Entering the Kingdom – Episode #318

Published: December 13, 2023


You’re listening to The Bible Guys, a podcast where a couple of friends talk about the Bible in fun and practical ways.

Hey, Chris.

Hey, Jeff. What are you doing? Uh, well, I am about to do a segment called the Social Media Minute, a segment.

It’s a what? What is this thing that we’re doing?

This is a podcast.

Podcast. And why do we do it?

We do it because we want to. Okay.

Yeah, yeah. And we’re hoping that what.

The people will listen. Oh.

So we do it for our listeners.


There you go.

Thanks, Jeff, for walking me through that.

So so that’s kind of cool because it turns out people listen.

Well some do.

Yeah. Yeah.

But we always want more people to listen. Yeah, yeah. So share and like although what we’re going to say that later. Yeah. Yeah.

So it’s amazing to me that people listen, you know, and share it with your friends and family. Uh, invite others, tell other people all that kind of stuff. Um, but it’s really a humbling thing when people let us know that they’re listening.

Yeah, it’s actually.

Such a cool thing.

To be honest with you, in recent years, it’s one of the coolest things for people to say, hey, I really and it’s not just like, hey, I’ve heard your little podcast, The Bible Buddies, right? It’s more it’s more like, it’s more like, hey, I really appreciate this. For this reason. It gets me through the day, it gets me through the week kind of a thing. Or wow, that was so encouraging. Whatever it is. And that that is, that’s been one of the really cool things in the recent years. I really do.

Believe that’s awesome.

So, hey, uh, so social media minutes means that we’re actually looking at, uh, actually, I’ve not read any of these. Have you? Uh, no. So Desiree has gathered, uh, three comments, uh, that people write in. So we would love, by the way, for you to write in at info at the babble, guys. Com and, uh, we would love for you to email us or, uh, perhaps respond on YouTube or comment or whatever it is. Yeah. Uh, just to write us, you know, write write us your feedback.

Super cool. So Dean H said, thank you so much for this episode. You guys were talking directly to me and I felt for a long time, I may have rejected the Holy Spirit. I really needed this. I remember when we talked about that, that Jesus said the sin, the unpardonable sin, unpardonable sin is rejecting the Holy Spirit. And we talked about, as long as you’re still breathing breath and have the ability to turn back to Christ, then yeah, you haven’t rejected the work of the Holy Spirit.

That’s unbelievable.

Thanks, Dean.

I’m glad. Dean. All right, well then, this one here is a longer comment. And it’s from Robert S I’ve not read this yet, so I’m going to read it to you. It says, okay. I started listening on Apple Podcasts to you guys this year while working out at the gym. Great lessons. Really enjoyed staying in God’s Word with you guys. I had in mind a virtual visual of you two characters. Then one day I recently logged into your YouTube channel. Oops, I actually saw you both. That totally blew my imagined heroic image that I developed. Some things are better left on podcasts. Just joking. Like you guys keep up the Lord’s work that is great. Robert S now is this the guy that listens at three in the morning like listens?

No, no, no, I don’t think so. That’s a different guy. That’s a different one. Yeah.

But dude that is.

Totally let him down.

Didn’t we. Which by.

The way totally bummed.

Him out, which we’ve all done this. Oh yeah. Yeah, we heard voices and we tried to radio voices.

And then when you see the person, you go, that doesn’t look anything like the person, right?

Right. That is so funny. And he says he goes, we.

Totally disappointed him.

We blew. He goes, he goes.

That totally blew my imagine heroic.

Image I.

Had developed.

It’s so funny. Well, thanks.

Thanks for pulling me down, Chris.

Wow. Heroic image. Uh huh. I just the fact that. Listen. Hey, I don’t take this as an insult. I take it as the fact that the fact that anybody thought of anything heroic. Yeah, is an awesome compliment.

Yeah. Our voices were great. But, you know, what we should do is kill the YouTube channel. That’s what we should do.

We should just.

Just remain heroic, right?

Or like Milli Vanilli, the thing and hire, like, two models.

