Judea & Samaria – Episode #291

Published: November 6, 2023


You’re listening to The Bible Guys, a podcast where a couple of friends talk about the Bible in fun and practical ways.

You know, for those people watching that that The is so old that we’re wearing headphones.

I was just thinking the exact same thing I was going to say. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s so funny. I wish we did wear headphones. I could hear you better.

Yeah, that’s. Well, you know, nobody’s really said that to me before. Yeah. I want to hear you better.

I want to hear you better. I want.

To hear you more.

Chris. That’s right. I just want to hang on every word. What you have to say.

Well, hey, good morning everyone. Indeed. If it is morning and we are going to start off with a segment called good day, good, good day, sir.

Day or.

Evening? Good afternoon or.


Good night. We are going to start off with a segment called where are our listeners from.

Yeah this is a fun one.

Yeah. And so what we’re.

Doing is we did we’ve done Holland Michigan.

Yeah yeah yeah.

Where else did we do.

We did. Come on Minnesota.

Vikings. Yeah yeah yeah Minneapolis Minneapolis okay. And this is another good one.

Yeah. And this is just because the Google stats came in. And it tells us that we have several listeners from a concentrated from this area. And I don’t know anybody who lives in this area currently.

Oh yeah. Yeah.

So all right so here it is. So we’re going to give you clues and you’re going to see if you could sort of guess the city that we’re describing.

Such weird clues.

Number one, it was nearly named Possum Trot and Rabbit Ville in 1853 after two animals that were popular barbecue delicacies at the time. Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, people eat possum.

And rabbit.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Barbecue possum.

Barbecue possum, baby.

By the way, possums are really gentle creatures. They’re ugly.

Yeah, yeah, they’re very sweet.

Very sweet.

Yeah. All right. So I had a I had a pastor friend when I was growing up. So he was kind of one of my heroes. And he was big hunter. Yeah. And I had possum at his house. He’s from he’s from West Virginia. Mm hmm. All right. Okay. Secondly, it’s the birthplace of Mickey Mouse and bomb pops.

Well, those are random things. Yes, I know, but birthplace of Mickey Mouse is pretty.

That’s a big deal. Bomb pops a pretty big deal, too. But.

Yeah, but Mickey Mouse is known all over the world.


Number three, it is said to have more fountains than any other city besides Rome. Holy cow! Leading to its nickname, City of Fountains.

Very creative nickname, by the way.

Hey, by the way. Wow.

Yeah, yeah.

Rome. Rome is fountains.

That’s pretty cool. Yeah. Did you get to see any fountains when you were in Rome?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, yeah. That’s fun. Did you throw a coin in the Trevi Fountain? Of course. Over your shoulder, of course. Yeah. So Chad and I were standing there together, our executive pastor, and it was like 1130 at night, and I said, hey, you’re supposed to throw a coin over your shoulder. He goes, oh, okay. So he turned around. We throw coins, and then some guy goes, oh, isn’t that wonderful? You guys will come back, you know, together someday. I’m like, I don’t want to come back to Rome with Chad, right?

Right. He thought you were together.

Together maybe. Right. Exactly. Okay. Uh, and it’s the home to a to a football team that the Detroit Lions beat this year.

Oh, that’s a good clue.

And current Super Bowl champs.

Yeah. So if that doesn’t give you a clue, it is. It is Kansas City, Missouri. There you go. My my future son in law, who’s been dating my daughter for five years, just accepted a job in Kansas City, Missouri. Wow. So who knows if they do get married. My daughter actually may be living in Kansas City, Missouri. Yeah, yeah.

Wow. There you go. Kansas City right there. So is there a Kansas City Kansas, too? Yes. So it sits on the border.

It sits on the border.

Yeah. It splits. It splits right down the middle. But this is we’re ignoring the Kansas City Kansas. Right. And we are celebrating Kansas City, Missouri.

Well, I got to tell you.

So way to go, people.

I got to tell you, I almost wonder when when he was down there, I almost wonder if maybe he was one of the ones listening to the podcast. That’s how that’s how he came up.

Well, I think it’s supposed to be like a groups. I don’t know how she picked it, but cool. I doubt it. He doesn’t listen to us, you know that.

Yeah, probably. Probably not. Yeah. Okay.

