Jesus’ Baptism – Episode #217
Published: July 25, 2023
So, Jeff, can you make a sound of a dove?
Yeah, maybe. Uh.
Yeah. So that’s really good. I can’t do it. I can’t do it.
You just got to roll your roll. Roll the tip of your tongue.
I can’t roll it. I can’t roll it. No. Huh? Can you roll your r’s? Yes. I can’t do that. Wow. Well, we’re talking about Jesus descending like a dove.
Today I was thinking, where are you going with this? Okay, so he’s Chris, and I’m Jeff, and we’re the Bible guys. Okay, Chris. So, uh, today, you like, uh, your family’s, like, obsessed with board games, by the way.
I said Jesus descending like a dove. It’s the Holy Spirit descending like a dove. Yeah, at Jesus’s baptism.
Jesus. That’s right.
All right, go ahead.
Huh? All of our listeners are like, why do I listen to these people?
Right, right, right, right. I misspoke.
Okay, um, so your family likes to play table.
Games all the time. Board games?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, uh, do you ever play taboo?
Uh, all the time.
Yeah, although.
Although not as much anymore. But we do have the new version of.
It, and, uh, so describe the rules for taboo. Normally there’s.
It’s just like the old password on TV. Okay, uh, they say a word, and then you have to guess the real word, right?
So there’s a key word, but I can’t say the key word. I have to give you clues with other words to try to get you to guess the key word, right? Yes. So, um.
Is there a theme to these words? Uh, how many are there?
There’s going to be three. Oh, just three. Yeah. But no, no, there’s no theme. Okay. So that makes it.
Just random words okay.
Yep. All right. Uh, I’m ready. So I’m not allowed to use any of these other words. So there’s three words I’m not allowed to use.
So it’s giving you words to not use.
I’m not allowed to use. Yeah yeah.
Yeah. Okay.
All right. Um.
So just like taboo.
Yeah yeah yeah, yeah. So you work, um, on this particular part of the week? Uh, a lot. Sunday. There you go. Yes. Fantastic. Easy. I wasn’t allowed to say.
There’s only three of these.
Yeah, I wasn’t allowed to say church day or weekend.
Okay. All right. We’re just going to go pretty quick. Sounds like.
Uh, superhero. Okay. Your least favorite.
Batman. That’s so funny. Come on.
Desiree, you got to work harder than that. That’s. I wasn’t allowed to say Bruce Wayne, Gotham or Joker.
Okay. That’s funny.
And then this one. Um. Uh, of the five purposes, this is your least favorite for me to say.
We all just wanted to hear you say it.
That’s so funny.
You hate the word fellowship.
Oh, I hate it.
I hate it, so weird. I don’t know why.
Yeah, because nobody uses it. The thing, the thing is, what I like is relevant church culture, right? I like I like being normal.
So Chris is the definition of normal. And any of the other words, if you don’t use words he approves of, you’re not.
No, that’s not it at all. That’s not it. No it’s not, it’s I was trying to help people understand. No. So so again my anger comes from the masses. Right. It’s your.
Anger comes from what you think makes the masses.
Mad. Yeah. Yeah. So. And there’s nothing worse in my mind of a church experience. And I really believe this is superlative. But it is true. There’s nothing worse in a church experience than for the people to have inside language that exclude the outside. Uh, guest. So the guest walks in through the doors and the people are talking christianese and they say words that aren’t, you know, used at all by the people outside. Right? So, you know, the only time anybody outside uses fellowship is they talk about, like, a doctor interning. Right. And they have a fellowship or a fellowship of the ring with the hobbits. Right. But but nobody uses the word community.
There’s a couple of union organizations that use the word fellowship.
Yeah, maybe so, but but.
No, it’s a fact. It’s not. Maybe.
Okay, well, I’m 50, I’m 51, and I don’t know those words. Right. So what I’m saying is nobody uses it.
So a recent modern movies use it and then successful doctors use it, but it’s not mainstream.
Well yeah. Because because it’s not used.
To describe hasn’t.
