Forgiveness and Faith – Episode #328

Published: January 3, 2024


You’re listening to The Bible Guys, a podcast where a couple of friends talk about the Bible in fun and practical ways.

Well, he’s Jeff, I’m Chris, and today we are the Bible guys. And we welcome you to listening or watching.

And this is going to be a hard hitting episode podcast.

Of course it is, man.

Just like every day.

Yes, yes. Because the word of God. That’s right. It’s like a double edged sword.

Well, Jesus is talking about forgiveness and faith. So yeah, it’s going to be a tough one. Yeah. It is good. Okay.

Well hey, we are starting out today. And Desiree wrote down how well do you know them, how well do you know them. And it says, let’s see how well Jeff really knows you. Oh you’re going to ask Jeff five questions about yourself and see if he knows the right answer.

These are hard.

So not even a minute ago I jotted down five thoughts. Okay? And, uh, I’ll start off with one that I think is easy. Okay? Okay. Growing up, what ever most people know that I currently have cats.


So growing up did I have only dogs or only cats?

Those are the only two options. Dogs. Only cats. Correct. I think you had dogs. Didn’t you have dogs? Yes. Yeah. I remember you talking about dogs.

Yes. Because I, because I.

Because I was teasing you about being a cat lady. Yeah. You’re like. No, I grew up with dogs.

Right. And not like that, but I when we got married, I told Liz I wanted dogs. I was like, I love dogs. Yeah.

You insisted. Chris
I insisted. Jeff
You put your foot down.

Yes, yes. And so we got five cats. You compromised. We compromised. So, so. But now I’m down to two because three of them died. Three of them died.

Uh, you’re down to two. Excuse me for coughing. Uh, you’re down to two. And plus your feet in the neighborhood. Cat.

Yeah, we have a feral cat. Yeah, yeah, that we bought a house for. Yes, for the winter.

So I was mocking you when you told me about that. Yeah, yeah. And then my wife and daughter, I put up, uh, I know I put up some cameras around the house, you know, uh, we had some weird things happening, so I put up some cameras. And so now my wife and daughter are obsessed with the three cats that keep coming up to our house in the middle of the night, and my daughter keeps setting her alarm so that she hears it, and she goes down and feeds them at night. Yeah. And then we caught them. Now we got traps. We made a house for them. Yeah, we got traps. And my wife took them, and, uh, it’s really funny. We caught the biggest one. He’s like a coon, a Maine Coon, you know, those huge Catholic. Yeah.

I saw the picture of him.

Stunningly beautiful. And it’s so funny because they’re feeding him and they’re being nice to give him a house. Everything so nice. And then finally they set a trap out there. He goes into the trap, it catches him. And then they took him to this place that does free neutering. Yeah. And so I wonder what happened. He thought he was getting a free meal and he came back missing body parts, which is hysterically funny. So that’s what they they done now is they’re going to go ahead and they’re going to take care of all the cats in our neighborhood. So we’re taking care of three cats.

So welcome to the club. Yeah. Right. That’s that’s.

Good. I keep telling them literally. We were at Costco last night. My wife bought a bunch of cat food. Yeah. I’m like, why are we buying cat food? We’re not that poor. Yeah, right. And then she’s like, oh, it’s for the neighborhood kids. We buy cat food for the cats, right? Yeah. So.

All right, so, uh, I’m going to give you another easy one. Okay. Uh, I collected comic books from the time I was 18 to the time I was, like, 30, 52, six. Yeah. So, uh, so I have probably 3000 comic books. Okay. In my attic. Uh, of all of those, which are, you know, a lot of different heroes, superheroes. What is dominantly the Spider-Man. Yes. Yes it is. It is Spider-Man. No.

Spider-Man’s your guy.

Yeah. Okay.

Yeah. All right. Hey, I’m two for two.

Two for two. Okay, here’s a harder. Here’s a harder one.

Spider-Man goes wherever.

Yeah, yeah. Close. Um, does whatever a spider can. Okay, whatever. Yeah. Um. Close. Uh, here’s a harder one. Name as many of my four brothers names as you can remember.

