Healing Many People – Episode #278

Published: October 18, 2023


You’re listening to The Bible Guys, a podcast where a couple of friends talk about the Bible in fun and practical ways.

Hey, Chris.

Hey, Jeff. Did you realize that intro calls us a couple of friends? A couple of.

Friends? I know that’s a little presumptuous, but.

We never said we were friends.

I know it wasn’t our voice, either. So?

So somebody’s just making assumptions. Yeah.

That’s right. They’re just guessing it’s Connor.

That voice is Connor, by the way, who is our friend? Yeah, he is our friend. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So anybody who wants to know who that is, that’s who it is.

Yeah, yeah. There we.

Go. Hey. Well, today we are talking about Jesus healing many people. That’s actually the only thing that it tells us. That’s right. He’s going to heal multiple people. Many people. And I wonder if many means 3 or 3000.

I think it’s probably closer to the other.

Yes, I agree the latter.


Well, before we get into that, I’ve got.

A big one for you today, man. You are.

Going to be reading the Babylon.

Bee. Our commitment to news. Yes. Quality news yes is incredibly important. And we just had two significant bits of news items that have come across our news desk at the Bible guys studios that I’m not sure which one to use. So I’m going to let you choose. Okay. Sure. So this one is here’s the title. Okay. It’s by the way, this came from the Babylon Bee. Only two cars in line at McDonald’s. This won’t take long. Says dumbest Man Alive.

That’s hilarious. That’s a good one. That’s really good.

Right? Right. So there’s that piece of news because we could find out what happens on that one or the other. One is Taylor Swift was traded to the Jets.

There is no doubt in my mind I want to hear that article Taylor.

Swift traded to.

The Jets. Yeah. No no doubt okay okay.

Here we go. This is this is breaking news.

By the way.

I mean this is just.

In she’s traded to the.

Just in through the Bible guys news desk. East Rutherford new Jersey in a traumatic upset for the sporting world, Taylor Swift has been traded from the Kansas City Chiefs to the New York Jets, where she will begin dating tight end Tyler Conklin. Wow. If you don’t know, she’s been dating Kelsey. Yeah, Kelsey, who is the tight end for San Fran? No, no for Kansas City Chiefs.

Oh, duh.

Yeah. We had to trade three starting players for Swift, but I think it’ll be worth it in the end, said GM Joe Douglas. Maybe now everyone will start coming to our games. Taylor Swift is reportedly eager to get started with the team. Quote I’m happy to be back in New York, or at least New York adjacent. I didn’t realize they played in Jersey, which is a bit of a turnoff, but anything’s better than Missouri like you.

That’s so funny.

Kansas City Chiefs Travis Kelce has reportedly slipped into depression after realizing his relationship with Swift has been used to elevate the status of his team. This is devastating for me, he said. On the plus side, my Insta followers are through the roof and my jersey sales have never been better. I guess it’s not all bad, but come on, the Jets really had it. The rest of the Jets roster is reportedly hopeful this will pave the way for each of them to date their own pop singer, but positions are limited. Quote none of us want to end up with Lizzo, noted quarterback Zach Wilson and publishing time. The New York Jets had already become the most popular team in the NFL thanks to Swift’s influence. Kelsey confirmed he’s now open to dating any other billionaire pop stars who may be available.

Oh my word, that’s so good. It’s so good. So I’ve seen so clever. I’ve seen so many like, little homemade videos on Facebook or TikTok or whatever that says, you know, it shows like the woman who’s saying like, hey, when does the Taylor Swift game come on. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And they’re trying to catch their man by surprise. Right? Right. And so the man’s legitimate reaction is he goes, you know, you’re going to have to ask that in a different way. He goes because he’s wanting to answer what time it comes on. Yes, yes. But he refuses to answer that question. Right. So funny.

That’s so funny, man. Hey, it’s the funniest thing that people just get so excited about. Who who different celebrities are dating.

Yeah, well, why does it matter? But. Well, the Taylor thing is a cut above the rest, though. Why? Well, because.

She doesn’t matter who she’s dating.