Yeah. If we could get, like, I. Characters of you and me.

Yes. Like you could.

Look just like Zac Efron and, uh, you know.

That’d be, like, super cool. You could look like the rock.

Like the rock?


And then we’d just be sitting here and I would talk for us. That’s what we need to do. Hey, Desiree, work on that for us. Yeah, that’d be great. It’d be super cool. Okay. And that way we can maintain the charade.

That’s so funny, Robert. Okay.

And, uh, number three is, uh, good episode. Guys. I dealt with the airport TSA myself today. Jeff, watching from Colorado Springs right now. Uh, no day is complete without the Bible, guys. Oh.

That’s Bill, and that’s Bill F.

Yeah, yeah. So, Bill, I’m sorry you had to deal with the TSA.

Yeah, but.

But but like like that right there. No day is complete without the Bible guys. So so my wife is my wife. But but I’m also her pastor, right. So I’m her husband and I’m her friend and all these different things. But but I’m also her pastor. And so every once in a while, I really forget that, right? Yeah, actually, most of the time I sort of forget that. Right. And so, uh, in the morning and she’s listening right now, she never misses an episode, but, uh, but in the morning she’ll play it while she’s getting ready and. She’ll watch it and she’ll get ready. And, uh, and she made a comment to me a few weeks back and she said, you know, I don’t know what I would do if you guys ever stopped doing this. Oh, wow. And and I just remember thinking like, wow, that that’s actually a pretty big statement, right? Right. Yeah. Just just which is sort of like what.

I would do if you guys stopped.


Maybe something more fruitful.

He’s he’s saying more beneficial.

He’s saying no day is completely out the Bible guys. Yeah. So I just I just want to say thank you to Bill for saying that and for my wife for listening. Love you.

Liz. Yeah that’s.

Awesome. We have so many people who say stuff like that. It’s it’s what keeps us going, to be honest with you. Yeah, it’s a lot. Sure. Uh, I mentioned I think yesterday we’re close to 500 episodes total. So remember, for those of you who just started listening, uh, we started off with a different podcast called HC daily. It was just for Heritage Church, right? Right, right, right. Uh, the church that we both pastor at, and, uh, we did like 175 episodes with that. And then we realized, man, people are listening from all around the world. It shouldn’t just be a heritage thing. And so then we we started this new podcast, The Bible Guys, and we’re over 300 episodes now, the Bible guys. And so we’ve done a bunch of these things together. And it’s amazing to me how many people go back and find all the old podcasts and yeah, yeah, listen and binge listen, you know? And so it’s so cool. So thank you guys. And, uh, hey, uh, who was that that just said that? They said, Bill, pray for me, man. Uh, I have to go to Kathmandu, Nepal, uh, uh, on Friday. So just a couple days from now and I’m going to go through, I think, six airports or seven airports. So it’s a lot, a lot of TSA.

Nepal traveling to Nepal is no joke.

Oh, it takes so long to get.

It is no joke, dude. It’s the other end of the world.

We’re flying, uh, in Nepal, which the Nepali airlines are not, you know, known for. Great. Uh.

By the way, I’ve never been to Nepal. No, I’m talking like I’ve been there, but I’ve been to India, which is right on the border.

Yeah, yeah, south of Nepal.

Yeah. So it would have just been one more leg for me, right? Yeah, yeah. But, uh, but getting to India was brutal.

There are no European or American airlines that will fly into the airport in Nepal because they don’t trust the the work in Nepal at the airports. Right. So I think we’re flying in one of the Middle Eastern airlines. But yeah, it’s crazy. So anyways, pray for me because I’ve got like 6 or 10 TSA things in the next couple days. And I’ve already confessed that that’s not usually my the best version of Jeff. So, uh, to go back to Robert’s thing, you want me to really ruin the the heroic image of me, follow me through TSA sometimes, right?