Uh, Chucky.

Yes. He’s the number one. Donnie. Donnie. Yes.

Uh. Tommy.

Tommy. Oh, my goodness, I can’t believe you remembered this.


The one who did the artwork for us.


Ringo. He’s the one who did the artwork. The other pastor in Texas. He’s the one I thought you would have gotten because he did all the artwork for us at Christmas two years ago.

Oh, I know his name. Uh uh uh uh. Billy, I can’t believe.

I can’t believe you.

Timmy, I can’t.

I don’t know, I honestly am so impressed. It’s Jimmy. Jimmy.

Oh, I would have gotten there.

Yeah, yeah, I’m really impressed.

Oh, Jimmy. I’m sorry. I am so sorry.

I award you a thousand points.


Okay, and then how about this one? Um, so I mentioned to everybody that our family owned a bar growing up. So the question is, who actually owned the bar?

Your grandfather.

Yes. Yeah. Yes. It was my grandfather who owned the bar, and he owned a bar and then a liquor drive through, and then, uh, like a catering place. And it was all like one big property. Yeah. And he named the drive through after my mom. And so it was Gina’s drive through. Yeah. So there you go. Yeah. And that one. And then. And then finally, here’s the last one. And if you get this one, you’ll be five for five, in my opinion. Um, what is my favorite absolute favorite kind of food?

Ice cream.

But okay, I’m going to give you a pass on that. I’m not talking about dessert. I’m talking about like, if we’re going to say, let’s go out, let’s go out to eat.

Oh, oh, oh, um, well.

Favorite kind of food?

Kind of food? Sushi.

Yes, yes.

There you go. It is. Okay.


Good job. So I was still thinking Youngstown. And I was thinking about that ice cream that you like so much. Yeah.

Handles. Yeah. Handles.

Yeah. So, uh, there was a place I got ice cream at a handles in Huntington Beach, California.

Was it blue and white?

It was all. Yeah, yeah, it was blue and white handles. That’s it. That was last, uh, a couple weeks ago. Yeah. And, uh, they had butter pecan. Did you get it? I did not. Well, you know, it’s like one of the top.

Top ten flavors in the world is handles butter pecan.

Yeah, yeah, that’s what I heard.

Yeah, but you didn’t get it.

Yeah. I’m not a butter pecan guy. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but there’s the handles and Huntington Beach. Yeah.

Well, uh, so, so handles started in Youngstown, Ohio. Became one of the best ice cream places recognized in the United States. And then, uh, never really had any, um, any, any places outside of Youngstown. But then one guy moved to Naples, Florida and said, can I do a franchise? And he approached them and they actually that was a new thought for them. Yeah. So it sounds like what you’re saying is somebody went out, somebody else did something in Huntington Beach, California. Yeah.

It was it was really good. Very silky ice cream. So if you had a choice between handles, butter pecan, uh, and.

Handles butter pecan and your.

Favorite sushi roll. Which would you get?

Well, I mean, that’s like apples and kangaroos. I mean, like, I can’t.

Only if you only take one bite, what would you take the bite of?

Um. Probably. Sushi.

Yeah. Really? Wow. Wow. So it’s like. And what’s your favorite, favorite sushi roll?

Uh, rainbow roll.

A rainbow roll. Really? Really? Yeah. Why?

Because it’s variety. It’s variety. Packed in one roll. Yeah. Okay. It’s a California roll laid over top of it. Different varieties of both. Salmon. Tuna. Avocado. Shrimp. Yellowtail.

So describe a California roll for the people who don’t know. So if you’re not a sushi eater. Yeah. And you go out with somebody who wants sushi, eat a California roll because there’s no raw.

This is a long segment, but but I will. It is imitation crab meat. Uh huh. Uh, wrapped up with probably some mayo. And then they roll it in.

Seaweed like an aioli kind of a thing.

