s excited in August right. That’s right. What is this air. This air in August.

Uh, this will air like three weeks from now.

Dave Wilson
Oh, Lions will be one and oh, here we go. There.

That’s so Matthew 625 through 34. We’re teaching from the NLT, and this is only recorded in Matthew. And he teaches about worry and judging. Oh I’m sorry, money in 19. I’m sorry 19 through 24. Yep.

Dave Wilson
19 through 34.

Dad, am I right?

Dave Wilson
Yes. And you need help, man, don’t you? That’s why I’m here.

You know what I was doing? I was doing these exact what you’re doing. I was doing these two.

Dave Wilson
I’m looking at it. So we’re going to talk Matthew 619. And as you can probably tell, these are red letter words, which means these are the words of Jesus. Jesus said this don’t store up treasures here on earth where moth eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy. And thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. Bam! I want to stop right now. No doubt, man, that is such a truth. Uh, verse 22, your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is good, your whole body is filled with light. But when your eye is bad, your whole body is filled with darkness. And if the light you think you have is actually darkness, how deep that darkness is. No one can serve two masters, for you will hate. One and love the other. You will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life. Whether you have enough food and drink or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns for your heavenly father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all of your worries add a single moment to your life? And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing. Yet Solomon and all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. Dave Wilson
And if God cares so wonderfully for the wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? So don’t worry about. So don’t worry about these things. Saying what will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear? These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers. But your heavenly father already knows all your needs. Seek the kingdom of God above all else and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

Whew! There’s a couple of sermons in there. In there?

Dave Wilson
Oh, there’s one more. One more verse, so don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today o I.

This is my one of my wife’s favorite things to say. I almost cut you off. Uh, her very. The very last verse is one of her favorite sayings. She says, uh, you know, tomorrow. Let tomorrow will worry about itself. Right? That’s what it’s saying. So. So yeah, it’s talking about money. And there’s so many truths in there. Just about money. Yeah. Right. And it says you cannot serve both God and money in the and other. The King James Version says Mammon. Yeah. Which actually translates into what. Stuff. That’s right. It does. It translates into stuff, actually.

Dave Wilson
And we are. We are a world or a country that loves stuff.

I know you don’t. And I don’t. Me. Not me.

Dave Wilson
But all those sinners out there love stuff. I mean, I mean, even as I was reading that, Chris, I’m like. I mean, we can talk about it, but just hearing the words of Jesus, I know that’s a comfort for somebody today if you’re gripped with worry. By the way, I don’t know if you know this. In the German, the word worry worthen means to choke. Oh, wow. And worry does that. It chokes your life. You lay in bed at night, you sweat. You fret over the bills. I tell you what. When Anna and I were first married, and again, I mentioned yesterday, you know, we raised our own support and money was tight. It got to the point when she would rip checks out of the checkbook to pay our bills. I couldn’t be in the house. Wow. Just hearing that sound grabbed my heart. I was like, we don’t have enough money. Our bank accounts going down to zero every month. Um, it it had me. I mean, when Jesus is talking about don’t worry because he’s he takes care of us. I’ve been there. You’ve been there?

Yeah, well, you and I are liking a lot of different, different ways. And, uh, we share a lot of commonality. And, uh. Yeah, I have been there, uh, incredibly. So. You know, it is interesting because, you know, as alike as we are, we’re we’re different in some ways and in some ways because of the way I grew up, my mom, like, you know, my mom was the kind of person where she was always so giving. She gave away everything because she had nothing. And so I’d walk up to her and I’d say, you know, my friends would say, hey, do you have any money? I go to the mall and all my friend’s moms would pull out like a $10 bill back then, in the 80s. That was a lot. Yeah, and here’s ten. Here’s ten bucks, and I go to my mom and I’d say, hey, do you have any money? I gotta go to the mall. And she’d dig in her change purse and pull out like three quarters or four quarters. She’s like, well, this will let you play some video games, you know, or maybe buy a Coke or an ice cream, and that’s just the way it was. And so consequently, my mom went through a lot of hardships, and she would always tell me whenever I got worried about money, she would say, listen, she goes, it always just works out. She’s like, so I can’t even tell you the countless number of times where I was saying, oh, no. And I look back at those times and say, we’re going to get through. She goes, it always works out. And then combined with the fact that my number one gift on a spiritual gifts test is faith. And so, so I have worried about money tremendously. Chris
But I think there are other moments where I’ve sort of rested in my upbringing and rested in my faith. And there’s been times where I’m like, I had an, um, an irrational calming. Right. Uh, which is really funny, but yeah, dude, it’s it’s definitely it has been a stronghold for me for a long time.