Approved it because it’s not used to describe what we use it for. Yeah. Yeah. We say oh we had some great fellowship last night. Oh.
So that’s people using it out of context. Fellowship is just a collection of people who are on the same team going, no, no, no.
No, that’s not the way they use it. They use it for saying relational.
I know that’s what I’m saying. They’re misusing it. That’s what I’m saying. Yeah.
Well then church culture. Well, then you should hate it too. Yeah.
Because I hate it when people misuse it.
If that’s true, then, then it’s it’s mostly misused. Yes. So they say. Oh, yeah, we had some great fellowship last night.
Like busting your chops on it. I don’t mind the word at all. Yeah, I think it’s a useful word, but I think it’s funny. So the words I was not allowed to use, I wasn’t allowed to use together connect or community. Oh, yeah. Yeah yeah yeah, yeah. So I had to do is say the superhero. You hate Batman. So notice again like and then and then your least favorite or the the the the purpose that you like the, the least. So again, I’m appealing to what did Chris hate I like what is what makes Chris mad.
Hey I like the Batman.
Makes him mad and fellowship makes him mad.
I like the Batman movies. I just think that it’s unrealistic when they try to, uh, elevate Batman to the level of, like, Superman.
I’ve already done that. We’ve already argued about this, so we’re not going to do it again. Chris, you’re making me mad.
I had to, uh.
But but so you understand, I just played you like a fiddle, is what I’m saying.
Well, yeah.
Maybe so, yeah, I did, but, uh, that’s the mastermind in me.
Okay, so jumping into the Bible, Matthew.
Chapter three. Yes. Um, we are going to read about the baptism of Jesus. This shows up in three of the four Gospels. Yes. So John does not record this, uh, this story, but Matthew, Mark and Luke.
Do Matthew three, Mark one and Luke three. Yeah.
Mark gets a lot done in just one one chapter. By the way, the first chapter of the book of Mark, he’s just like he’s just two sentences, two sentences, two sentences. So here we go. We’re already in the third chapter of the book of Matthew. He uses a lot of words. And he says in verse 13, Then Jesus went from Galilee to the Jordan River to be baptized by John. But John tried to talk him out of it. I’m the one who needs to be baptized by you, he said, so why are you coming to me? But Jesus said it. It should be done, for we must carry out all that God requires. So John agreed to baptize him after his baptism. As Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and settling on him. And a voice from heaven said, this is my clearly loved son, who brings me great joy. Hmm. Uh, Mark, one chapter or verses nine through 11 says, one day Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee, and John baptized him in the Jordan River. As Jesus came up out of the water, he saw the heavens splitting apart, the Holy Spirit descending on him like a dove. And a voice from heaven said, you are my dearly loved son, and you bring me great joy. I can’t do it. And then Luke chapter three, verse 21 and 22, one day, when the crowds were being baptized, Jesus himself was baptized. As he was praying, the heavens opened and the Holy Spirit in bodily form descended on him like a dove. And a voice from heaven said, you are my dearly loved son, and you bring me great joy.
That’s great. So isn’t that interesting? It’s interesting to read all three of them because they all said it in different ways. Right? It’s the same event.
Yeah. And by the way, that that’s that’s the very practical side of the Bible being written because we believe that, uh, you know, the Scripture talks about itself in such a way that says, you know, there are human authors, but these are inspired words of God. So the Scripture actually addresses its own skepticism, right? Yes, yes. Like like our skepticism says, oh, there’s human authors. It’s not the words of God. And yet in the Scripture it says, All Scripture is given by God, and even it goes out of its way to say, uh, you know, it’s written by human authors, but these are the living, breathing words of God, right? And so, uh, and so but at the same time, God used the personalities of the writers so that the practical side of God’s inspired word is that you and I would probably would tell a story slightly different. Right? We would be at the same event and we would include different details. And so God used that those personalities to include those details.
Which is brilliant because if you and I, if the two of us were a part of an event that had to go to court, um, and they brought us in and you and I said exactly the same words under oath.
Then one of us is irrelevant.