Yeah. And then they, they pack it, they roll it in seaweed, and then there’s like a sticky rice that goes around it. And then they put, uh, sesame seeds. They’ll be cucumber on top of it. Yeah, yeah. That’s right, that’s right. Cucumber and.

Cucumber and crab.

Cucumber and crab.

Yeah. With that like a little sauce. Yeah. It’s really good. So that’s the one if you, if you ever have to go out for sushi and don’t know what to get, go ahead and just get California roll. You’re not eating any raw fish and just keep dipping it in the soy sauce. And it’s a conveyance for salty goodness. Yeah. That’s right. There you go. Okay. It is. So I learned that a long time ago.

All right. Well let’s move on. Wow. Scripture of Luke 17.


Man, I feel great about that passage, that that whole segment there. I nailed it. So the good news is we only have ten verses today, but man, they’re power packed. So here we go. Luke chapter 17 one through ten. It says, one day Jesus said to the disciples, there will always be temptations to sin. But what sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting? It would be better to be thrown into the sea with a millstone hung around your neck, than to cause one of these little ones to fall into sin. So watch yourselves. If another believer sins, rebuke that person, and then if there’s repentance, forgive. Even if that person wrongs you seven times a day, and each time turns again and asks for forgiveness, you must forgive. The apostle said to the Lord, show us how to increase our faith. Lord said, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, May you be uprooted and thrown into the sea and would obey you. When a servant comes in from plowing or taking care of sheep, does his master say, come in and eat with me? No, he says, prepare my meal, put on your apron and serve me while I eat, and then you can eat later. And does the master thank the servant for doing what he’s told to do? Of course not. In the same way, when you obey me, you should say we are unworthy servants who have simply done our duty.

Wow. So there’s a couple of things in here.

There’s a bunch of them.

Yeah, yeah. So, uh, let me let me tackle this one first. Go. Um, and I’m, I’m sort of skipping over the forgiveness part because that’s probably the bigger topic. Right. Uh, but he says if you’ve had if you had faith, uh, even as small as a mustard seed, which is, of course, the smallest of seeds, then you can say to a tree, hey, uh, you know, come out of the ground and throw yourself into the sea, and it would be done. So I’ve heard a lot of people talk about this in different ways. Uh, some people would say he’s talking about true faith, uh, is pure as the faith, perhaps that Jesus would even have himself. Right. He’s talking about pure faith, and he’s really only talking to his disciples to to the 12. In other words, like, he’s not saying that that power is given to you. I’ve heard that. Uh huh, uh. Then I’ve heard people say, no, no, no, no, this is a this is an application for everybody. Every Christian today who has the Holy Spirit can can have this type of power. But then if that’s the application, the illustration is such that it makes it sound like as long as I take care of my faith and I have absolutely true faith, I could Luke Skywalker that X-Wing right out of the, uh, right out of the Dagobah Bay. Yeah. Yeah. Right. So, so, uh, so what’s your response to that?

I think it’s that. Yeah, I think it’s that power is available to everybody. But I think that the faith as a mustard seed. Mustard seeds. Are living, right? So they’re not dead. They’re living. And so when you plant a mustard seed, it grows, it puts down roots. It’s all happening underground. And then gradually this little tiny seed turns into a tree. Right. And it’s over time. So if you’re saying instant faith, I apply my faith and instantly get what I want out of it. Okay, um, maybe that’s not what he’s talking about. I think he’s talking about this. This what starts off as small becomes very substantive, begins to take over and becomes something far greater than what it started off as. And I think that then it’s in that context that what started small becomes great, becomes very powerful and strong. Then. Yeah, then anything is possible. Yeah.

And I agree, I agree, I think that I think that it’s applied to all of us. Um, and then then he’s talking about forgiveness and that’s a big topic. Right. Forgiveness. So in 2024, just just so you know, by the time this podcast airs, we will probably be right at that second week in 2024, which is titled why should I forgive.

Yeah. Yeah. Well that’s coming up. Yeah. It’s coming up this coming weekend then for us because this will be playing in the first week.