It’s terrible. Okay, well, here we go. Um, we are talking today about how Jesus teaches about entering the kingdom, and that’s going to be in Luke chapter 13, verses 22 through 30. Hey guys, before we get to the Bible reading part of the conversation today, would you do us a favor? If you’re watching on YouTube, would you subscribe on YouTube? Follow us on YouTube. It helps us so much when you do it and then give us a thumbs up. If you have a thumbs down, then I’m not talking to you. Forget about it. But, uh, give us a thumbs up if you like it. Leave a comment and all those things help the algorithms get the message out further. Thanks so much. So let’s start verse 22. It says Jesus went through the towns and villages teaching as he went, always pressing on toward Jerusalem. I love that phrase. Mhm. Right, right.

Because he has a mission.

He’s on mission man. Always pressing on. He’s not just wandering around, always pressing on toward Jerusalem.

It’s that thing we talked about yesterday willingly give my life. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Which means he knows what’s coming. Yep. And he didn’t just end up in Jerusalem. Oh no. I finally got captured. Yeah.

Right, right. He was always going to.

He’s always.

Making. He was going.

To Jerusalem from birth. From Christmas. Yeah. That’s right. From the first Christmas he was heading towards, he was born to die. Uh, so always pressing on toward Jerusalem. Verse 23 says, someone asked him, Lord, will only a few be saved? And he replied, work hard to enter the narrow door to God’s kingdom. For many will try to enter, but will fail. When the master of the house has locked the door, it will be too late. You’ll stand outside, knocking and pleading, Lord, open the door for us. But he will reply, I don’t know you or where you come from. Then you will say, but we ate and drank with you, and you taught in our streets. And he will reply, I tell you, I don’t know you or where you come from. Get away from me! All you who do evil. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, for you will see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the prophets in the kingdom of God. But you will be thrown out, and people will come from all over the world, from east and west, north and south, to take their places in the kingdom of God. And note this some who seem least important now will be the greatest then, and some who are the greatest now will be the least important then.

Yeah. So this is actually a tough passage. Yeah. You know, so so it talks about uh, on the surface, it seems like you have to earn your way to heaven. Huh? So he says, work hard to enter the narrow door to God’s kingdom that implies. As it seems like on the surface that you have to continually strive and you may or may not enter, right? And then when you die, you think you’re in, but you’re not in. And what you do is you stand in front of God and you say, hey, I’m in. And he says, no, I don’t know, I don’t know you. Uh, and but and then you will say, but we ate and drank with you, and you taught in the streets. And he will reply, I tell you, I don’t know you or where you come from. Get away from me! All you who do evil. There’ll be weeping and gnashing of teeth. So this is one of those passages where, uh, remember, uh, yesterday on the podcast, you talked about how God never lets us go from his grasp, right? Right, right. So when you try to measure all the different scriptures that talk about salvation, right? So it’s like it’s like because, because, uh, after all, we’ve said this before, the Bible is its own best commentary, right, right. So if you’re going to consider this passage leaning toward because, again, it’s not a direct, uh, it’s a, it’s a, it’s a, it’s a sort of like a I don’t want to say metaphor, but it’s sort of like a comparison. Right? He’s saying like, work hard to enter into the gate. Well, you know, I know there’s gates to heaven, but he’s literally not talking about, you know, the pearly gates, right? Chris
He’s talking about just this, this word picture. Right, right. And so and so it’s not necessarily like him saying like, hey, I’m telling you right now, you have to earn your salvation. He doesn’t say that. No. He says work hard to get into the kingdom of heaven. So I think what we have to do is we have to, uh, we have to understand that it was more difficult for some people to believe in Jesus, to give up what they had to give up. Right. So, so for some people, you know, their life’s going great. And, and and they have a they’re having a ball. And God would say, trust me as Lord, but you have to give up your love of money or whatever it is, or your selfish desires. I mean, I, I don’t know about you, but 30 years of ministry. I’m sure you’ve seen people, once they get saved, they have to quit their job that they’re doing right, right. Because they’re not doing jobs that are great. Right? So what I’m saying, right. Right, right. So what they do is they realize I can’t continue to even work, uh, you know, and then there are people who, when they accept Christ, they have to make a decision about maybe possibly disowning, getting disowned by their family.