Dave Wilson
Well, it’s interesting, you know, as Jesus talks about worry and often money is connected to that. He says something that you just mentioned, faith. He says you have little faith. And there’s part of me that goes, why does he say that? Because at another place in Matthew, he says, if you have the faith the size of a mustard seed, in other words, minuscule, tiny faith, you can move mountains. You don’t need big faith. And I remember one of the, uh, principles of my life that has sustained me is it isn’t the size of your faith that matters. It’s the size of your God. Right. And that’s based on Jesus saying, you don’t have to have great faith. You need a great God. Because often we have big faith in a God that can’t do anything. It’s like, wait, wait. When we see God as He really is, he is magnificent. He is holy. He can be trusted. As Jesus says here, we just need a little bit of faith to say. Okay, I’m going to trust him. And I’ve had that when I’m laying in bed. I remember years ago laying in bed and. And I’m not kidding. Totally sound asleep. She’s got trust, you know, guys got it. And we don’t have you know, we have three little boys and I’m thinking college and I’m trying to put money away for college, but it just they get into middle school and then high school I’m like we don’t have enough. Yeah. How? Not that you have to pay for your kids college, but that was sort of what I was hoping to do. And I can just remember laying in bed many nights going, you know what? He’s got it. Like your mom said, it’ll work out. Dave Wilson
He’s got it. I’m going to trust him. I’m going to do the right things. I’m going to handle money wisely. I’m going to be a good steward of what God gives me, but I’m going to trust him to take care of the college fund, and it could be anything. But at that time it was that. And now I can tell you as an empty nester. Yeah, with three married kids and six grandkids. God provided in miraculous ways. It’s almost like he just winked at me and said, all those sleepless nights you didn’t have to lose sleep. Mhm. I took care of today and I got tomorrow. You know, life is more important than a college fund. Although I’m telling you, put it away, you’re going to need it. But you know these words are so important. Yeah, yeah. So trust him.

Yeah. There’s no doubt. And uh, and I love the truth where it talks about, uh, store up treasures in heaven, not on earth, because, uh, moths going to eat them and Russ is going to destroy them, and thieves are going to steal them. Uh, you know, I remember one time when I was a student pastor, I had about maybe, I don’t know, 60 kids or so in my in my small little church’s youth group. And I remember taking all 60 kids and every once in a while, like, you know, every, like, quarter, I used to do an activity or an event called Destination Unknown. So they would show up at the church thinking, we’re going to have service at the church on a Tuesday night. And it’s like, well, today we have buses and we’re going to do destination unknown. So on this passage, what I did was I drove them to a dealership. It was a Porsche dealership, Porsches, and we actually got them to get off the bus and take a look around. They were like, ooh, this is cool. And I and the Porsche manager was there, right? And it was actually just a guy that I knew who was a salesman, actually. But he was able to let them in and he was like, yo, this is the so and so and this model here. And anybody want to guess how much this one’s worth? Ooh, we were there for like 20 minutes. I said, okay, load up the buses. And then we drove to a junkyard. And it was actually the section where all the Porsches were. Yeah. And I said, okay, so anybody want to tell me what a 1985 Porsche would have been? Brand new. And then and then we went down the line. Chris
I did all the research and the junkyard guys like, yep, this would have been 100,000 150,000. And he starts going like that and he goes and believe it or not, he goes, this one right here. He goes, this one right here was wrecked not too long ago. This is only like five years old. And look at it. And it’s like wow. And then and then we sat in the junkyard and we taught this passage way to go, because it’s just that’s just what it is, right? Stuff is stuff. It’s it’s it’s it’s not worth your soul. I mean, it’s.