The jury. Well, no, the jury would say, you guys are lying. You you colluded. You got together and made sure your story was you got your story straight, right? Right. But instead you would come in and go. So, uh, Jeff and I were walking down the street, and, uh, Jeff had a Coke Zero in his hand, and we were laughing about something. I was talking about how good my messages were compared to Jeff’s, whatever. And then all of a sudden, this car accident happened and that blue car hit that red car. Man, he had been doing 60 miles an hour. And I’m walking down the street saying, yeah, Chris was bragging. So then my testimony is, yeah, Chris was bragging about his message being better than mine, but that part was something wrong.
It would’ve been the opposite. It would’ve been the opposite.
Uh, and, uh, man, that red car, uh, come flying through and hit that blue car. I don’t know, he was really speeding. I don’t know how fast he was going, but he was going fast, and it was definitely the red car’s fault. So what we do know is it was the Red’s car. Red car’s fault. Jeff and Chris were together. They were chit chatting. Not expecting it. And that red car was going too fast. You said it was doing 70 miles an hour or whatever, and I don’t know how fast it’s going. It’s going fast. So what we did is we the the general facts were true. Neither one of us said something that was out of order. We just included different details. Right. That then collude together or not collude, but come together in a way that confirms the story. But if you and I both came and said exactly the same words, the jury would go, that’s not very trustworthy because it sounds like they got together and made sure they got their story straight. Yeah.
And it’s also interesting how just a moment ago, you pointed out that not every, uh, incident is in every gospel. Right? And this, for instance, is in three out of the four. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And sometimes for an event, you know, when you hear an event in all four Gospels, it means that it was obviously a big event. Right? Right. Because obviously all four gospel writers included it like, hey, we’re not going to omit this one, right?
There’s only a couple of things that show up in all four gospels.
Yeah, right. Yeah, yeah. Right. And by the way, it doesn’t mean that this, you know, Jesus’s baptism obviously was a pretty big event, right? Yeah. Yeah. Uh, but, uh, but anyway, for it to.
Show up in three is a big deal, right? For sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
So anyway, let’s, let’s, uh, let’s talk about the fact that, uh, John tried to talk Jesus out of his own baptism.
So that only shows up in Matthew. Yeah. Uh, Mark and Luke don’t include it. Yeah, but John is like, dude, I don’t even deserve to baptize you. You should be baptizing me, right? Which is pretty neat.
Maybe Matthew was near the conversation. Yeah, perhaps Matthew was there. Close enough to hear it.
Well, uh, you know, one of the requirements for the disciples would be that they were with Jesus for the entire length of his ministry. So it depends on when you believe his ministry began. If his ministry began at baptism, well, then that maybe John was there or near. Um, if you believe that it happened when Jesus announces his ministry, because at this.
Point he hasn’t even called Matthew yet. Right?
Right. But we know that, like, uh, Andrew and Peter and John hung out around John the Baptist some. Right? So most of Israel came. Remember, Israel is really small. So if you heard that there was some superstar down, you know, 70 miles away and you were going to be heading towards Jerusalem for the Passover anyways, you might pop off and and go, you know, hey, it’s only a couple. It’s only half a day journey over there. Let’s go see what John’s doing. Right.
Well, that also gives me another thought. Just because God has not called Matthew yet at this point, who’s to say that Matthew wasn’t there? Yeah, right. Right to the point exactly. Said right. So, uh, but but here’s what’s interesting is that John is confused. So Jesus says, baptize me. And John’s like, are you kidding me? I’m not worthy to baptize you. John says, I’m not even worthy to lace your sandals. Yeah, right. And and Jesus says, no, suffer it to be so right now. It must be this way. And so then John says, okay, if whatever you will. And then John has the great privilege of baptizing Jesus. What a claim, right? Yeah.