Yeah. Yeah.

Right. Yeah. So there’s a cost, some some it’ll cost great things. And then for some people it won’t necessarily cost them great things, but they’re just unwilling to, uh, to go through whatever they have to go through to accept the fact that Jesus is Lord. So I think personally, uh, the only thing that makes sense when you compare every single verse about getting into heaven, everything about salvation, I think that the only thing that makes any sense is that Jesus is saying, work hard to this particular group of people, because he knew how difficult it was for them to be able to give up everything they had and accept Jesus as Lord. Yeah, yeah.

To be consistent with Ephesians two, right. Ephesians two eight and nine, uh, verse nine says, salvation is not a reward for the good things we’ve done. Yeah. Pretty clear so that none of us can boast. But that’s pretty clear.

Yeah. Pretty clear.

So salvation is not a reward for working hard.

That’s right.

Right. So what is he talking about here? Remember earlier, uh, a couple days ago, we were talking about how Jesus said I’m the gate to the to the fold. You have to come only through me. That’s right. Uh, Jesus says, uh uh, and we’re going to read pretty soon. In John chapter 14, Jesus says, I’m the way no one gets to the father except through me. Right? So in this one he’s talking about, it’s a narrow gate. Isn’t that what he says? Yep. Right.

The narrow door of God’s kingdom.

He says, walk through the narrow door.

And this is the.

NLT version.

In the NLT. It’s the narrow door in the in the the NIV, it says the narrow gate. Yeah. Um, but King James the narrow gate. So if you look at the different translations of this, what what is translated here is work hard. King James says strive. To get to the narrow gate.

That’s right.

Right. The NIV. Uh, what is the NIV says? Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.


So the make every effort to enter through the narrow door. Who’s the door?


Jesus. So the door is not good works. Right. So it’s not the effort that gets me in.

It takes effort to get there.

You have to get to the door. And what he’s saying here is he’s differentiating. There’s all kinds of ways. Have you ever heard somebody say, oh, I think all religions have value. They all point us to God.

Yeah, they believe that all religions.

So there’s lots of.

Doors, right?

Right. And he said, dude, you have to sort out what’s the door, right? And Jesus said, I’m the only door.


Right. That’s what he’s saying. That’s the work. The work is not good deeds. Like we have to do enough good things to get in. The work is sorting out what is the true door. Where is the narrow gate that gets me to God? Because lots of people say I was very religious, I had faith, I had my crystals, I did my incantations, I sat in the temples, I did the Buddhist thing, I did the Hindu thing, I did the Muslim thing, I did the. And there’s all these ways to God. And he’s like, no, you have to do the work to sort it out, because there’s only one gate that gets you to God. That’s what he’s talking about. Yeah. So he’s not talking about working to get to heaven. He’s saying, you got to work to find the gate, right? And that’s it. And the gate is. Jesus. He’s already said that.

Yeah. So when I before, I can’t move to Michigan. I lived in Atlanta for ten and a half years, and my last year that I was in Atlanta, I would drive up to Alpharetta, which was like a 45 minute drive to go to church, and I actually sat under Andy Stanley, uh, Andy Stanley’s teaching and North Point Church in Alpharetta. And he’s been getting some heat lately in the press and all these kind of things. Uh, but I still believe that he is, uh, probably the one person who’s produced, uh, the richest content that, uh, one of one of the ones. Right. For me.

He’s your favorite.