Oh yeah. Well hey. Yeah. Well we never do this. I mean, almost hardly ever. But, hey, if you want to, if you’re interested in that, go to Heritage Church. Com and click on Watch Now. And you could live stream at either 830. Yeah on Sunday 830, 10:00, 1130 or 1:00. We have four services and eastern time. And that is Jeff will be speaking that you’re speaking the first two weeks, by the way, 2024. So you’ll be covering that. So let’s talk about forgiveness for a few minutes.


So he says every time a person comes to you even if they wrong you seven times a day, if they come again and ask for forgiveness, you must forgive, right? How crazy is that? Yeah. It’s hard. Doesn’t that seem like you’re welcoming abuse in your life? Yeah. And so that’s, you know, that’s a that’s a fine line right. Yeah.

So it’s not he is not saying you have to allow abusive people in your life. Right. But if you have an abusive person you can’t get away from you keep forgiving. So he’s not demanding that we always allow abuse in our life, right? That that is not what he’s saying there. And I think if you put that, if you try to superimpose this idea that we permit abuse, um, that’s not exactly what Jesus is saying.

Because because this principle does apply with, in other words, like, hey, it is a it is a right and biblical thing to forgive somebody and get away from them. Right, right, right. So if you’re in a physically abusive situation, uh, the number one thing is get safe, right? Get away. Get safe. Right. And then. But the command still is to forgive, as hard as that is. Right. Right. Because forgiving atrocities, uh, you know, uh, did you ever see those YouTube clips or maybe a TikTok clip where, uh, you know, uh, there’s a prison sentence and you have a family forgiving the murderer of their child? Yeah, right. And they’re Christians, or most likely they’re Christians. Uh, because that’s the kind of love that Jesus teaches. And it models for us this unbelievable forgiveness of, like, how could you forgive somebody who took your child’s life, uh, or anything like that, you know, physically abusive or, or other atrocities? Uh, it’s hard. It’s really, really, really difficult. Right?

So in this, I think you have to look at one. It’s a believer. Yep. Right. That that’s very significant. Then the idea of a believer.

Because it says if another believer sins. Right.

So they’re wronging you. It doesn’t say they’re abusing you, right? So a believer maybe might slip up with their words and gossip about you. Mhm. A believer might be sassy to you. Yeah. A believer might, um, uh, witch a little too prideful and push themselves in front of you in line, which.

Is a form of abuse if they keep doing it. Sure.

But what it’s not saying is somebody who’s acting like an unbeliever, right? Killing you, you know, they kill you. You can’t forgive them seven times today, right? Because they can’t kill you seven times a.

Day, right?

Right, right. They’re not raping you here, right? They’re not, uh, beating you seven times today, right? Right. So, so those kinds of things, almost always, if you read the lists of sins in the New Testament, usually those kind of violent things, those kind of attacking kind of things are never associated with Christian behavior. Right? So he’s talking to about believers in everyday life. A believer offends you. You forgive them if they offend you seven times a day.

That’s great. That’s great.

Insight. Does that make sense? That’s really good, because think of the list that Paul gives of the violent, the angry, the the, the adulterous, the right, the murderous. Those are sins that are not attributed to the way Christians would behave. Right? So this one, it’s believers wronging you not assaulting you. Right. There’s a big difference between those two things. Yeah. So then if you have somebody who’s sassy or you know, that person that just gets under your skin, forgive them. Forgive them, right? Forgive them, forgive them, look past it. Find another way because you’ve been forgiven.

Yeah, well, the funny thing is this. The ironic thing about this whole conversation since it started, is when I originally said, uh, it seems like you’re welcoming abuse. Yeah. I was literally meaning exactly what you just said, which is like, uh, somebody is mean to me, and I forgive them. And then I’m their friend again, and then they’re incredibly mean again. Right? Right. And then you do that seven times a day for a month, and it’s like, why would I welcome this abuse in my life? That’s what I was really meaning. Yeah. So, uh, but.

I would say this is a believer you can’t get away from for some reason.

Yeah. Right.