Well, no, it shouldn’t matter. Yeah, you said it doesn’t. It does. It just does to some people.

But it shouldn’t matter to anybody.

Just. Just millions.

It should matter to her mother. That’s what should matter to just millions.

Not not a big deal. But but no, it shouldn’t. That’s that’s the correct. It’s not your business.

She’s a singer. That’s what she does. She sings and fills stadiums, man.

That’s fine. Whatever.

Okay. It’s so funny. It has nothing to do with football.

No. Right. Exactly.

Nothing to do with football.

Yeah, but you would think that. You would think that, like, it was all about Taylor Swift. Well, it used.

To be that Monday Night Football or Thursday Night Football, you know, Sunday Night Football in America or whatever, all those things it used to be, whenever there was a cut away from the game, they would cut and show some graphic about a play or something like that. And now they just cut to the box where Taylor Swift is sitting in, and then talk about her hair and talk about who she’s with and who she’s not with.

And they’re like, is that Deadpool and Wolverine?

Hey, guys, would you do us a favor? And either while you’re listening to this podcast or. Or afterwards, would you go to Facebook and follow us on Facebook and then share that with all of your friends and family? We think it’s a great way. If you love the Bible guys, we think that your friends and family might too, and they’re following you, and then that’ll give us an opportunity to share all of the love and the joy and the fun and the Bible learning that we have here at Bible Guys. So thank you so much. So this is really an interesting it’s a small passage so this won’t take long. I hope you have a lot to say today. Well, what we do, I’m sure you do. Yeah. Matthew. Chapter 15.

If I could preach a whole sermon just out of one verse, I bet you could. Jesus wept.

Jesus wept. Just the whole.


  1. Jeff

Yeah, 45 minutes.

All right. Okay. Matthew chapter 15, verse 29, it says, Jesus returned to the Sea of Galilee. Remember, he was in Tyre and Sidon along the Mediterranean. He returned to the Sea of Galilee and climbed a hill and sat down. A vast crowd brought to him people who were lame, blind, crippled, those who couldn’t speak, and many others. They laid them before Jesus, and he healed them all. The crowd was amazed. Those who hadn’t been able to speak were talking. The crippled were made well. The lame were walking and the blind could see again. And they praised the God of Israel. Matthew chapter seven tells the same thing. It says Jesus left tyre and went up to Sidon before going back to the Sea of Galilee in the region of the Ten Towns. A deaf man with a speech impediment was brought to him, and the people begged Jesus to lay his hands on the man to heal him. Jesus led him away from the crowd so they could be alone. He put his fingers into the man’s ears and then he, spitting on his own fingers. He touched the man’s tongue. Looking up to heaven, he sighed and said, ephphatha, which means be opened. Instantly the man could hear perfectly and his tongue was freed so he could speak plainly. Jesus told the crowd not to tell anyone, but the more he told them not to, the more they spread the news. They were completely amazed and said again and again, everything he does is wonderful. He even makes the deaf to hear and gives speech to those who cannot speak.

Yeah. That’s amazing. Yeah.

So it’s pretty amazing. The very first group that he was healing in Matthew chapter 15, I think gives hope for you. It says that they brought a vast crowd of people to him who were lame.

So lame. I’m so lame.

And yet. No, I’m pretty sure that’s not what it meant.

I was going to say, yeah, that’s that’s 2021. Yeah yeah yeah. No, no. Right. Yeah. But the but yeah. So you know what I think of even though that we’re not talking about this at all, it reminds me of John the Baptist when he sent word to Jesus saying, are you the Messiah or should we wait for another. Yeah, yeah. And then Jesus responds to him and says, go tell John what you have seen and heard. He says that the lame are healed, that the deaf hear that the that the blind can see, and that the dead are raised, and that and that, you know. And so here it is, like Jesus is doing the work of the prophets. So the prophets, all the prophecies that Jesus fulfilled, he fulfilled over 300 prophecies. You know, that there’s there’s actually some debate on how many prophecies he fulfilled, right? Yeah. So people say there’s over 300. So we know it’s at least 300. Sure. I’ve heard over 400. Right. So there’s there’s but there’s hundreds of prophecies mathematically.