It’s huge. Yeah. So it’s really interesting because John is baptizing for the repentance of sins. So then you’re looking at Jesus. And the claim of Christianity is that Jesus never sinned. So why would he need to repent? Right. So this is one of the reasons why we love promoting the Life Application Study Bible. Um, the message or the notes here in the the part for Matthew is, uh, where was it now? Oh, yeah. Right here. Uh, verses 13 through 15, those notes, it said John had been explaining that Jesus baptism be much greater than his. Remember John had said, When Jesus comes, he’s going to baptize you with the Holy Spirit. I’m just baptizing with water, right? Um, when suddenly Jesus comes to him and asks to be baptized, John felt unqualified and he wanted Jesus to baptize him. Why did Jesus ask to be baptized? It wasn’t for repentance of sin because Jesus never sinned. Jesus said instead, we must carry out all that God requires, which refers to accomplishing God’s mission. Jesus saw his baptism as advancing God’s work. So Jesus was baptized for four reasons one. He was confessing sin on behalf of the nation. That’s what. That’s what prophets would do. Nehemiah, Ezra, Moses, Daniel. They confess the nation’s sins, right? And so Jesus is doing that which, by the way, Jesus takes on the sin of the world at the cross. So he begins his ministry confessing the sins of the world. And then he’s taking on the sin of the world so that that could have been part of it. The second one is, um, he was showing support for what God or for what John was doing. So he’s saying, hey, this is a good thing, this idea of making the faith a personal, internal thing, not just an external thing.
He was endorsing that. He was inaugurating his public ministry. This is the first time Jesus steps out of the crowd and into a famous moment where John goes, Here’s the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
Here it is.
And then he was identifying with the penitent people of God, not with the critical Pharisees who were only watching. Right? Which is really cool. So he was saying, these people are doing it right, because remember, the Pharisees were there, they were watching. They just weren’t getting baptized. They weren’t following in repentance. They didn’t think that they needed anything to repent from. And so Jesus was identifying with those which you find him doing. Jesus is not afraid of being around the sinners. Jesus is is a very common person always. And so he wasn’t hanging out with the elites on the shore watching. He was down in participating with those who were confessing sin and turning to God.
So, um, it’s really cool. In a comical fashion I made, I attempted to make my pathetic dove noises. Yeah, yeah.
That was really something with.
Every gospel that you were reading, right?
Yeah. All three of the gospels mentioned that issue.
Yeah, yeah. That’s right. So, uh, here’s my question. And it’s fun to imagine we don’t really have the answer, but it says the Holy Spirit was descending like a dove. So it’s either it was like, oh, the Holy Spirit is doesn’t really look like a dove. Yeah. But in in a dove fashion. Yeah. You know, sort of swoops down visibly. Right. Uh, so so did it have a form of, like, of wings? Yeah. Well, so.
So Luke is the only one who says. And the Holy Spirit in bodily form descended on him like a dove. So they saw a dove, but knew it was the Holy Spirit.
Well, it says like a dove.
In bodily form.
In bodily form.
So they saw the wings. They saw. That’s what I’m saying. But they would have known it wasn’t a dove.
But but but wait a minute now, I haven’t I haven’t broken this down. Yeah, yeah, but in bodily form refers to the body that the Holy Spirit took on. It doesn’t refer to the dove. It says the Holy Spirit has in bodily form. It can be completely different. Descended like in fashion of in fashion, like a dove. Yeah.
I don’t think I read it that way, but yeah.
Sure, it could be. It could be either way.
I think, because they all said like a dove. But he says in bodily form what he’s trying to say.
There is something there, right? Right. All three of them do describe it like a doll, like a dove.
But he’s saying in bodily form. So what he was saying was for everybody there, it wasn’t some vague thing like a swooping whatever it was, they had a sense that it was coming in like this peaceful dove. I think that they had a sense that, you know, I don’t know if it was if it was ethereal or whatever, but yeah, when you say, could they see wings and stuff, I think that’s what Luke is trying to say is that they were seeing a spiritual dove. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I so my brain, you know, maybe it’s because of the movies. I picture it totally different looking not like a dove. And I picture it coming down the, you know, Holy Spirit and bodily form. And then, uh, somebody says in the crowd, what was that? And then somebody says, and it kind of looked like a big dove, you know, and then it’s like, yeah, similar to a dove. And all of a sudden that’s what the authors decided to use, right? So like, you know, so I’m just pretty dramatic in my thinking.