Because a coworker, for instance. Yeah. Well, at that point, the only way that you’re going to. Because remember, forgiveness is for you, not for them, right? So when you’re going, Chris is just a just being a jerk. But you know what? I’m not going to let that ruin my day to day. And then you’re a jerk 15 minutes from now. And I’m like, I’m not gonna let that ruin my day to day, right? Right. He’s not controlling my day.

And what you just said, by the way, packs a punch because, uh, don’t let’s not assume that all of our listeners understand that. And even if they do understand it, they need to be reminded that forgiveness is for the person forgiving, right? Not for those who need to be forgiven. Right. Because, you know, so I teach divorce recovery, uh, uh, used to teach it way more often than I do now, but but back in my old church, I mean, I taught at 2 or 3 times a year for 20 years in a row. And every time that I talk about forgiveness, um, you know, we. That’s a revolutionary thought, right? Right. Because when we’re mad at somebody, we feel like we’re punishing them. Right? But the reality is that person probably could care less, right? Right. So we walk around with this bitterness and hatred and anger and we and it eats us up inside. And we feel like, man, I’m not releasing them. They don’t deserve forgiveness, right? They I’m not giving it to them because they don’t deserve it. And then when you look at the teachings of Jesus, Jesus would say, well, wait a minute. The forgiveness has nothing to do with them, right? Forgiveness is required because it has everything to do with you, right? Because you’re the one suffering, right?

And it doesn’t say, just take it. If another believer sins, rebuke that person. That’s right. Call you out, right? I’m not going to just take it. Hey, that was wrong. You can’t do that. You can’t treat me that way. I’m not going now. And then you go, oh, Jeff. Dude, I am so sorry. You’re right. That was wrong. Would you forgive me? So then, if there is repentance, forgive.

Yeah, right. If there’s.

Repentance. So I rebuke. Dude, you can’t treat me that way. That’s not okay. So there’s a confrontation here, you miss. So let me turn it around so that I’m the one that’s abusing you. Right? So. So I’m abusing you, and you go. I’m done with that. You cannot treat me this way, Jeff. That’s wrong. And then I go, oh, you’re right. That is wrong. Dude. I’m sorry. That was a sin. I’m sorry. Would you forgive me? At that point, I’m demonstrating a certain amount of acknowledgment that what I did was wrong, and I’m changing my mind about my behavior. Right then you forgive, which is what.

The word repent means.

Right? Then I do that seven times today. You confront me seven times today, and seven times I acknowledge that what I did was wrong. Then you forgive me. So it doesn’t expect me to forgive. In this instance. He’s not demanding that I. I just extend forgiveness without repentance. Right. Which, by the way, God doesn’t forgive you without repentance. Right? And so God is not asking us just to walk around like meek sheep and being bullied by wolves all the time and just accept it. Just take it. Right. Thank you sir. May I have another right instead? It’s a. You rebuke them. If they repent, then you forgive. Even if they do it seven times today and they repent all seven times. You forgive all seven times. Yeah, right. So there’s a two way going there. It’s not a one way.

Right. And and by the way, that word rebuke, it doesn’t have to be a harsh rebuke. Although it can be. Yeah. It might need to be. It might need to be.

By the seventh time. Right.

The seventh time. Yeah. I would imagine that it could be a harsh one if it’s the same thing, the same.

If we get the seven times in the same thing, you’re going to have to forgive me because I beat you down, right?

Yeah because I’m not as good a Christian as that.

Yeah, well, by the way, uh, you and I shot a video. We were. We did a video project, and they wanted us to fight. Yeah, yeah yeah yeah, yeah. Oh, goodness. And they wanted us to pretend to have, like, an altercation, right? Yeah. Where we kind of bumped each other and we were like, hey, man, let’s go. And, uh. And so I tried to push you, and I went boom. And I pushed you as hard as I could, and you didn’t even move. And then you. And then you pushed me and you.

I flew back, I felt so bad.

I flew back into the staff, who, by the way, a booth, a booth.

They were sitting down, like, at a dinner booth or whatever.