I think they’re trying to differentiate between what is just a statement and what is a prophetic statement right about the Messiah. So that’s right. Yeah.

So anyway, the but but you know, obviously the math the math is incalculable for him to fulfill all those things. But but this is a really this is a really big piece of it. Why? Because he’s not just healing the people that are brought before him out of love and compassion and concern. He’s also fulfilling the scriptures and one of the biggest pieces of the Messiah to prove his, you know, authority is to is to do these miracles. In fact, did you know that there’s other parts in the Gospels where Jesus actually said, I am come to do this so that people will know that I’m the Messiah? So he actually says like, you know, yes, it’s for their benefit, but it’s also for God’s glory. Right? And, you know, my whole ministry career in 30 something years, 31 years is I’ve always had this phrase, as I said, every single time that we receive a command from God, it is always for our benefit, but always for his glory. That’s right. Right. It’s for his glory, and it’s for our benefit every single time. So God’s end game is about himself? Yeah. For his glory, for his kingdom, for his purposes, for others. Right? Yeah. But then also it’s for our benefit every single time, regardless of whether it is, you know. Painful regardless of it is not fun in the moment or it’s, you know, saying no to pleasure or temptation or or maybe just somehow, you know, disciplinary. Right, right. Yeah.

So and then you also have here so there’s, you know, the benefit of the healing for the people. There’s God’s glory. And then there’s also the participants that are helping make this happen because it said a vast crowd brought to him people who were lame. There’s the people who are participating in this mission of bringing people to Jesus. And I think that Jesus still heals today. Right. So there’s the physical things, but there’s also spiritual disease and sickness. And so us participating with Christ, bringing the people to him, bringing, bringing people around us that are far from God, bringing them to him through prayer, maybe sharing the gospel, maybe, you know, doing what we can to point our friends that are are sick and dead spiritually to Christ, I think is incredibly important while we’re also because I think it’s easy if we ask if we stood up on a Sunday morning at our church and said, who has a prayer request in the room, hands would go up all over the room and people would be asking, you know, pray for my aunt’s gallbladder, pray for my uncle’s, you know, gout. And those things are really important, right? Right. And so but eventually that aunt and that uncle are going to pass from this life to somewhere else, right? And they’re going to spend eternity somewhere. And so it’s interesting to me how quickly we, we move towards they need physical healing and we forget how much they need spiritual healing. Right. And so oftentimes you find Jesus would say to a guy, remember the one guy in the in the temple and Jesus said, your sins are forgiven. It’s like, what? And they’re like, you don’t have permission to forgive sins to prove I do. Jeff
Go ahead and take up your your mat and walk right. And so Jesus would often address both the spiritual and the physical. And so we can’t forget that we need to be bringing people and participating because it was a crowd that was bringing these people to him.

I think my favorite part of that whole segment that you just did was that you chose gallbladder and gout.

Well, those are big things you think you think about.

You know, that’s so good.

We pray about illnesses and we forget to pray about the spiritual condition of the lost people around us.

Yeah, yeah. For sure. Yeah.

So there’s the gout. That’s the best. So there’s another sermon within a sermon here. Whoops. And and so in Mark 34, my note from the Life Application Study Bible reads this way. It says, when Jesus said be opened, he used language that this deaf man would understand. The healing message was personal and unique. So obviously he couldn’t hear it, but he was or maybe he could at that time, right? But it says whoever thought spittle might be a conduit of a miracle if there is only one means of witness in your church sermons, for instance, many people would be likely not to hear. Churches need lots of different methods to meet diverse needs. Let musicians play. Singers sing, actors act, and writers write. Let each creative Christian tell the story. Jesus used spit and mud. Surely we can find widows to the minds and hearts or windows. Excuse me to the minds and hearts of people as well. Yeah. So just just the idea that that Jesus uses the littlest of things and big little gross.

Little gross Jesus.