But it’s fun to look at the differences. And this is the benefit of having these three, these three passages. And this happens all through. And it’ll continue to happen as we read. Read all three is Luke includes in bodily form. The others didn’t Matthew includes uh, John kind of arguing with Jesus going, I don’t even deserve to. Right. But all three include the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit. This is the first time in Jesus ministry that we see the Trinity, uh, happening. Uh, the father speaks from heaven. This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. The son, obviously is coming up out of the water. Holy Spirit’s descending like a dove there. Yeah, so it’s kind of neat.
Now, we did see the Trinity, as evidenced in, uh, when it was referring to, uh, the Holy Spirit leaping in the womb. That’s correct. So we saw evidence of the Trinity early.
On, but this is in.
The ministry. In the ministry itself, right? Yeah. So I think it’s also interesting that Jesus begins his public ministry, uh, in submission to in sorts. Right, right. So like so like in a way, uh, it’s sort of like the nature in which he chose to come. He didn’t chose to come on top as a king. Right. He chose to come in humility. We talked about that. Yeah. And then all of a sudden he, you know, and now again, we all know that, you know, John the Baptist has said, uh, you know, he must become greater. We’re about to get to that. Probably tomorrow. I must become less. But at the same time, think about this context. The context is in this moment. John’s the man.
That’s right.
John is the man, right? Jesus is an unknown at this point. Right. And yet Jesus comes and wants to come in submission, almost like underneath John and everybody’s eyes. Right. Uh, and then, of course, you know, the Holy Spirit coming down in bodily form like a dove elevates Jesus, Jesus in that.
Next level.
In that moment. But still, though, I think it’s interesting and noteworthy that he comes he starts his ministry in humility. Yeah, I think that that is something to be said there. You know, it’s just yeah, there’s.
A submissive announcement to his ministry right of the beginning of this. Um, the other one is John always was was humble about this role. Right. John, from the very beginning was like, I’m not the guy. I’m the guy telling you that the guy’s coming, right? Right. Always was that way. And but at the same time, he’d probably baptized thousands of people. I mean, this was a movement that shook the nation, right? People were coming. It was such a big movement that was happening that the Pharisees thought, we’d better go down and check and see what’s going on. Right.
Well, they asked him yesterday’s podcast. They asked them, are you the Messiah?
And under what authority do you? Are you baptized? Right? And he kept saying, hey, somebody’s going to become greater, the Holy Spirit, he’s going to baptize the Holy Spirit. They weren’t even there wasn’t much of a concept of the Holy Spirit. So to have the Holy Spirit descend when Jesus is being baptized here was a was a incredibly symbolic then.
Hello. Let’s not overlook the fact that God the Father spoke audibly. Yeah, so think about this. That’s a big one. That’s the well, that’s the first time in 400 years the silence has been broken.
Yeah, that God the Father spoke, right, because it was always angels prior to that. Yeah, right.
So think about that. Think about like, you know, 400 years for us would be 16, 23. Yeah. Right. And you were and you were, you were quick to point out it was pilgrims. Right? Pilgrims, pilgrims. So I made reference on the stage and you’re like, uh, no, no, no, it was pilgrims. So anyway, I misquoted on stage. I said, isn’t that the time of medieval knights? And then you texted me during my message and you’re like, uh, no. Medieval knights were like third century or whatever.
They’d be like the Plymouth. Uh, what do they call it? The Plymouth Compact. Remember the pilgrims wrote, this is like the very first little constitution that the US ever had. It was right about that 1620s. Yeah. Time slot there. Yeah. Right. Then the landing at Plymouth Rock kind of thing.
But but my point is think about how disconnected we are from the 1600s. And that is how long in their timeline that, you know, since it’s been since God the Father has spoken, right? Right. Or even sent a prophet to speak on behalf of himself. Right? So all of a sudden Jesus comes along in humility, says, baptize me, the Holy Spirit and bodily form. Down, and then God the Father speaks and breaks the silence. I don’t think that we talked too much about that. Uh, you know, just the fact that it’s startling. Oh, and then the people there, standing there, they have no choice but to be absolutely convinced that Jesus is, you know, uh, worth following, right? Right. Because John says, uh, don’t follow me now. You have to follow him. Yeah. And that was the that was the passing the baton moment. Uh huh. Uh, Jesus or John passed the baton, and it was easy for him to do it after this moment. Right? Right. Yeah.