So hey, do this comment and let us know where you’re where you’re listening or watching from. And if you’re if you’re listening on like a podcast platform, send it to us info at biblegateway.com. Yeah, right. So isn’t.

It the Bible guys.

The Bible guys.com info at the Bible guys.com. So cool.

All right. Well today we’re jumping into actually this is sort of a transitional type passage isn’t it.

Yeah. Well we had mentioned that he was transitioning as soon as he leaves Caesarea Philippi. Yeah his ministry changes, but now he’s getting ready to leave Galilee and head towards Jerusalem. So really big, really big transitional moment. We’re talking.

About Jesus.

Of course. That’s correct. Yes. Big fan, by the way.

Big fan. Big fan. Okay. Jesus. Big fan. Yeah. It reminds me of Kung Fu Panda. Did you see Kung Fu Panda?

Kung fu panda? Yeah. When he.

When he peeks in, he goes, big fan. Big fan.

Okay, here we go. We’re going to read from Matthew chapter 19, verses one and two, then mark chapter ten, Luke chapter nine, and then we’ll just keep going in Luke chapter nine. Here we go. It says, when Jesus had finished saying these things, he left Galilee and went down to the region of Judea, east of the Jordan River. Large crowds followed him there, and he healed their sick. Then it says in Mark ten. Then Jesus left Capernaum and went down to the region. Of Judea and into the area east of the Jordan River. Once again, crowds gathered around him, and as usual, he was teaching them. Luke nine says, as the time drew near for him to ascend to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. Right. And then in verse 52, it says, he sent messengers ahead to a Samaritan village to prepare for his arrival. But the people of the village did not come or welcome Jesus, because he was on his way to Jerusalem. When James and John saw this, they said to Jesus, Lord, should we call down fire from heaven to burn them up? But Jesus turned to rebuke them. So they went on to another village.

So unbelievably random.

So funny.

So unbelievably random. Guys couldn’t.

Nine of them couldn’t cast out one demon. But man, bless God, they’re going to call down fire from heaven.

Yeah, well, you know, Jesus had said Jesus had already said that when when a town doesn’t welcome you. He gave them instructions to. To do what? Yeah.

To shake off the dust. Off their feet. Yeah.

Symbolically saying, like shaking the dust off your feet, saying, hey, you know, I’ve done what I can do. I’m shaking off the, you know, this, this, this attitude of not being welcoming. Well, apparently they were so angry that they were not being welcomed and that they wanted to they weren’t content with shaking off the dust out of their feet. And so, just in case our listeners are wondering, for those who don’t know, they’re really sort of call it they’re referring to Elijah, aren’t they? So, yeah, Elijah from the Old Testament is a famous prophet who called down fire from heaven and, you know, burned up a sacrifice. And so I think what they were doing was they were sort of saying. Who are they to not welcome Jesus? Don’t they know who he is? Right, right. So don’t you think it’s attached to some sort of a not just a punishment kind of attitude? Right.

But I think it’s just total road rage. I feel I, I feel that way sometimes when I’m driving down road cut me off. I’m like, I call down fire from heaven. That’s so funny.

Well, there’s a part of me that thinks that’s attached to punishment because they’re mad. Oh yeah. But then there’s a part of me that thinks we’ll show them. We’ll get revenge on them in a supernatural way. Display the wrath of God like the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. When the angels, you know, when those little glowy things change faces. And all of a sudden they become the glowy things of death.

So. So they did grow up. You know, Galilee isn’t very far away from Mount Carmel, where Elijah did call down fire from heaven.


That’s right. So you’ve been there. Have you been in Mount Carmel? No, never been there. So I.

Think we drove past.

It. There’s a statue on the top of the mountain. There’s a there’s a monastery, this really beautiful monastery. There’s a statue of Elijah, and he stands there with a sword over his head, and he’s got his foot on a guy’s head. So, yeah, it’s pretty, pretty crazy. So Elijah won this great victory against the the priests and prophets of Baal and on Mount Carmel and called down fire from heaven. Right. So that’s the that’s the thing. But it’s just hysterical to me because these guys, these guys, so they could not figure out how to cast out nine of them could not cast out one demon.