Oh yeah. Well said. He even spit on his own hands and then touched the tongue. I know, right?

That’s what I’m saying.

Yeah, it’s a little. Yeah. Germy. Well, it’s.

Because the Pharisees had said, hey, these guys aren’t washing their hands.

So he’s like.

Right, I’ll show you. Yeah, yeah. So yeah, it’s obviously it’s, it’s it’s amazing. But yeah, it’s mud and spit and everything else.

Well so what.

I’m really glad he didn’t do was spit on his hands and then stick his fingers in the.

Guy’s ears. I think he did. He I think he did. No no no no no.

It says he put his fingers in the man’s ears then spitting on his own fingers.

Yeah, well, then he said, then he touched the man’s tongue.

I know.

But if he spit on his fingers and then touched his ears, it’d be a wet willy. Oh.

I see, I see, I see.

That’s what I’m.

Saying. You never did.

That to your brothers. Oh, well, you.

Actually, more accurately, they did it to me. Yeah, I’ve done it to my brothers, but more so they do.

It to me. So.

So I read when I read the Bible like this, it just those things jump out at me and I’m thinking, that’s so funny.

Well, I mean, it’s so funny. And the reality is you’ve pointed this out before, but Jesus didn’t have to even touch them. No, he didn’t even have to be in their presence. Right, right. So as we saw yesterday, right. He spoke, the woman’s daughter being possessed of demons to be healed from a whole nother city distance.

Yeah, yeah.

From a distance. And he’s done that with a Roman centurion or no Roman centurion servant, right. Yeah. Yeah, he’s done all sorts of things like that. So. So for him to be interactive is an indication, like the note said, that Jesus is also personal. Right. And and I think that’s important because when we pray, sometimes we don’t think that Jesus hears us. You know, we think that like, you know, he doesn’t know. What I’m going through. He doesn’t know. I’m all alone, you know, and there are times where people really do. I felt that way before, where I’ve actually felt like. I’m not sure that God is paying attention to what I’m going through, because if he did, then he would do something about it, right? Because it’s so exhausting, it’s so agonizing, and it’s so, you know, like like if anybody understood, they would, they would want to help. Yeah. And but yeah, Jesus is personal across the board.

Yeah. And then, you know, it says that the he Jesus turns around and tells the crowd, don’t tell anyone.

Right. Keep this a.

Secret. It’s just between us. But the more he told them not to, the more they spread the news.

By the way, did he know that? You know, it’s that whole thing of like.

I think I.

Think people vacillate back and forth between. What was his intent on that.


You know, I do know that there are some people in my life, if I say, don’t say this to anybody, they’ll they will go around and say, listen, don’t tell anybody. But and they’ll tell, they’ll tell 50 people.

Don’t tell anybody. I lived in.

Atlanta for ten years. I know this all too well. Right? The gossip was was more prevalent down there than it is up here.

Do you think so? We’re just better at it.

I do, I do. You know what’s so interesting. So we’re going to sidebar just for a second, is that people down there, the southern hospitality is true, by the way. It’s all true. Southern hospitality. Southern hospitality is a thing and 90% of it is marvelous. It really is like people are truly kinder.

But there’s an evil underbelly.

Yes. And here’s the evil underbelly. Literally, when I would leave a person’s.

House, bless his heart.

Yeah, right. Which which, by the way, it.

Doesn’t mean bless your heart. It does not.

Mean bless your heart. It means he’s so stupid. Yeah, yeah, that person is an idiot. But when I would be at a house and I would say, hey, are you going to come to church on Sunday? And they look at me and say, I promise you, I will meet you there. I’ll meet you in the lobby at 1030. You’re like, okay, see you Sunday. It was so common for people to lie disguised under southern hospitality because they didn’t want to, you know, be unkind that you would leave that house and anybody who was with you didn’t matter who it was, it didn’t matter who you were visiting. You would actually walk away and say, we already know that they’re not going to show. Right? And that was just a common assumption. So. So how weird is it that that’s so inbred in the culture to where it’s like, you already know that they’re saying something that’s not true bred.

It might not be the right embedded.