So. Um, the other thing is, and this is just an incidental as we wrap up, and that is the Bible said that Jesus, all three of them said, Jesus came up out of the water. And that’s when the holy or that’s when God spoke. So I always like to point out if he was if he came up out of the water, where was he?
He was under the water.
He was down under the water. Right. And and that’s one of the reasons why baptism by immersion is so important and why believer’s baptism always follows that pattern. Is all of the baptisms that are mentioned from Jesus baptism on in the New Testament. Whenever they describe the act of baptism, it’s always down into the water, up out of the water. And so the word baptized baptizo is the Greek word. Baptizo was a generic word. It wasn’t a religious word. It was a generic word that literally meant to plunge or to dip under. So you would baptize all your dirty dishes. Uh, you’d dive off the diving board and into the pond. You’d baptizo into the pond, kind of with the pickle thing. Yeah. Pickles. Uh, there’s. I was going to say that there’s the oldest, uh, word usage that we have written anywhere is, um, a pickle recipe from 2000 years ago that just says that you’re supposed to baptizo the the cucumbers in this brine for a certain number of days, and then you get a pickle. And so it’s kind of a funny.
Which is how we know it’s not a religious word.
It’s not a religious word. It’s just a plunge. Plunge is what it means.
Baptize in our culture is totally a religious or religious. But yet at that time, it was nothing more than to say, oh, you need to dip it in here, right? Or you need to, you know, submerge it in here.
So when John is talking about baptism, everybody only heard he he didn’t use a religious word of baptism. They only heard plunge under the water. That’s what they heard.
Right. Because it’s actually pretty unfortunate that we have, uh, translated that from Greek to English into the word baptize, which is dedicated only as a religious word.
We transliterated it rather than translated.
Because because we all know it’s not like we baptize you cucumber in the name of the father. The son right? There is none of that, right? Right. It was just. It was just we’d plunge underneath the the brine or whatever.
And so the picture, uh, Paul unpacks it later on in the book of Romans, he says that you’re buried with him in the likeness of his death, and you’re raised to walk in a brand new life. So as religious groups, we have different groups have sprung up and they sprinkle or they anoint or they do something and that just loses that picture. It misses the picture. And pictures are important. I mean, uh, Moses wasn’t allowed to go into the Promised Land because he struck the rock the second time instead of speaking to it, and he messed up the picture. God was doing right. So pictures matter in the Bible. And this one, this word picture of going under the water is the old life is dying with Christ. And then coming out of the water represents the resurrection, the new life in Christ. And this is why believer’s baptism always follows that way. So whatever else you’ve had, um, maybe your parents had you sprinkled when you were a baby. Uh, and that’s them committing to raise you in the faith. And that’s a beautiful concept. Uh, but now that you’ve trusted Christ as your personal savior, you should go down under the water representing your old life is dead, and you’ve died with Christ and come back out of the water representing that by your choice. You have embraced this faith that your parents promised to raise you. And. And now you’re raised to walk in a brand new life. Yeah. Which. And we come up out of the water just like Jesus. Yeah.
Which is my story. My. I got baptized as an infant, and, uh, and then when I learned that in every single instance in the Bible, anybody who got baptized was, you know, a person who was old enough to make the decision to make their faith their own, and it says they were saved. Then they were baptized, they were saved. Then they were baptized. And I realized like, oh, listen, I, I haven’t talked to my mom about it. Yeah. And said, hey, this isn’t meant to detract from anything that, you know, you did when I was a kid. Uh, this is an addition. And this is, in my opinion. The way baptism is designed, right?
And we’re just doing it like Jesus did.
That’s right. So that’s a good place to end. And we will see you next time on The Bible Guys.