Uh, yeah. And so, uh, he actually, I remember him talking about this idea that not all religions get to heaven. Uh, you know, people think Christians narrow minded. Even Jesus himself says I’m the gate, and it’s a narrow one at that. Right. And John 14 six, which we already quoted, he says, I am the way, the truth and the life, and no one gets to the father except through me. And somebody might say, well, that’s a narrow minded view. How can you have such a narrow minded view? To believe that every person across the world has to go through Jesus in order to get to God? Doesn’t that seem narrow minded or, uh, exclusive? And basically what he said was he made three statements and he said, if you think about it, Christianity is the most fair and the most, uh, open invitation religion, uh, that exists in the world for these three reasons. Number one, he says, everyone, uh, gets into heaven in the same way. And that’s not true in every religion, right? And every other religion you have to measure like what’s good enough, what’s bad enough based on what I do. Right? Jesus is saying, no, no, everybody gets in the same way. Number two, everyone’s invited. And that’s also not true for all world religions, right? Right. Everybody’s invited. So if everyone gets in the same way and everyone’s invited, and then good goodness gracious, what is the third one? Uh, everyone is qualified or everyone, um.

Qualifies for the.

Invitation. Yeah. Everyone meets the requirements. That’s what it is. Everyone meets the requirements. And the reason why is because you’re not the one that has to put forth any type of effort. Jesus Christ died for you. So? So the only requirement that you have to have is to.

Go through Jesus.

To go through Jesus. Yeah, yeah. So, so so everybody is able to get in, everybody’s invited and everybody gets in the same way. Right? And in Christianity is the only world religion that is able to say that about every single human on the face of the planet. Right. And when I heard that, I actually thought to myself, that is unbelievably true. And so while on the surface it may seem like Jesus, Jesus’s invitation seems narrow, it’s actually the most inclusive invitation that exists in the history of the world.

So when Jesus tells us that he’s the only way and that you have to work hard, uh, to find the way, what he’s saying is before you come to faith, this isn’t after you come to faith. This isn’t how you come to faith. This is before you come to faith. Uh, a lot of people aren’t doing any work at all. They’re just living life. They’re not looking for a god. They’re not looking for salvation. They’re not looking for. And so it does take a certain amount of mental focus and a certain amount of diligence to sort it out. Hey, is there life after death asking yourself the hard questions? A lot of people won’t ask the hard questions. They reject hard questions about life after death. Is there more than this? And am I just a bag of meat and water that has electrical impulses? That has a few thoughts and a few, you know, instincts? Um, or am I more? Am I a spirit? May a soul do I have something that lives beyond this time. You start having to sort that through. There’s some some work to that. A lot of people, they just want to, you know, uh, run their shop or or build their cars or sell their stuff and, and go on their boat on the weekend and just leave me alone, go golfing. I don’t want to think about it.


Be happy. Right.

Enjoy your life and be happy.

Jesus is challenging people here, you know, think. Open your mind. There’s a certain amount of diligence in sorting this out. And then as you begin to sort it out, he believes through, you know, the argument that he had yesterday with, uh, the religious leaders going, everything about my life is consistent, that what I’m claiming I am is who I am. Right? And so I think you have to sort out is Jesus really who he claimed to be? If not, go find a good religion. If he is, there is no other religion, right? Right. There’s no other way that will get you to God, because Jesus has such an emphatic statement that he is the only way and he here he says, I’m the narrow gate. And so what you’ll find is there’s going to be this consistent conversation over the next several days, maybe the next couple of weeks, where he’s going to keep making stronger statements. So, you know, he just said I and the father were one. That’s a really strong statement. Yeah. The strongest one he makes right about him being God and having the ability to forgive sins. And then here he, you know, a couple days ago, he goes, I’m the good Shepherd. Follow my voice. Don’t follow. Don’t follow the other shepherds. You know, there’s other shepherds in the valley. He said, don’t follow the other shepherds Valley voices follow mine. Mine will take you where you want to go. I’m here to give you the life you’re really looking for. Then he comes in. He goes, I’m the narrow gate. This. This is what he’s doing. You understand? What he’s doing is he’s taking these people with these general feelings about God, with a general social religion. And he’s beginning to focus. Jeff
He’s trying to get them to focus on if there’s a heaven and if you have a soul and if there’s an eternity. Does it make sense that there’s a lots of ways to go, or that God would show you the way to go? Right. And so what he’s trying to say is God has shown you the way.