And I shoved you. You just flew back into that, and.

And they were all watching, which means you pushed me down in front of the entire staff, and you’re like. And everybody was like, oh my goodness. So I think if there’s ever going to be a physical fight, I think I got my money on Jeff.

It’s so bad. Chris
It’s like it’s like, yeah, as long as as long as I uh.

Well, the first time we bumped and the director went, no, no, no, no, you guys got to really lean into it, make.

It look real. So then you shove me, and then I just right in the middle of your chest, just kind of shoved you so hard. Yeah, I felt so bad.

You got. And then you go.

Like, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.

You’re like. You’re like, I didn’t realize you just fly.

It’s like feet off the ground flying. It’s really funny. Yeah.

So, uh, so, anyway, uh, you know, Lewis Smedes, uh, has a thing that I always quote when I preach on forgiveness, and it says I forgave to set a prisoner free, only to realize the prisoner was me.

Yeah. That’s huge.

Right. And so it’s like. It’s like, that’s really the big, uh, realization about forgiveness is that we think it’s for the other person. But Jesus says, no, it’s for you. Yeah. And so I think it’s because Jesus wants us to walk around free of anger and bitterness. And, uh, and by the way, that also, if you want to flip, flip the coin and talk about the same coin from a different perspective, that also goes with forgiving yourself as well. Yeah. So a lot of us have a hard time knowing that, hey, God forgives me for my atrocities, but I have a hard time forgiving myself because I really, truly feel bad and I have done these things. I acknowledge how wrong there. But God, God doesn’t want us to live in the guilt. Yeah, as long as there’s true repentance.

If you truly repented, which repentance at its core means to change your mind, change your direction, right, and go from your way to God’s way. Yeah.

And of course, you know, God encourages us to make amends. Yeah. So we offer our apologies to everybody. We try to make things right. We even try to make restitution. Right. So all those things are in place. But forgiving ourself is just as important. So if God has chosen to forget your sins for you know, you know. So he says, I bury your sins in the sea, and I choose to remember them no more, right? So, so by the way, God, it’s not like God can’t remember your sins. God chooses to wipe your slate clean, right? He chooses to treat you with grace. And the definition of grace is the unmerited favor of God, which means he chooses to view you and love you and treat you as if you have never, ever sinned, right? So if God has forgotten your sin, then we need to forget our sins. Yeah, right. Although it’s hard to forget. But. But we can forgive ourselves.

And then the other thing that we didn’t hardly cover here, and we don’t really have a ton of time, is there’s always going to be temptations. So it turns out it’s not a sin to tempt, to be tempted, right? But it is a sin to provide temptation for others. Mhm.

Right. Oh yeah. The mill around the neck thing we didn’t even talk about.

There will always be temptations to sin. He says. It’s not, it’s not a, a sin to be tempted. Right, right. Um, but he says what sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting. So we have to be, you know, considering of that, you know, what do we what do we provide for others? Or, you know, something that’s not a temptation for you, but that you’re making it available to others and they wind up getting into that, or.

You’re in sin and you’re dragging somebody down. Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, yeah. I had a friend who, um, a Christian couple that, uh, they became Christians and they came from really rough background, and they, they, they this verse convinced them that they should sell their bar. Right. So he said, oh, man, I don’t remember the last time I drank until I was drunk. Mhm. But he said every night I have to throw somebody out. Right. So I’m making it possible for them right. Yeah.

He’s a part, he’s a part of that. And so God.

Used that verse to get his attention. That’s why we don’t serve alcohol in our small groups for instance. Right. Same thing. All those kinds of things. So uh, it, it is fair for a mature Christian because he says, um, be careful to, not to cause one of these little ones to fall. So he’s talking about immature Christians. So it’s important for mature Christians, the more you become mature spiritually, the more you’re thinking about your actions having a derogatory, potential, derogatory impact on somebody who’s not as mature spiritually or prepared. Right? Yeah. And so that would be it.

Well, that looks like a great place to end. And that’s our time. So we will see you next time on The Bible Guys.