Embedded, embedded.


I said inbred didn’t I?

That may have been.

A Freudian slip.

There. Yeah. There you go. You need.

To apologize to all of our listeners from Georgia.

From Alabama.

And Georgia. So so the it’s so funny. So it’s. I can’t get around that one. Can’t.

No, no I thought I’m going.

To let it go. And then I thought I better not let it go.

Yeah. Yeah.

So I didn’t mean to.

Say it’s.



Embedded. Sorry. Everybody in the South. By the way, I love the South. I love the South, I really do. So anyway, I still love trucks and country music too, by the way. There you go. But the point is, is that I moved to the north in 2004, and I remember being out there in the ball field, and I remember talking to somebody about church, and I said, I said, hey, I said, come to church or, you know, hey, I’ll invite you to church. And they said to me, go to blank.


Go to Hades. Right? And they looked at me right in my face and said it. And I was like, oh, that is so delightfully refreshing.

You love getting.

I thought, I love that because somebody actually said what they.

Think, no, it’s not.

Going to happen.

And I told my wife about this and she, of course, wasn’t, you know, the pastor in position like I was. So she didn’t see the underbelly side of it. Right. So her experience with southern hospitality is generally really, really good. But I hated that part of it. The ministry part of it was exhausting. Yeah. And and so I much prefer somebody telling me like it is.

So the, the, the issue here is he’s telling them don’t go tell anyone and then they gossip. So is it, did he tell them knowing that they would and that was a tactic he was using. Right. Or is this a please don’t tell anybody else. I genuinely think because he’s so exhausted. Right.

And there’s evidence of him wanting to get away.

I genuinely think it was just don’t tell anybody.


I agree I agree. Yeah, it’s something he can’t stop and he probably knows it. Right? Right. And so there’s.

Jesus isn’t trying to get more followers and more clicks at this point.


Right. Make sure you like and thumbs give me a thumbs up.

Which we.


Subscribe. You’re right. That’s not what he’s doing here.

He’s he’s he’s on his way. You know, he knows pretty soon he’s getting ready to head towards Jerusalem. He’s heading towards the cross. These temporary healings, they’re important to that individual in that moment. But in the scope of eternity, which is really where his focus is, it’s such a temporary solution. And then he was frustrated that they didn’t really get the point. Yeah.


And and he’s already established his Messiah ship at this point. Yeah. He’s already he’s already sort of accomplished and done all the things that he has come to set out to do. So if he hadn’t healed one more. He still would have fulfilled the scriptures when when it comes to healing the blind, the sick, the lame, the, you know, raising the dead, all that he’s done, all of it. So he’s fulfilled the scriptures. So it’s just a matter of, do you heal 200 people or do you heal 20,000 people? Right, right, right. And it’s just it’s more of the same, like you said.

Well, tomorrow you’ll get an indication of it because he said, we’ve been here three days, right? It just doesn’t end. Yeah, right. So they say they were completely amazed and said again and again, everything he does is wonderful, right? So it’s interesting the religious leaders are always looking at.

Everything he does as evil. Wonderful, right? Yeah.

The religious leaders are looking at him. Everything he does and says is evil. And the people are saying everything he does is wonderful, right? And they get pulled back and forth, and he even makes the deaf to hear and gives speech to those who cannot speak. And you know, when you really have an encounter with Jesus, I think that’s what you come away with is everything he does is wonderful. Yeah. That’s great. Even when he spits on his fingers and touches your tongue.

Right, right, right. Yeah. Which, by the way, there’s another sermon altogether. Absolutely. Which is. Which is sometimes he answers our needs, wants and wishes. Maybe slightly different than we thought.

Yeah. Yeah, right. We don’t get.

To dictate how he solves.


The problem we’re asking him to solve.

Yeah, right.

And so there it.

Is right there. A whole other.

Message there, man.

Yeah. So how about how about that little. I slipped that in didn’t I? Doo doo doo I slipped it right in there. Oh well hey, that’s a great place to end. And hopefully we’ll see you tomorrow on The Bible Guys.