But they’re going to call down fire. Right. So there is something about that. You’ve Paul warns at one point that knowledge puffs us up, right, that we get really prideful. So there’s there’s kind of an adolescence in our Christian life. Yeah. You know, so you’re a baby at first. You’re drinking milk and and, you know, your spiritual parents are caring for you and loving on you and all those things. And it’s just so wonderful. But then you’ve seen this. I know you have. I’ve seen it a thousand times. Somebody starts really leaning into the word, they start studying. They get a hold of some systematic theology book. They heard some theologian that blows their minds, and next thing you know, they know everything. Everything. Right. Yeah. And now they want to argue about every little detail. And your theology is wrong and they’ve got it right, and everybody around them is a heretic. And that’s exactly what I feel like is happening here, is they’ve been with Jesus just long enough. And they just left Caesarea Philippi and he said, the gates of hell will not prevail against us. Bless God, bless God, right? Right. That’s it. And it just seems like they’re so cocky. And there is this moment, I think, in most. Big Bible students lives where you get just a little too cocky. You think a little too much of yourself. And. And so I wonder if that’s just not what’s happening here because Jesus response. So it’s interesting here. It just says he turned and rebuked them. Some of the ancient manuscripts have this phrase on verses 55 and 56. It says, and he said, you don’t realize what your hearts are like, for the Son of Man has not come to destroy people’s lives, but to save them. Jeff
Yeah, right. So they’re so convinced Jesus is the Son of God that if somebody has a bad attitude about Jesus, we’re going to wipe them out. And Jesus goes, you still don’t understand the mission, right? Right.

You know, you were talking about how knowledge puffs up and giving those examples of people who, you know, feel a little superior when they have Bible knowledge. Yeah. So I think we have a series coming up at our church that’s coming up in the fall, where it’s just one week that we’re focusing on this, but we’re actually focusing on the idea that that knowledge isn’t the goal of the Christian faith. Right, right, right. Although more knowledge is always good, more knowledge is important. It’s very.

Important. Yeah, but it’s not the goal. That’s not.

The goal. The goal of of the Christian faith is application. So you know the idea that like and I’ve and I’ve, I’ve heard this my entire life where people will come and then they’ll say like, hey, I’ve been going to your church a while, but there’s always another church down the street that’s giving more knowledge, right? Right. I mean, there just always is, right? Right. Because it depends on what kind of weekend you want to be a part of, you know? You know, I’ve been a part of pretty in-depth Bible studies. You know, where you meet together. And man, it’s a deep dive into some books, right? And it’s just straight up information. It’s like you feel like you’re drinking from a fire hose. Well, there are actually churches who do that on Sunday mornings.

Sure. Oh yeah.

Yeah. And it’s like, and there’s nothing wrong with that, by the way, there’s all different kinds of churches for all different kinds of people. Our friend Nick boring drilled that into my head. Right. So it’s not it’s not better. It’s just different. Right. But when people come to me and my whole life and they’ve said, hey, you know, I just want more meat and potatoes and I want this or that. I always just sort of laugh and think to myself, I will bet you out of the 52 weeks, your past 52 weeks at our church, I bet you that you probably struggled with 45 of the messages in terms of application in your life.

Yeah, you didn’t actually do all 50 messages. No, no.

Right, right, right. It’s like it’s like.

I want to hear more. What they mean is I want bigger words. Would you please use more four syllable words? That’s that’s what they’re saying. I want more meat and potatoes and I want to be deeper.

I want to learn something. Yeah, right. I want to learn something new. And they think. And by the way, there’s nothing wrong with that. Because again.

Nothing wrong with wanting.

To learn. Yeah, learning is a great thing. But as long as we understand that the goal of every message, the goal of every time we sit down and read the Bible, the goal of every time we pray, the goal of every time we fellowship with other Christians. I use the word fellowship.

Yeah, I love that.

Yeah, yeah. Do you the goal that every time we, we do that is the goal is application and transformation. So if if we’re not applying and growing and exercising our faith, then more knowledge is, is is pretty fleeting.