Now, I can’t remember chronologically where we’re at, but has Jesus made the statement already because you said it’s the strongest statement he made? And I thought I thought, you’re right. It is. And there’s only one other one I think that’s as strong. Didn’t he say something like before Abraham was I am.

Yeah, we’ve already done that one.

Yeah, yeah. So he’s made that I think that’s I think that’s equal. That’s a strong one for the Jewish people.

You’re right. Not maybe not for Gentiles, because we don’t have such a.

Strong sense of the phrase. I understand.

That’s right. Yeah, yeah.

So that one, the other one is, he says, uh, if you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the.

Father, right?

That’s right. That’s a pretty strong one too. So. So those three I would.

Say would be okay, so, so there’s a few. Yeah.

But those three would be the three.

But you’re right though. But there’s nothing stronger than.

Equality with God is really the thing. Right. Whenever you claim equality with God that’s that’s about as strong as you can possibly get.

In the book of acts, it says there’s no other name under heaven whereby we must be saved, right, right. That, that that’s that’s what Jesus is setting up here, that eventually his apostles unpack later is that there’s no other.

Way, you know.

You know how like, some, uh, I think of movies often because my life seems to be one, one big movie. Um, when I, when I think about when I think about a well written movie, uh, sometimes I think of, like, um, uh, when a director decides to surprise everybody and not make the hero win at the end, it’s never as good as when the hero wins, right? So whenever the hero wins at the end, uh, it makes more money, and people like it more, right? And every once in a while, a director is like, nah, that’s what people want. That’s what they expect. So we’re going to make we’re going to make Neo and The Matrix somebody, somebody that’s not the hero, right? And all of a sudden womp womp. Right. The last two matrices are the worst things in the world. Right. Uh, Game of Thrones is like, hey, we changed directors. We’re going to we’re going to totally pull a left hand turn. And the whole world said that was the worst thing we’ve ever seen, right? It’s just whenever somebody decides to change and make the hero, not the hero. Uh, it’s just not what the world wants. And what’s so interesting is, is I think John Ortberg was the guy who, uh. No, no, no, it was, uh, barbarian way. What’s his name?

Uh, Erwin McManus?


Oh, no. No, that was that was, uh, barbarian way. Who’s the guy that wrote the.

Good gravy. Are you.

Talking about Wild at heart, John.

Eldridge? Yes. Eldridge. Epic.

Yes yes yes yes. Okay.

Well, anyway, it’s.

Scary that I was able to sort through your brain.

And find something. Yeah, yeah, well.

He was talking about. He was just talking about how how, um, how people want the hero, right? And that God placed it in all of us. Yeah.

The God built it into us. That’s why we resonate with those stories. That’s right, that’s right.

Because it’s.

Built into.


Which is why that’s the story of humanity.

Which is why I believe that movies are spiritual because they don’t know that they’re spiritual. They don’t even know it. Right? But they’re tapping into what’s built into them as a director or.

A writer types. Right? Yeah.

And and anyway, so anyway, all that to say this, uh, that’s a long way to say I absolutely resonate. Something comes alive in me in Philippians chapter two when it talks about how Jesus humbled himself, humbled himself, humbled himself, humbled himself, and he goes all the way down to, you know, being obedient even to death. And it says, but then God has given him the name that is above every other name. I hear the dramatic music playing right, right, right. And it says, at the name of Jesus every tongue will confess, every knee will bow, either in this life or the next, that Jesus Christ is Lord and he’s going to he’s he’s given the name above. And it’s just when Jesus is given his due diligence, right? And he’s given his recognition, there’s something in me that says, I love that, and so does everybody else, because God has placed that in us and we want to see Jesus rescue us. And there’s something in everybody that wants to be rescued, whether they know it or not. That’s right, that’s right.

So, uh, that’s a great place to end.

I believe so, too. Right. We’re out of time.

Jesus is the only way. And that’s why the mission that he’s given us to go tell everybody it’s not heaven isn’t for just religious people. Heaven’s for for people who come through Jesus.

That’s right.

So we’ll see you next time on The Bible Guys.