Dave Wilson
So easy, though, to get your heart, you know, he says, where your treasure is, your heart is so easy to get your heart connected to stuff. I remember I had a guy speak to the Lions back in the 80s who wrote a book. I don’t know if you remember this book. His name was Pat Morley. He wrote a book called The Man in the mirror, and it became a very well known selling book about manhood, really, and being a man of God. And I’ll never forget one of the stories in the book was he was a millionaire who made a lot of money in real estate. Um, and he had a really nice furniture and stuff in his house, and one of his little boys was doing something on his coffee table, and he went nuts, like, get off that cop because he was scratching it. And his wife looks at him and goes, do not ruin a $10 million boy over a $300 coffee table. And I’ve never forgotten that story. It’s like he was like, you’re right, it’s a coffee table. It’s going to rust. It’s going to end up in a junkyard one day. That son, that daughter is made in the image of God. That’s what matters. It’s sort of he’s saying, store up your treasure in heaven. In heaven, there’s eternal things and there’s temporal things and all the stuff we put all our value in. And we even put people on TV and say, man, I want to be like him because they have money or they have a house. Remember? Lifestyles of the Rich and famous? Oh yeah. We used to follow around and see these big homes and you just dream like, oh, I wish I had that. Dave Wilson
It’s just moth. It’s just rust.

You know, people.

Dave Wilson
Matter, not.

Things. So my wife is so good at this. I remember when we bought the kitchen table that we currently still have, by the way, it was Art van. Remember the. Oh, I remember art van. If you if you live locally. Yeah. Where we were we podcast from. So anyway, we got this table and uh, my son it was maybe it was my daughter, I think it was my son, but he had like, uh, jeans with, like, these buttons on them, and he was sliding around. And we have this wooden bench and it was all scratched like, like really scratched. And it was brand new. Yeah. And I looked at it and I go, Liz, look and I, and I, and I want and I wanted to be like, look at this. Can you believe this? It’s brand new. And immediately she goes, oh, it’s becoming ours. Wow. Isn’t that great? Oh yeah. It’s great.

Dave Wilson
I had, uh, how much time we got? We got time. Yeah. I’ll tell us real quick I. One year I always wanted to have a convertible. Right. Yeah. Couldn’t afford it. Long story short, I found a 1996 Mustang convertible in Florida for $5,000. Right. And a buddy gave me a thousand. He’s like, I want you to have this car so bad. And it shipped up to my house. And when it got to my house, I’m like, this is a piece of junk. It was not a nice car, but, you know, looked cool. And I drove it around and it became so important. I park it in that back of the parking lot and an would be like, you really care way too much about that car. Wouldn’t let anybody drive it, whatever. And so I’m not kidding. Every year something happened to it and I’d spend 500, $800 getting it fixed, you know, fender bender, whatever. Long story I decide. You know what? This thing is too important to me. It really was. So I’m going to sell it. I just can’t get rid of it. And so, um, uh, it was going to go in back then. Craigslist or the paper, I can’t remember. It was a long time ago. And on Saturday and it was so clean, I knew I’d probably sell it in one day. Well, my youngest son, Cody, who you know, was 16, he said, dad, I’ve never gotten to drive the Mustang. You got to let me drive it tonight. And I’m like, no, you’re not driving that thing. It’s a five liter. You can’t handle it, he said. And he literally, I’m an idiot. He had a cast on his right foot from baseball. He broke his ankle, so he’s going to drive it with his left foot. Dave Wilson
And I’m like, no, you’re not driving. We’re going out with friends tonight. You’re not driving my car anyway and said, oh, come on. It just like I’m like, okay, dude, come on, I’ll show you how to drive. We drive around a little bit and he’s gonna take his buddies. Nope. It was automatic. Uh, yeah. That’s another lame car. It should have been a stick. But anyway, we go to the restaurant, he takes it out, he says I’ll be home early. I put it away. Um, he calls Anne, and she walks out of the restaurant and she comes back in. I go, what happened? She goes, no, nothing. I go, I was so scared. And so then we finished dinner. We’re walking to the car and she goes, I lied. I go, what? Yo, Cody had an accident. What? He’s fine. I should have said, is he okay? But I’m like, is the car okay? Right. And it was.