When when heritage was younger and I had just come to heritage, we were still meeting in high school and I had a guy that was I really liked him a lot, and he kind of came after me one day going, you know, I’ve heard your stories, I’ve heard you preach. I get what you’re about. I just feel like I need more. I’m like more what he said deeper Bible teaching. And I said, okay, I’ll give it to you. It’s a great. And I said we can start meeting at 6:00 on Monday mornings. He goes, no, no, that doesn’t work for me. I said, all right, I could do 6:00 on Wednesday. That doesn’t that doesn’t work for me either. Uh, I think I’m available in the evenings. On Thursdays. Oh, that’s not available for me either. I offered him four time slots in the week. Yeah, he says not available. What he wanted was for the 35 minutes. He’s available on Sunday mornings. Right. He wants me to customize messages for him, right? Right. Right, right. So he wasn’t that hungry, right? It was just the one day a week he was going to eat spiritually. He wanted me to feed him a gourmet meal. Right. For that one meal. Yeah, right. And I asked him, I said, can I ask you a question? I said, would you say that you spend seven hours a week in the word? And he went, oh no, no, that’s what I’m saying is I need to spend more time in the word I said. Would you say you spent five hours a week in the word? He goes, oh no, no, not not even close. I was like, okay, so he wants me to set him on my lap, bounce him like a baby, right? Jeff

Put him in a high chair.

Here comes a great big word. We’re going to.

Talk about sanctification this week. Here come the carrots. Here come the carrots. Right, right. Yeah yeah, yeah.

And so sometimes we can get a little selfish when we’re talking about that. Now I think it’s incredibly important to be studying and learning. We should be students of the word. And five years from now, you should not even hardly recognize the person you used to be. And the level of lack of knowledge you had back then versus now, right? Five years later. Sure, sure, sure, you should always be growing. But the goal in a Christian’s life is not just to become a super student. You know, God has multiple purposes, he said. We’re supposed to love other people. We’re supposed to love God. That’s ministry and worship. We’re supposed to go tell everybody that’s evangelism fellowship. We talked about that, right? Bringing people into the family of God and discipleship. We should be discipling others, not just, he says, teach them to obey. So we’re supposed to be discipling others, those big five purposes. It’s not just discipleship. It’s all these things together. Make a disciple. And so the goal is not just to learn more. The goal is to have balance in your life and balance. Things are healthy and healthy. Things grow. Right, right, right. So you need you need to have balance in all of those areas. So you should have a hunger. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, right? You should have a hunger for God’s words. And, you know, seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. There’s just a million of these phrases like that that we should be seeking God. We should be seeking God’s ways, and we discover him through His Word. But then we need to be balanced in all the other areas. So anyways, I just I think it’s funny, they get puffed up and they’re going to call down fire from heaven. Jeff
So far, the only thing we’ve seen is that they went around preaching a little bit and they did. They did some miracles, but now you know they’re ready to cast out or call down fire.

So, so these, these few verses from from each gospel here, there’s one from Matthew, Luke, Mark, actually those three. I forgot to turn that off. Your phone’s.


Chris I can’t believe that even happened. Sorry about that, listeners. But so we have three of the four gospels here. But but again, that’s why I called it a transitional type passage, because really, what it’s really saying is, you know, he he didn’t want to go to Judea. His brothers ridiculed him. Remember last week we talked about that. Yeah, yeah. And he knew that once he entered into Judea that there was no turning back. Right. And he was entering toward Jerusalem. He was entering toward the cross and the crucifixion. And he knew what was coming in Passover week. Right. And so eventually he gets done and he starts heading that way. So can you even imagine, first of all, yeah. Side note that Jesus, Jesus is marching down from northern Israel, and he’s going all the way down to Jerusalem. Now, it does say that he goes on the east side of the Jordan River. Yeah. Which means that we have a little map here in our life application Study Bible that talks about leaving Capernaum. And then he and he sort of goes down on the west side. He goes through.

Samaria, goes.

Through Samaria, and then he crosses over and and visits a city over on the east side.

Which would be on modern day Jordan.

Modern day Jordan. Yeah. And then he crosses back over and we’re about to see later on that he goes to Jericho. Jericho. Right. And then and then eventually ends up in Jerusalem. Yeah, but can you even imagine Jesus, you know, making that final March, having the, you know, being the only one with the perspective of like, do you have any idea what I’m doing for you? Yeah. Right. And you know what? I feel like there’s a lesson in there. There’s a sermon in there. And I think that there are a lot of times in our lives where we take for granted what Jesus has done for us, right, right. So every time that we sin, every time that we, you know, make selfish choices or, you know, just decide to exercise our own will and, and, you know, we make a really sort of a big and a bad choice, you know, in our lives, you know, we often don’t stop and reflect because Jesus would be thinking, do you have any idea? Do you have any appreciation of what’s of what’s about to happen is what he’s thinking, right. You know, and we would look back at the cross and say, do you have any idea what he paid for? You know.

It said that he Luke chapter 951 says Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. Yeah, what a phrase, right?

I didn’t even see that.

Where is that at? So 51, verse 51. Luke 951.

Oh, yeah. Resolutely. There it is. Yeah.

So? So, you know, his brothers are trying to get him to go for the Feast of Tabernacles, right? And he goes, no, if I go down there now, there’s going to be trouble. Right? But that’s about six months out from Passover. So he’s going to be the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. He is the Passover lamb, right? And so he couldn’t go during festival, during this big festival, it was going to cost too much trouble. It’s too many people, too much. Jerusalem is going to be too politically and religiously charged. So no, I’m not going to go well now we’re past that. So now he’s moseying down, he’s resolutely going. But there’s a lot of things that happen between here and Jerusalem. Right. And so now he’s he’s going down through there. He cuts through Samaria, which, by the way, we’ve talked about this before, that the Jews hated the Samaritans because they were half breeds. And the the Samaritans hated the Jews because of prejudice. And so there’s this prejudice back and forth, both of them unreasonable. But that’s the way that they felt about each other. And so oftentimes Jews would walk around, good purebred Jews would walk around Samaria. Yeah.

And they would add sometimes like an entire day’s journey.

Yeah. Because they didn’t even want the dirt to be on their sandals from Samaria.

They considered them unclean. Yeah. Yeah.

So it was just gross. Oh, gross. Right. But Jesus didn’t have that same prejudice. And so there’s multiple times he just cuts right through. It’s the most practical. I love that about Jesus. Right. And so he’s just cutting through Samaria.

And the people are valuable. Yeah.

And the. He stops in a town. And it’s interesting. You know, prejudice goes both ways. So here they’re like, we don’t want anything to do with you. You know, you’re a Jewish rabbi. Whatever. We don’t want you now. Matthew and Mark said. Matthew says that large crowds followed Jesus and he’s healing their sick. That’s pretty impressive. What village doesn’t need some sick people healed, but they didn’t want anything to do with Jesus. And then it says crowd. Mark says once again, crowds gathered around him and is usually he was teaching them well. We know that several of the Samaritans were really amazed by his teaching. So this this village didn’t want anything to do with Jesus. So even though he was currently healing and teaching, now get on out of here.

Well, it gives the the reason why it said. It said they did not welcome Jesus because he was on his way to Jerusalem. Yeah. And so what’s the implication of that, you think?

Uh, I think that. So they had their own. They had their own temple. Right, right. So they had their own worship system, and he they were feeling rejected culturally by him, I think. And so they were rejecting him.

Hence the conversation with the woman at the. Well. That’s right. Right. Because they talked about, you know, you jus worship at your temple and, you know, in Jerusalem, where do we worship. Right? And that whole conversation took place. So yeah, that was a really big thing in culture. So yeah, I mean just thinking about, you know, here’s the, here’s the, the word about Jesus from all of the good Jews, I’m sure. Well, not all, but many believed that he probably was the Messiah, even though that they wanted a military person, you know, to deliver them. Right. They interpret it deliverance, not spiritual deliverance. But, you know, they were in occupied territory and they wanted military deliverance. But either way, they’re thinking Jesus is the answer. And then Jesus is on his way to the big worship, you know, festival in the the Passover, Passover feast in Jerusalem. And yeah, there was an absolute attitude toward him about that. So I think.

Sometimes we can wrap up with this, I think, but sometimes I think we guess that other people aren’t going to like us. And so we preemptively strike. Right. And this, this might have been it is that, hey, if you’re on your way to Jerusalem for some kind of worship thing, you’re not going to like us anyways. So get out. Right? So I think sometimes we push away people we don’t really know. We don’t take the time to really know why they’re here or what their intent is. We just reject them because we we guess that they’re going to reject us. Yeah. And I think there’s a lot of woundedness in that, you know, the woundedness is in the culture long term. But that’s probably a big part of that. So yeah.

Well that’s great. That’s a that’s a great place to end. And we will see you next time hopefully on The Bible Guys.