In the in the garage.

Dave Wilson
Long story short, dude. He pulls in the garage. He should have just left it in the driveway, but he wanted to put it right where I would want it. Again, it’s going to be sold the next day. And instead of hitting the brake as he pulls in, he hits the gas and he runs into the back of the garage. Oh no. And then he tells me later, he said, dad, I put my head on the steering wheel and I just started going, oh no. And then this cabinet door falls and he looks up and it’s like, oh my goodness, that is so great. Here’s the end of the story. The best part of the story is Anne tells Cody, when we get home, you shouldn’t be there. So he’s not there. When we get home, I see the car, the cabinets laying on it and it took me an hour, dude. And then he came home. Two hours later. I was literally sitting in the family room and he walks in and he just stands right at the door and he starts weeping. He’s dead. I’m so because he knew this car was my it had my heart is where my treasure was. And he just starts weeping. I go, Cody, come here. He came down and sat right beside me and I put my arm around him. I go, it’s just metal, dude. It’s a, you know, because in that hour and a half God got me to what Jesus is saying. It’s like, dude, it’s a car, right? And your son didn’t mean to do it. It’s a car. And I remember I put my arm around and said, dude, it’s just metal. He goes, really? I go, yeah, I said, that’s a bummer, I understand. Dave Wilson
I go, you’re paying half, but we’ll fix it. Yeah, I tell you, I got it fix and sold it the first person. But it was one of those moments. It’s it’s funny whenever you hear Cody tell that story, because I’ve heard him tell it from his side. You know, he calls it, huh? He calls it the Grace embrace.


Dave Wilson
Yeah. When he first told that, I’m like, from his side, he expected the wrath of the father. And he got the grace of the father. And I’m so glad God was able to say to me in that time, this doesn’t matter. This matters. And, you know, it’s a great story because it’s like, that’s how God responds to us.

He gives a sermon that sounds like a sermon I’d want to hear.

Dave Wilson
Oh, yeah, it’s a great it’s a good sermon. He can preach it. Well, I’m glad that I had one good moment where my treasure was not in heaven or was not on earth. It was in heaven.

Yeah. That’s awesome. And, uh, and I love how, uh, he talks about clothing and the lilies of the field. And of course, he’s referring to Solomon of the Old Testament. Right. He says he says Solomon, who was the richest man and he had everything. He he wasn’t nearly as beautiful as these lilies right here that God provides. For. And so he’s just he’s bringing it back to simplicity. He’s bringing it back to how God, uh, is the one that provides. And I got to tell you, um, you know, what will we eat? What will we drink, what will we wear? These thoughts dominate the thoughts of unbelievers. But you know what? I’m a believer. I think that stuff all the time. Yeah. You know, I think, and we all do. And so I think it’s a really good lesson, especially when coupled with money and provision, to just realize that, hey, God takes care of the birds, he takes care of the lilies of the field. And how much more valuable are we than they?

Dave Wilson
Yeah. And if there’s a final thought, it’s verse 33. Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and food. Clothing. He’ll take care of it. It’s like, get your get our focus. This is utmost. This is all that matters. Jesus. And extending his love to others. And you can rest at night. He’s got you. He’ll take care of you. It’s easy to say. Hard to do. But it’s true.

Yeah, well, that’s a great place to end. And we will see you next time on The Bible Guys.